Android phone vibration question


Active Member
Feb 11, 2007
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I have Evo (also formerly Samsung Moment), When I turned down the volume fully and in Android's setting, I check marked "Vibrate" so did in Email and SMS setting.. It does work BUT if accidentally bumped the volume "up" button, it'll silent the vibration.

I downloaded apps which I found called "Vibrate mode by force" from Android Market. It works nicely BUT the problem is that if I hit volume "up" button, it silent the vibration. It's kinda frustrating that I just want to lock phone to vibration mode regardless if volume "up" button accidentally pressed. I found several vibration apps in Android Market such as BuzzLock, Quick Vibrate, VibratingDuck, Smart Vibrator, ect. BuzzLock just locks phone into vibration mode but it still have same problem as Vibrate By Force. Smart Vibrator is a really nice apps that allow you to configure vibration mode for Email, SMS, IM ect. But it doesn't lock the phone to vibrate mode.

So If any of you deafie have Android phone and have very good apps. Let me know!!

(PS: I do not want to try Sex oriented Vibration, No Thanks!! )
Sound Manager and Gmail notifier are great apps for vibrating - and they'll set it to "vibrate whenever possible" too.

I am a former iPhone 3Gs owner, switched to HTC Evo 4 weeks ago and love it!
What annoyed me was the haptic feedback and the keyboard vibrate feedback... so what I did was go to

To shut up the keyboard,
Settings> Lanuage & Keyboard> Touch Input> Text Input (this one allows you to customize if you want the pressed keys to be vibrated or not, word suggestions, auto-correction.) ALSO- in this section, you can reset the calibration to factory if you keep on pressing wrong keys constantly, try that and see if the factory default is better...if that is not the case for you, try doing the calibration would "read" where you normally type your fingers ...its very neat! iPhone 3Gs DID NOT HAVE that feature!

To shut up the bottom buttons (Home, Menu, Back, Search) from being vibrated when pressed, please go to...
Settings> Sound & Display> Haptic Feedback (uncheck it)

From there, you can set your sound profile to Vibrate (on the top) It worked perfectly for me and never had problems with it. I usually TRY to avoid 3rd party settings apps because they are "pointless" in my opinion...since Android OS provided one at our disposal. HTC Evo is ROOTED, a Linux term for Hacked. I'll post a new topic about it here soon.

I am a former iPhone 3Gs owner, switched to HTC Evo 4 weeks ago and love it!
What annoyed me was the haptic feedback and the keyboard vibrate feedback... so what I did was go to

To shut up the keyboard,
oSettings> Lanuage & Keyboard> Touch Input> Text Input (this one allows you to customize if you want the pressed keys to be vibrated or not, word suggestions, auto-correction.) ALSO- in this section, you can reset the calibration to factory if you keep on pressing wrong keys constantly, try that and see if the factory default is better...if that is not the case for you, try doing the calibration would "read" where you normally type your fingers ...its very neat! iPhone 3Gs DID NOT HAVE that feature!

To shut up the bottom buttons (Home, Menu, Back, Search) from being vibrated when pressed, please go to...
OSettings> Sound & Display> Haptic Feedback (uncheck it)

From there, you can set your sound profile to Vibrate (on the top) It worked perfectly for me and never had problems with it. I usually TRY to avoid 3rd party settings apps because they are "pointless" in my opinion...since Android OS provided one at our disposal. HTC Evo is ROOTED, a Linux term for Hacked. I'll post a new topic about it here soon.

Thanks for info. I already turn off haptic keyboard vib and other vib off.

What I was saying above post is that Evo turned off vib mode if I accidentally press volume button on its side. Android Force vibrate works when locking phone in vibrate mode. A bug in app somehow silent vib mode if accidently press volume up. It was supposed to stay stuck vib mode. When I played with volume button (up and down) while locked to vib mode. It does vibrate either ways regardless if I press volume up or down. I must admit that its frustrating that I didnt feel vibrate when I get message.

Android Smart Vibrate is really cool app that customize vibrate just like old SK2 phone does and its impressivd. But sadly it does not lock to vibrate mode. Wish someone can program it to add lock vibrate into this app.

Thanks for info. I already turn off haptic keyboard vib and other vib off.

What I was saying above post is that Evo turned off vib mode if I accidentally press volume button on its side. Android Force vibrate works when locking phone in vibrate mode. A bug in app somehow silent vib mode if accidently press volume up. It was supposed to stay stuck vib mode. When I played with volume button (up and down) while locked to vib mode. It does vibrate either ways regardless if I press volume up or down. I must admit that its frustrating that I didnt feel vibrate when I get message.

Android Smart Vibrate is really cool app that customize vibrate just like old SK2 phone does and its impressivd. But sadly it does not lock to vibrate mode. Wish someone can program it to add lock vibrate into this app.


Try following the instructions on Sprint Relay - Under HTC EVO 4G Videos -> Setting Vibrate feature on the EVO - Sprint Relay