Sprint Relay - HTC EVO 4G

I for one to applaud Sprint on their hard work to expending 4G coverage rapidly, and their friendly service towards to customers since most of my family/friends are on sprint service. They said they have no problem with Sprint service itself and the coverage.

p.s i regret for having sidekick lx limited edition tony hawk. Its horrible and the signals always gone bad occasionally.
EVO 4G getting update Android 2.2 August 3. EVO Dragon, are you happy?

print has announced that its first WiMAX handset, the HTC Evo 4G, will also be the first carrier offering to push Android 2.2, or FroYo, to owners. Starting next Tuesday, August 3, Evo 4G owners will begin to receive the over-the-air update. Android 2.2 offers numerous performance improvements, including improved Web browsing with Flash 10.1 support. The update will also let users voice dial over Bluetooth and install certain applications on the phone's external memory, instead of using the smaller internal memory storage. Sprint also says users can update manually by navigating to the Settings > System Updates menu on their devices. from Sprint

EVO 4G's Android 2.2 update starts trickling out tomorrow, loads of new features and fixes in store? (update: official for August 3rd!) -- Engadget
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I wonder how much did deaf people pay for a HTC EVO at the deafnation world expo? Sprint relay store says $300 after $150 instant rebates. I HATE mail in rebates.
I wonder how much did deaf people pay for a HTC EVO at the deafnation world expo? Sprint relay store says $300 after $150 instant rebates. I HATE mail in rebates.

HTC EVO 4G has been sold out but, I think they hate color white back cover HTC EVO 4G is coming soon.
You did not answer my question... re-read, please. :)

I think that Chevy should answer your question because he already admitted in deafnation expo in LV in last week.

I hate mail in rebate too.
I think that Chevy should answer your question because he already admitted in deafnation expo in LV in last week.

I hate mail in rebate too.

Yeah, maybe he knows the answer. :)
I think that Chevy should answer your question because he already admitted in deafnation expo in LV in last week.

I hate mail in rebate too.

Same story. I did to ask about it. No discount price for Evo 4G in this expo booth. they said that new customers have purchased and ordered them and get mail-in rebate. :( I told some friends and relatives not to buy Evo 4g right now and wait that Sprint Samsung Epic 4g will be available end of August. I don't know what s price. may be same price as Evo 4G. I think that it may be better than EVO 4G.
there is one tiny problem using froyo is camera will not work cause that part of programing is incomplete but omj rom does works

This is the official Sprint release of Android 2.2 - there's no way they wouldn't have both cameras working, 4G, all that. We're not talking about rooted builds here like CM6, this is the real deal.
I don't know what s price. may be same price as Evo 4G. I think that it may be better than EVO 4G.
Chevy, I am sure that it will be $200 with contact 2 years.

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.. ofc samsung epic is superior to evo:

1 Ghz Samsung “Hummingbird” CPU based on Cortex-A8, PowerVR SGX540 GPU and 4-inch Super AMOLED screen.

SAM-EPIC is the best bet! I am sure SamEpic will sold across nation for A LAUNCH DAY!
1 Ghz Samsung “Hummingbird” CPU based on Cortex-A8, PowerVR SGX540 GPU and 4-inch Super AMOLED screen.

Yeah, AMOLED is best screen than any phones.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE6fu0Y0o4k]YouTube - Sprint Samsung Epic 4G Promo Video (Galaxy S)[/ame]
I ever wonder about sammy glaxy battery life? I used to have sammy moment and battery life was short regardless if I tried to turn off unnecessary running apps.

I ever wonder about sammy glaxy battery life? I used to have sammy moment and battery life was short regardless if I tried to turn off unnecessary running apps.

I ever wonder about sammy glaxy battery life? I used to have sammy moment and battery life was short regardless if I tried to turn off unnecessary running apps.

Dude you post double.. anyway I proud owner of the Linux powered android SamVibrant. Let be honest - My answer is definitely yes! any AMOLED/ SAMOLED device's battery life is more improvement and no drain anymore without turn off apps which running!

Tricks & Tips said:
If you have concerns with battery life.

Here is a bit little trick- change your wall paper. Truly black doesn’t use power. You create a black.png and set a straight black wallpaper, it has been reported by doing this you gain 1.5% battery life every 15 minutes of use. That is true you can save 24% battery in 4 hours of use with a black background. This of course doesn’t affect widgets, movies, web browsing, games, movies, or anything else you use. A little gain in battery life isn’t a bad thingly, right?

This is only for AMOLED/ SAMOLED displays... This will have no effect on a DROID/X/EVO.

Yes from what I've heard my few friends who were complaint about their sammy moment's battery life had severe issues. :shock:
Dude you post double.. anyway I proud owner of the Linux powered android SamVibrant. Let be honest - My answer is definitely yes! any AMOLED/ SAMOLED device's battery life is more improvement and no drain anymore without turn off apps which running!

Yes from what I've heard my few friends who were complaint about their sammy moment's battery life had severe issues. :shock:

I didn't try post double. It must be glitch in posting somehow..

Samsung Moment is Amoled itself. Blame goes to lighted slide out keyboard which drains battery rather quickly. This probably why Evo and Droid X do not have physical keyboard don't drain battery quickly.

Thanks for tip on Samsung Vibrant. I could advise someone who owns one.


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