Sprint Epic 4G

How do you know the Epic 4g sucks? Most of the reviews were good and customers haven't got hands on them until end of August or whatever. :roll:
Right. Must see any mobile as Epic or Evo on hand at any mobile store than reviews and pictures.
I already know what the UI looks like. It's the same one as the new Tmobile myTouch Slide. That's a Samsung phone also and uses the same UI....which is ugly.

I have seen the pictures all over the internet of the Epic..This is enough to have determined that the phone is ugly.
Samsung UI is ugly? I don't agree that. I like my Samsung vibrant UI. its very basic and easy to use. but you can strip factory UI and customize your own UI layer or anything. if you were an expert developer. No htc, samsung, evo, droid x, stream aren't the same UI. (it seems that You don't know whats the different between UI and OS/ Platform).. However they runs the same android, depend on version OS what they installed device. They customize their own UI layer as such Moto Blur, Touchwiz, HtC sense. I dont know why you say something like that.
Why cost too much and no front-camera unlike HTC EVO?

It have dual camera. Add keyboard, of course.

Do you remember few years ago that Nokia cost too much? Yep... I thought it's not too bad but I find it poor OS anyway.
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

Lol, my boss at work has a Nokia with a keyboard...probably N series. It has Symbain OS on it. *cough*
It have dual camera. Add keyboard, of course.

Do you remember few years ago that Nokia cost too much? Yep... I thought it's not too bad but I find it poor OS anyway.

Nokia still better than sidekick for better signal under same T-mobile network and Nokia come with MMS and SK don't in few years ago.
Samsung UI is ugly? I don't agree that. I like my Samsung vibrant UI. its very basic and easy to use. but you can strip factory UI and customize your own UI layer or anything. if you were an expert developer. No htc, samsung, evo, droid x, stream aren't the same UI. (it seems that You don't know whats the different between UI and OS/ Platform).. However they runs the same android, depend on version OS what they installed device. They customize their own UI layer as such Moto Blur, Touchwiz, HtC sense. I dont know why you say something like that.

I am an Android developer, and am running my own custom ROM. I know exactly what I'm talking about. When I say that the Samsung UI is ugly, it's a personal opinion. I know that I can change it by using software such as LauncherPro & ADWLauncher, but why would I want to do that? The Samsung UI will still continue to run in the background. Also, LauncherPro & ADWLauncher are buggy compared to the UIs that the manufacturers release.

Personally, I am a fan of the HTC Sense UI. My personal opinion is that it's the prettiest UI out of all the UIs. If you like the Samsung UI, great. More power to you. But you need to check youself before you try to call people out.
I am an Android developer, and am running my own custom ROM. I know exactly what I'm talking about. When I say that the Samsung UI is ugly, it's a personal opinion. I know that I can change it by using software such as LauncherPro & ADWLauncher, but why would I want to do that? The Samsung UI will still continue to run in the background. Also, LauncherPro & ADWLauncher are buggy compared to the UIs that the manufacturers release.

Personally, I am a fan of the HTC Sense UI. My personal opinion is that it's the prettiest UI out of all the UIs. If you like the Samsung UI, great. More power to you. But you need to check youself before you try to call people out.
Ahh **cough** WOW! **cough** You are an android DEVELOPER? Are you trying to be impress? Do not try too hard! ;) MMmm.. excuse me, whats category of developer you are in?

Whats about HTc sense? Yeah ,so what? I had experienced with HTC sense, but not the fan of it. Yeah HTC sense by WinMo is better then Android, IMO..

Google CEO DR Eric admittedly acknowledge that others or apps running in background on any android devices. so what's your point?

So, I never did say about *LauncherPro & ADWLauncher*. I have no idea what you talk about it. but I am actually aware about LauncherPro & ADWLauncher. they are good programs & very popular among android users. I havent heard the words come out of android users/ high profile blogs who compliant about *LauncherPro & ADWLauncher are buggy.
Ahh **cough** WOW! **cough** You are an android DEVELOPER? Are you trying to be impress? Do not try too hard! ;) MMmm.. excuse me, whats category of developer you are in?

Whats about HTc sense? Yeah ,so what? I had experienced with HTC sense, but not the fan of it. Yeah HTC sense by WinMo is better then Android, IMO..

Google CEO DR Eric admittedly acknowledge that others or apps running in background on any android devices. so what's your point?

So, I never did say about *LauncherPro & ADWLauncher*. I have no idea what you talk about it. but I am actually aware about LauncherPro & ADWLauncher. they are good programs & very popular among android users. I havent heard the words come out of android users/ high profile blogs who compliant about *LauncherPro & ADWLauncher are buggy.

Dude, it seems like you need to read the posts again. You stated
(it seems that You don't know whats the different between UI and OS/ Platform)
So I replied back stating that I am a programmer and, in fact, know the differences. I did not say it to "impress" anyone, I could not care less about impressing people.

MMmm.. excuse me, whats category of developer you are in?
If you don't want me to "impress" you, why do you even care? No matter what I tell you, you will reply back with something grammatically incorrect and making no sense.

Whats about HTc sense? Yeah ,so what?
I stated my personal opinion that I like it the most compared with the other options out there. What more did you want?

I had experienced with HTC sense, but not the fan of it. Yeah HTC sense by WinMo is better then Android, IMO..
Good. You are perfectly entitled to your own opinion about it. And by the way, WinMo does not make it. HTC does.

Google CEO DR Eric admittedly acknowledge that others or apps running in background on any android devices. so what's your point?
This is an incomplete thought. Yes I know that there are programs that run in the background, and since it's Linux, they do not tie up resources. However, the widgets the run on Sense, will utilize resources while LauncherPro or ADWLauncher is being used. They are constantly trying to update still, like the weather widgets for example. However, there are ways around this.

So, I never did say about *LauncherPro & ADWLauncher*. I have no idea what you talk about it.
I never said you did. I replied to your comments and used these as examples of other UIs available to users.

I havent heard the words come out of android users/ high profile blogs who compliant about *LauncherPro & ADWLauncher are buggy.
Yes you have. I said it. Just because something is not buggy on one phone, does not mean that it will not be buggy on another. Also, if you do a google search for LauncherPro being buggy, you will find other people talking about it.
I saw a review video of Samsung Captivate which looks almost like Samsung Epic but does not have a keyboard. It's under AT&T as well.
No problem. I will stop at Sprint store to see demo of new Epic 4G on August 31 or other days.

Me and my gf both will pick up our Epic at store on Aug 31

We had 2 Epic resevered for last week

iPhone are nice but I feel Android will give me more fredom on OS cuz I been using cooked ROM on my Windows Mobile

I would had stay with ATT but when they removed unlimited from TAP and does not want front camera that turn me off and I am gonna switch to Sprint

I dont even like Sprint that much

Dude, it seems like you need to read the posts again. You stated
So I replied back stating that I am a programmer and, in fact, know the differences. I did not say it to "impress" anyone, I could not care less about impressing people.
Hey, Dont call me *Dude*, Okay?, So thank you!

Oh, Now you said "I am programmer". *LAUGH!, LAUGH!*, I don't b...hey NEVERMIND... I observed how you generally sp..Hey, NEVERMIND again.... You stop the people who buy (android phones) DX, Samsung, Sony, on the go lists. And you make sure the people buy the outdated HTC EVO, because of sense IU.? C'mon! I don't think you are representative android programmer among us.

I've meet & chat other android developers from forums and blogs who are so fiendly, encourage, & experinced people. they speak many examples to me and others for android development stuffs. they gave their answer others's many questions which they weren't avoid . their attitudes are so amazing cool to me. I denounce you. I would be appreciate if you don't feed my mind with your fantasist bogus.

If you don't want me to "impress" you, why do you even care? No matter what I tell you, you will reply back with something grammatically incorrect and making no sense.
Ma'am, Miss Grammaral nazi teacher, I have no trouble reading any books, mags, newspapers, blogs, etc. I haven't problem writing, however I am aware that my grammar is fragment where I have some severe issues in area. Because I am the very fluent in american sign language since born. so whats your point?

but thank you for criticize my poor grammar structure or fragment, whatever.. Once again, thank for hang my name on the HALL OF SHAME MOMENTS. I love that part, did you know that?!

Ma'am, my some advice, next time you don't need to reply my posts if you have difficult to understand before jump me with attitudes. Thank you very much!

by the way, WinMo does not make it. HTC does.
Oh Not again! another bogus, Thats not correct! :roll:

Keep in mind: HTC is hardware corporation, and MSFT is software corporation which who helped HTC to developed the sense UI for WinMo before android born.. AHH, No wondering, MSFT pissed on Google, their accused the android OS of infringing on its patents.. it OBVOUSLY shows me that HTC completely agreed with MSFT's accurses android OS is infringing patents. It seems that you don't understand what does patent pending mean. I suggest You ought to re-read history of HTC, MSFT, & PATENT. Wikipedia is your best friend. Knowledge is power..

Plus, HTC ordered and stopped android uers who customize ROM.

Good Luck with your own programmer..
I saw a review video of Samsung Captivate which looks almost like Samsung Epic but does not have a keyboard. It's under AT&T as well.
Yeah, to me, Captivates design look more like the original Blackberry storm.
5 more days to pick up Epic at store ........

Hope the apps for relay video come for Andriod soon ...

5 more days to pick up Epic at store ........

Hope the apps for relay video come for Andriod soon ...


Pick up Epic at store?? Are you buying the Epic with the regular voice plan? I was told you cannot preorder or order the Epic with the sprint relay plan in the store. At any rate my company is getting my phone (Blackberry Curve 8330 ) upgraded to the Epic and everything is all set up with the sprint relay store. My Epic will be shipped out overnight as soon as the order is in so I should have it Sept 1st! :D

This phone is going to seem like such a huge leap coming from a Curve 8330. I've also had several models of the Sidekick when I was with Tmo. My Blackberry has been good to me but RIM is dropping the ball with their phones so it's time to move on.

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