I don't mean to bring this up, but it was due to my bipolar. I had several depressive episodes and did not eat. My GP and psychiatrist said it was a mixed blessing because while eating wasn't good for me, it did help me go from being a pre-diabetic at 157 down to my current weight of 114.
Having said that, I do eat healthy (with the exception of last week

) and run on my treadmill 7 days/week for an hour per day. I also do not drink alot of caffeine and have protein drinks (like Carnation Instant Breakfast) whenever I don't feel like eating. When I snack, I eat a bowl of Honey Nut CHeerios or plain Cheerios so that helps cut down on my overall intake of food. I need to eliminate sugar from my diet due to my bipolar because it can cause me to become excitable/manic. Sorry to mention that, but it's the truth. I really do need to be careful of that, so it's something I watch out for.
I wish I had some other helpful tips to share with you! I know losing weight isn't easy!