HTC EVO as "mifi" under Sprint Hotspot


Active Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Evo users,

Have u tried Sprint Hotspot on Evo and want to know if that's extra charge on top of Sprint deaf Data plan. Just curious. I would use it if its included the plan but it did not say about Sprint Hotspot in data plan.

i wish sprint hotspot plan's free .... i did asked sprint relay customer said.. pay $29.99 sprint hotspot plan with tether add extra charge . so i forget it.. use PDAnet is free and PDAnet desktop computer ... my dell mini laptop use travel ...
i wish sprint hotspot plan's free .... i did asked sprint relay customer said.. pay $29.99 sprint hotspot plan with tether add extra charge . so i forget it.. use PDAnet is free and PDAnet desktop computer ... my dell mini laptop use travel ...

If you use rooted Android so you can download WiFi tethering apps.
My understanding is that even with Android 2.2, it'll be up to the phone company to allow it for free or not. The only phone that does it for free right now is the Nexus One and that's sold out, never to be sold again.
Originally Posted by ComputerLover
i wish sprint hotspot plan's free .... i did asked sprint relay customer said.. pay $29.99 sprint hotspot plan with tether add extra charge . so i forget it.. use PDAnet is free and PDAnet desktop computer ... my dell mini laptop use travel ...

If you use rooted Android so you can download WiFi tethering apps

i did tried wifi tethering apps to my htc evo still fail three times.. bec of roots problem.. i watch.. youtube how use to wifi tethering -htc evo.. this video move around too fast (where htc evo's folder) ..repeat repeat. i better wait.. .. froyo 2.2 next week maybe wifi tether better than before..
froyo 2.2 add usb terthering -my htc evo... big smile

cathy better do it....

Lol. I downloaded froyo from htc update in setting menu. I planned to install but battery was too low and am charging. Will finish it as soon as battery is full.

Can't do install during battery charging?

The battery was low while I downloaded Froyo (battery status was already orange) and I plugged it in. I use WiFi so it downloads faster. After it was done. I clicked to install, it says "battery is too low to install, install later or cancel).

I decide to take my daughter out to store and leaving Evo at home charging. When I got back. it was half charged and finally let me install Froyo.

That's what happenening.

Now I am on Froyo. I am seeing several new addition in apps list. Flashlight, Places, News and Weather (I don't remmy if it was there before).. Flashlight apps is soo neat, much better than 3rd party "Led Light". Planned to delete it soon.

I couldn't find tethering. I will look into Youtube tho.

Now I am on Froyo. I am seeing several new addition in apps list. Flashlight, Places, News and Weather (I don't remmy if it was there before).. Flashlight apps is soo neat, much better than 3rd party "Led Light". Planned to delete it soon.

I couldn't find tethering. I will look into Youtube tho.

Dude, CONGRATS!! Ahhh, I am very envy you! I can't wait 2.2 upgradeble for my sweet vibrant by this fall soon..

you can check android central forum. com or android
Hey I have problem with camera after froyo update. I read that froyo had issue with some phone camera. When I tap to run camera, it open/close that's it, won't run. So does the video camera too.

Anyone have fix??

Hey I have problem with camera after froyo update. I read that froyo had issue with some phone camera. When I tap to run camera, it open/close that's it, won't run. So does the video camera too.

Anyone have fix??

Did you remove, then reinstall battery into it?
Did you remove, then reinstall battery into it?

No. I didnt. But somehow my camera finally worked on its own. I did ran several updates in setting menu. After I turned off the phone then turned on. Message popped up after I unlocked the phone screen saying update will be installed. I believe that I uninstalled Movicha, Camera fx, Fring which I dont use fixed the problem. Things went well when I played with camera and videocamera. Whew!!

Froyo look better on text message, browser while typing and many more. Much better!!

Also in setting menu, Applications--Manage Application loads up much much faster. I am able to delete some quickly.

What a relief :lol:
I couldnt find Flash Player 10.1 beta in Android market that I want to install. But browser showed down arrow that is a flashplayer button to run. Did work good and video ran smooth. Nice. I tried but nearly ran movie. Shoot. But there are hack to enable it to fool hulu its a desktop pc. I read that just type code in browser url and configure it as desktop instead mobile. Not from browser's set up menu.

catty, htc evo's setting see wireless/network look down to last see usb tethering also connect to pc - see default connection type click- see usb tethering or other....

try ask support ask question about video flash player?
Originally Posted by ComputerLover
froyo 2.2 add usb terthering -my htc evo... big smile

cathy better do it....

Charge for Sprint tethering fee like WiFi hotspot?

sprint hotspot tethering fee--yes ($29.99)

wifi tethering fee -- no cost... can any kind of wifi download from android market

wifi hotspot $0.99 from android market

wifi -- sprint hotspot---usb tetherning all separate