Highway crackdown; tickets for 2 mph over the limit

Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

Cops are just sniffin' for money these days.

and state want $$$$$$$$ to pay their debt off. *Yawn*
I drive like a snail these days!....Being oh so careful of not going over the "limit"....cops here in Jax at times, get right behind you, ride ur bumper....hoping you'll "speed up"...not gonna happen with me!

Makes me angry!...and I stay off the roads as much as possible.

Thks for the "heads up in S.C." Reba!....

My daughter was pulled over once as her boyfriend was driving too slow! People were calling the cops complaining about it . You can get a ticket for going too slow in some states. I have heard of cops giving people tickets for going one mile over the speed limit. I bet a lot of town and cities will start doing this as a way to made more money, as so many towns are really hurting for money.
Wouldn't it be better to just lower the speed limit?

Then drivers would have to be paying higher speeding tickets when the do speed. A lower speed limit would not stop people from speeding, they would going a lot faster than the people that do drive the speed limit.
My daughter was pulled over once as her boyfriend was driving too slow! People were calling the cops complaining about it . You can get a ticket for going too slow in some states. I have heard of cops giving people tickets for going one mile over the speed limit. I bet a lot of town and cities will start doing this as a way to made more money, as so many towns are really hurting for money.

Sorry about ur daughter's bf .....maybe he was high on Pot??...

Really, I don't drive toooooo slow!...(driving like a snail was just a figure of speech)....My foot is a lot less "heavy" than it was years ago...but I do try to stay within the speed limit, as getting a ticket these days to some people is like taking their full paycheck for the week!
what's the speed limit for I-26?
ew. I would just go to different highway even if it takes 30 min to get there :roll:
The problem with this area is that there is only one route from the north area communities to Charleston, and that is I-26. Charleston is a peninsula, so it's a dead-end destination by land.
By the way, for those of you who have never travel I-26, it is out-of-this-world beautiful, especially in the fall. The only highway compared to it is Canada 1, but only from mid-Canada going west.
The problem with this area is that there is only one route from the north area communities to Charleston, and that is I-26. Charleston is a peninsula, so it's a dead-end destination by land.

oh...... better install speed limiter then :lol:
That's stupid. In the UK, that's unlikely to happen. Police here are typically given an advisory on what speeds to clock people for. I.e. 79mph in a 70mph zone, 34mph in a 30mph zone etc etc. Of course, you won't find these figures officially posted anywhere!

When I had just passed my test, I swear I spent more time looking at my speedo than I did on the road! I was paranoid about going over the speed limit by accident and getting caught. I'm sure I'm not alone and imo measures such as this will have the reverse affect when it comes to preventing accidents.
That's stupid. In the UK, that's unlikely to happen. Police here are typically given an advisory on what speeds to clock people for. I.e. 79mph in a 70mph zone, 34mph in a 30mph zone etc etc. Of course, you won't find these figures officially posted anywhere!

When I had just passed my test, I swear I spent more time looking at my speedo than I did on the road! I was paranoid about going over the speed limit by accident and getting caught. I'm sure I'm not alone and imo measures such as this will have the reverse affect when it comes to preventing accidents.

Lot to easy if you use cruise control
I got pulled over for doing 56 in a 55 zone on a lonely country road. The cop was bored. He made me get out of my car and put me in the front seat of his so he could explain all the workings of a cop car. Kept me there a good 30 minutes. Let me go without a ticket or warning. But darn, was I annoyed. :lol:
Lot to easy if you use cruise control

It's only designed to be used on relatively long straight stretches in mild traffic conditions unless you have adaptive cruise control. (which is only found on very modern mid+ range cars)