WHAT DO u prefer? SORENSON, PURPLE OR americanVRS?


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Aug 26, 2010
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Hey!! I'm debating SORENSON, PURPLE OR AMERICAN VRS. I experience purple, Sorenson at Gallaudet. But after all the drama in FCC and things, Someone inform me American VRS goof. americanvrs.com. I not experience them but i here they small company in NYC and their terps are skilled. Anyway, maybe better i go with big company? Or better this company small but hey have like deaf events and stuff? Yur opinion? THANKS!!!!
Hey!! I'm debating SORENSON, PURPLE OR AMERICAN VRS. I experience purple, Sorenson at Gallaudet. But after all the drama in FCC and things, Someone inform me American VRS goof. americanvrs.com. I not experience them but i here they small company in NYC and their terps are skilled. Anyway, maybe better i go with big company? Or better this company small but hey have like deaf events and stuff? Yur opinion? THANKS!!!!

Go with Convo, a small and growing DEAF-OWNED company
From watching americanvrs, convo, purple and sorenson, I noticed that sorenson APPEARS more professional where business image is more important than any other functions in businesses.

I haven't tried others ELSE than Sorenson in fear that quality provided would be the same as those that I see on their websites.
I have Purple's P3, but never get any calls on it. I don't know enough ASL, so I have to use the text features. At least it's free on my computer.
I have Purple's P3, but never get any calls on it. I don't know enough ASL, so I have to use the text features. At least it's free on my computer.

it's most likely the firewall issue - "you can call but you can't receive call". I had same issue.
Hey!! I'm debating SORENSON, PURPLE OR AMERICAN VRS. I experience purple, Sorenson at Gallaudet. But after all the drama in FCC and things, Someone inform me American VRS goof. americanvrs.com. I not experience them but i here they small company in NYC and their terps are skilled. Anyway, maybe better i go with big company? Or better this company small but hey have like deaf events and stuff? Yur opinion? THANKS!!!!

I use Purple program but I've never used VRS.
it's most likely the firewall issue - "you can call but you can't receive call". I had same issue.

No - it's not firewall - it's no callers period. SallyLou called before summer and we are planning on having calls again. LDNanna did once or twice, but that's all. Not a problem for me, just makes me wonder if I really need it since it's on the computer and not a separate thing. I mean, I have Skype, Yahoo with video chat, MSN with video chat and now Google Talk with video chat. Seems like overkill at times. All on the computer. Nothing for when I am not online.
Is the picture quality on Skype as P3? I like P3. I don't like that I cannot call my friends who have Sorenson with my P3. That's stupid.

Kristina, I'll give you a call this weekend. Got the kids settled in school now!
Go with Convo, a small and growing DEAF-OWNED company

I wouldn't go stick with that Convo even the Deaf owned sound be true positive but not the interpreter isn't certified. They only have VRS certified but not the interpreter as show say on FCC while Convo show on website say it is?

I am not here to say hiss or boo to that but Convo have define term is friendly but come on... speed up a little that we kind admire his effort to success.

Only Sorenson and Purple are certified.
I don't have the preferred video relay service. They're all the same to me. Matter of the fact, 90% of them are into money.
I wouldn't go stick with that Convo even the Deaf owned sound be true positive but not the interpreter isn't certified. They only have VRS certified but not the interpreter as show say on FCC while Convo show on website say it is?

I am not here to say hiss or boo to that but Convo have define term is friendly but come on... speed up a little that we kind admire his effort to success.

Only Sorenson and Purple are certified.

what are you talking about? I dont understand.. interpreter isnt certified? then VRS certified?

But from what I know and understand, their interpreters are all certified.
VRS Interpreters - The interpreters are not required to get the state certificate in order to interpreter for VRS Industry. However in the community settings - the interpreters are required to get state certificates.

It's kinda scary, because VRS receives diversity type of calls, and most interpreters (yes, [[most]] interpreters) do not have the experience to interpret for different settings (ie, medical, education, n etc)
I don't have the preferred video relay service. They're all the same to me. Matter of the fact, 90% of them are into


Well, for me, the bottom line for VRS is I think ALL VRS companies should be deaf owned. It is our language being used so, to me, deaf ownership is a slam dunk. Of course, they all need to be knowledgeable, qualified, and above all, ethical.

The reason why I currently support Convorelay is because Ed Bosson (I believe he is 1/4 owner and the other three owners are younger, decent guys) is sometimes known as the "Father of the VRS Industry" because he was the head honcho in Texas until he retired a few months ago. You may have seen his many blogs at Deafread.

Subscribe to their email newsletter to see the things they have done and currently offer......you with me on that outlook?
Well, for me, the bottom line for VRS is I think ALL VRS companies should be deaf owned. It is our language being used so, to me, deaf ownership is a slam dunk. Of course, they all need to be knowledgeable, qualified, and above all, ethical.

The reason why I currently support Convorelay is because Ed Bosson (I believe he is 1/4 owner and the other three owners are younger, decent guys) is sometimes known as the "Father of the VRS Industry" because he was the head honcho in Texas until he retired a few months ago. You may have seen his many blogs at Deafread.

Subscribe to their email newsletter to see the things they have done and currently offer......you with me on that outlook?

My father knows Ed Bosson very well. I already subscribe to their e-mail newsletter.

Thank you for sharing the information though.

Other than that - I support your statement - those vrs should owned/run by deaf individuals.

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