Funeral protesters make their case in and outside Supreme Court


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Apr 22, 2007
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They showed up today with their signs — signs with messages like "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" and "God Hates You." The controversial slogans were part of what brought the infamous Phelps family to the U.S. Supreme Court, and on the day the family appeared inside the courthouse, those signs were on display in front of the building's grand steps.

More than two hours before the proceedings began, about 10 members of the Westboro Baptist Church — followers and family members of Pastor Fred Phelps — lined the sidewalk along One First Street, demonstrating in front of the highest court in the land, much as they do regularly at military funerals and other public events. They say they are expressing their belief that soldiers' deaths are part of America's punishment for its immorality, including tolerance of abortion and homosexuality.

They're often met at those funerals by counterprotesters, and Wednesday morning was no exception.

With temperatures in the 50s, a young man stood wearing only black underwear, sneakers and sunglasses, his lips shivering in the fall chill, waving his own sign: "Fred Phelps wishes he were hot like me!"

"I think it's important to exercise my First Amendment right to stand out here in my underwear," explained Sam Garrett, 18, a freshman at George Washington University, who was there with his friend and boyfriend of one month.

Even with their attention-getting signs, the dueling picketers did not get out of control — no shouting, no chanting. Garrett posed for photos; demonstrators in both camps easily chatted with the press. But the outrageous activity on both sides was perhaps the perfect backdrop to a potentially groundbreaking legal decision about free speech.

Inside, the nine Supreme Court Justices heard the oral arguments for Snyder v. Phelps, a difficult and highly charged case stemming from a Phelps/Westboro protest at the March 2006 funeral of Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder in Westminster, Md. Cpl. Snyder died in Iraq and was not gay, yet Phelps and some of his family members showed up to protest with their signs. They did not violate any local ordinances and stayed a certain distance away.

Albert Snyder, Matthew's father, sued the fundamentalist church for emotional distress, among other things, in the aftermath, raising the question of where to draw the line between free speech and harassment. A jury awarded Snyder $10.9 million in damages, which a judge later reduced to $5 million. But an appeals court overturned the verdict on First Amendment grounds, saying the Phelpses' speech was protected because it wasn't based in fact and was about issues of public concern.

A surprise spectator created a bit of a buzz before the argument began -- retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor was spotted; she was there with some of the alumni from the law school named after her, perched quietly to the side of the bench where she used to sit -- but a sober atmosphere prevailed once the arguments began.

Click image to see photos of military funeral protesters

Even Margie Phelps, daughter of Fred and his lawyer in this case, was soft-spoken and tame before the justices. Behind sleek glasses with thick black rims, she spoke of a "little church" merely wanting to express its views on public issues. (She did sing a hymn with the church group outside afterward — inexplicably to the tune of Ozzy Osbourne's "Crazy Train.")

All the justices save for Clarence Thomas, who hasn't asked a question at oral argument in more than four years, piped into the discussion, often presenting hypothetical situations to the lawyers on both sides, as they tried to derive an opinion about whether or not expressions like the Phelpses' should be allowed under the law.

Justice Samuel Alito offered a scenario where a grandmother raises a boy who becomes a soldier in Iraq and dies there. The grandmother goes alone to visit her grandson's grave, and on her way home she is waiting for a bus and is harassed by someone who says he is glad her grandson died and wished he were there to see it.

"Now, is that protected by the First Amendment?" Alito asked.

Counselor Phelps tried to put that situation under a different legal umbrella, suggesting that the person harassing the grandmother could be considered to be inciting "fighting words." Alito steered her away with help from his colleague Justice Antonin Scalia.

"She's probably not in a position to punch this person in the nose," Alito clarified.

"And she's a Quaker, too," Scalia piped in, prompting laughter in the courtroom.

The lighthearted moment, though, was not reflective of how torn the justices seemed to be over this emotional case. They indicated they were concerned about how far a ruling could go in either direction, silencing too much speech on the one hand or allowing targeted harassment of private people on the other.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, for example, questioned Snyder's lawyer, Sean Summers, about why his client didn't get an injunction to bar the picketers from his son's funeral, since he knew ahead of time that they planned to come, an action that could have prevented Snyder's emotional distress but not prevented the Phelpses overall from expressing their message.

When it was Margie Phelps' turn to speak to the justices, Ginsburg challenged her as well.

"This is a case about exploiting a private family's grief, and the question is: Why should the First Amendment tolerate exploiting this Marine's family?"

After debates between the justices and both lawyers about content and context, Summers explained why he believes the Phelpses' speech falls out of the bounds of First Amendment protection.

"The private, targeted nature of the speech in our judgment is what makes it unprotected," he said in response to a question from Justice Stephen Breyer, who was concerned about the fact that the Phelpses' speech reached Snyder after the funeral in the form of television a broadcast, and a poem of sorts that the Phelpses later published online that named Matthew and said he was "raised for the devil."

Afterward, Albert Snyder greeted the press, wearing a button that with a picture of his son, Matthew, below the words "My Hero." He gave a quiet statement, and Summers took questions. When asked what the hardest legal part of this tricky First Amendment case is, he answered, "The toughest question is always drawing a line in the sand."

Funeral protesters make their case in and outside Supreme Court - Yahoo! News
These people are scary. Talk about the lunatic fringe!
Perhaps they could draft these members into the armed forces. I believe in free speech, but the people that are being honored/remembered at these funerals are the REASON speech remains free. I get pretty fired up at this group's antics. :mad:
Protestors VS Vets

I'm a Navy veteran and agree with Free Speech, but what ever happened to common sense and decency? A family should be able to grieve without having to see this blasphemy. Veterans and their families sacrifice so much. These protests are the same as spitting on the graves of the fallen. Enough is enough.
I'm a Navy veteran and agree with Free Speech, but what ever happened to common sense and decency? A family should be able to grieve without having to see this blasphemy. Veterans and their families sacrifice so much. These protests are the same as spitting on the graves of the fallen. Enough is enough.

Personally, I think this crosses the line from free speech into harassment.
It's because of that wacko group that TCS (Hubby) and I joined the Patriot Guard Riders. We provide escorts and Flag lines to protect the mourners at the funerals of veterans.
It's because of that wacko group that TCS (Hubby) and I joined the Patriot Guard Riders. We provide escorts and Flag lines to protect the mourners at the funerals of veterans.

what do the Patriot Guard Riders and you do to protect the mourners from these hecklers?
Personally, I think this crosses the line from free speech into harassment.

The Supreme Court are trying to decide if the free speech or harassment.
I this is disgusting that theses A** Holes doing this to parents and famies memebers that lost a love one in war! The only reason the funeral protesters have the freedom to do this that our troops that dies in war and put themselves in harm way so we can have free speech! If is was not for brave troops these A** holes would not be able to protest .
I feel that SC would probably side with Fred Phelps and ACLU because of funeral protest is already protected by freedom of speech under US Constitution, even if you consider their protest as harassment.

I do understand about how are you feeling with funeral picketing so I just see funeral picketing as retard and immoral but no way to stop them due being protected by freedom of speech, unless you have push congresspeople to create a new constitutional ban on funeral picketing, along with 3/4 from states.
I feel that SC would probably side with Fred Phelps and ACLU because of funeral protest is already protected by freedom of speech under US Constitution, even if you consider their protest as harassment.

I do understand about how are you feeling with funeral picketing so I just see funeral picketing as retard and immoral but no way to stop them due being protected by freedom of speech, unless you have push congresspeople to create a new constitutional ban on funeral picketing, along with 3/4 from states.

I disagree as I do not think Fred Phelps is exercising his right to free speech, he is bullying people and there a zero tolerance law to this! He is causing people great emotional pain and he need to stopped!
I disagree as I do not think Fred Phelps is exercising his right to free speech, he is bullying people and there a zero tolerance law to this! He is causing people great emotional pain and he need to stopped!

Good luck with Supreme Court.
"Freedom of Speech", huh??....For clods (people) like this...should have their lips super glued..... Bunch of rejects with no conscience....if they ever showed up at one of my relatives' funeral...I'd tar and feather & run their ass out of town! Very sad and unnerving.
"Freedom of Speech", huh??....For clods (people) like this...should have their lips super glued..... Bunch of rejects with no conscience....if they ever showed up at one of my relatives' funeral...I'd tar and feather & run their ass out of town! Very sad and unnerving.

Yes, it is on 1st Amendment so you can't make them to shut up if you don't like about their action on peaceful protest.

Wait and see about what Supreme Court is going say.

There is solution is just ignore them.
"Freedom of Speech", huh??....For clods (people) like this...should have their lips super glued..... Bunch of rejects with no conscience....if they ever showed up at one of my relatives' funeral...I'd tar and feather & run their ass out of town! Very sad and unnerving.

Let me know when you're doing as I would love to help you!!
what do the Patriot Guard Riders and you do to protect the mourners from these hecklers?
The official description:

A. If protestors are in attendance we simply hold our flags with our backs turned to the protestors. We, in no way, engage the protestor either verbally or physically. We may sing, rev our engines or say the Pledge of Allegiance but that is strictly up to the direction of the SC/RC. Take your cues from them.

When we stand in a Flag line where protesters are present, we stand close together and spread the flags out, to make a "wall" to block the view of them. (We use pretty large flags.)

We're never to talk back to the protesters or react to anything they might do to us. That would be disrespectful to the deceased veteran and the mourners.

Even though the Westboro nutcases have protested in the Charleston area several times, they haven't yet protested a funeral here. They protested at a public high school, a church, a synagogue, a yacht club, and some other random spots.
The official description:

A. If protestors are in attendance we simply hold our flags with our backs turned to the protestors. We, in no way, engage the protestor either verbally or physically. We may sing, rev our engines or say the Pledge of Allegiance but that is strictly up to the direction of the SC/RC. Take your cues from them.

When we stand in a Flag line where protesters are present, we stand close together and spread the flags out, to make a "wall" to block the view of them. (We use pretty large flags.)

We're never to talk back to the protesters or react to anything they might do to us. That would be disrespectful to the deceased veteran and the mourners.

Even though the Westboro nutcases have protested in the Charleston area several times, they haven't yet protested a funeral here. They protested at a public high school, a church, a synagogue, a yacht club, and some other random spots.

:ty: I chuckled at the revving part.

I just checked out some youtube videos of Patriot Guard Riders. very commendable! it was like a peaceful "show-of-force" to overwhelm the domestic dissents in a peaceful, respectable way.

this video shows the revving part to drone out their disgusting song at 2:17

this video shows the PGR (Patriot Guard Riders) forming the wall in front of protesters as described by Reba
You go, girl! (Reba).....Rev those pipes!.....It's a sad day when we have to resort to "protection" at a funeral of our loved one!