Dear Phonak: Things I Would Like To See...

Peter - my audiologist has told me about you before...I know that is kind of weird. She was going to put me in contact with you a few times when I was thinking about getting a CI.

Yes indeed, small world...does this forum allow for PM? You could fire away some questions that way. Or I could send you my work email in a PM as well...
The forum does have PM but u need to reach 50 posts before you have this feature
The forum does have PM but u need to reach 50 posts before you have this feature


I am trying to find a way for JennyB to get my email. I do not want to post my email address on a forum for all to see.

JennyB, you could ask your audiologist for my email...

I am trying to find a way for JennyB to get my email. I do not want to post my email address on a forum for all to see.

JennyB, you could ask your audiologist for my email...

Yeah, my audiologist has said she would send us both an email with me cc'd a few times...but never has.
Well let's change the subject just a little. Everything about the smartlink is explained witha Phonak hearing aid. But what if you use the smartlink with say a resound azure? I have decided to use programs 3 and 4 on my aid for the smartlink. Program 3 is FM + mic. It seems to work okay especially in a quiet room but in a noisy room, not so well. Plus in the FM + mic setting doesn't that pretty much destroy the directionality buttons on the smartlink? I mean the mic portion allows the aids to take in background sound so using the directionality buttons doesn't do much to reduce background noise. So can hearing aid background noise be further reduced in that program?
Then there is proram 4 which is FM only. The volume is way way too low. My hearing loss is profound and the current voulume just doesn't cut it. The volume control on the smartlink does nothing, along with the volume control on my aids. Can the computer be used to further increase the volume in this setting? Also when I plug the smartlink into either my computer or TV volume is too low. When I use bluetooth with my cellphone volume is also too low. This is in program 3 or 4. Is there no way to manually adjust the volumes in different setting. as i said the volume control on the smart link doesn't seem to work for me since I am using a different brand aid. I realise I have a profound loss but the voume is so low in all these other setting making the smartlink useless, where in program 3 the background noise is too distracting. Can any of this be rectified? Or should I just return the smartlink.
Hi there, just to chime in on the use of iCom with C.I. The iCom actually works with a wireless antenna that functions at an above FM frequency (hi-ban). Almost all of Phonak's newer hearing aids have this wireless antenna built in, C.I.s do not. There's no interference issue, just nothing to catch/process the signal.

There is a little confusion in this post. The CI uses an internal RF coil to receive data and power from the external processor which sends power via an RF coil located in the external processor.

The external processor is what is required to have the FM receiver in order to work with the FM systems. If the external processor can process the FM data, it can send it to the implanted portion of a CI.

If you extrapolate this idea just a little bit, why would a HA company want buy a CI company?

There is a little confusion in this post. The CI uses an internal RF coil to receive data and power from the external processor which sends power via an RF coil located in the external processor.

The external processor is what is required to have the FM receiver in order to work with the FM systems. If the external processor can process the FM data, it can send it to the implanted portion of a CI.

If you extrapolate this idea just a little bit, why would a HA company want buy a CI company?


Even though I've never tried it with my CI, I thought CI will work with a loop that is usually use for hearing aids with telecoil setting (btw, loop and telecoil are wonderful).

and doesn't it matter if a HA company buy a CI company? I think it's a good idea for them to work on the processor so it will improve in sound quality. They already have years of experience working with HA. They can hire scientists and engineers who specialize implants to work with them.
Well let's change the subject just a little. Everything about the smartlink is explained witha Phonak hearing aid. But what if you use the smartlink with say a resound azure? I have decided to use programs 3 and 4 on my aid for the smartlink. Program 3 is FM + mic. It seems to work okay especially in a quiet room but in a noisy room, not so well. Plus in the FM + mic setting doesn't that pretty much destroy the directionality buttons on the smartlink? I mean the mic portion allows the aids to take in background sound so using the directionality buttons doesn't do much to reduce background noise. So can hearing aid background noise be further reduced in that program?
The buttons on the smartlink do directionality from the smartlink microphones (it has the ability to do directionality regardless of which hearing aid is being used. Yes, the HA mic is letting noise in and making it hard. I have the same problem and use FM only in most situations

Then there is proram 4 which is FM only. The volume is way way too low.

Your Audie should be able to change this for you easily.

My hearing loss is profound and the current voulume just doesn't cut it. The volume control on the smartlink does nothing,
agreed. it does nothing
along with the volume control on my aids.
that is a setting of the HAs. Your audie may be able to change this or may not. I can adjust the volume on mine, but then again im using Phonak Naidas
Can the computer be used to further increase the volume in this setting? Also when I plug the smartlink into either my computer or TV volume is too low. When I use bluetooth with my cellphone volume is also too low. This is in program 3 or 4. Is there no way to manually adjust the volumes in different setting. as i said the volume control on the smart link doesn't seem to work for me since I am using a different brand aid.
ive never found the volume control to work either
I realise I have a profound loss but the voume is so low in all these other setting making the smartlink useless, where in program 3 the background noise is too distracting. Can any of this be rectified? Or should I just return the smartlink.
try getting your audie to change the settings. It should be possible (even though i know nothing about your specific aid, so i may be wrong)

Thanks evil queen lisa. I am hoping these problems can be fixed. I definitely need the help and I see the potential in program 3 when I am in a quiet environment. But as it stands right now if the volume problem can't be corrected the whole system will go back and I will continue to struggle. We'll see what the audiologist can come up with . He has taken all the info and is suppose to be contacting a Phonak rep.
Dear Phonak,
Another thing i would like to see... LOANER FMs.. I rely on my FM system for school. I am now going to miss probably a weeks worth of information because my school does not have a loaner FM system either!!!
Sounds like they don't stand behind their product. Well that's certainly another thing to take into consideration.
water proof fm cases

fms are not just for the classroom i use my in the horse pocdok and out on the snow scooter and in the classroom
Grah, "your token has expired, please reload the window" (and we will delete your carefully constructed post)


I considered a middle ear implant in order to be able to get a waterproof hearing aid. Pricing presumably an issue but it begs the question if they can make a mic and battery that can be placed inside a person then they can make one that can be sealed inside a case. But I couldn't have it as they had no way to connect to external input like headphones or FM systems and the mic is behind, not in, the ear. There is a charger and a remote that connect to the system so I think it would be easy to make a connector cable with a magnetic end, but sadly they are thinking invisibility not function and they don't make one.

If a mic is not possible then it would be nice to have one that picks up T or something similar so you can listen in to the pool announcements. Wouldn't help talking to your friends, but at least you'd have a better chance of knowing if they are about to turn on waves or something. I feel very vulnerable in the pool, no hearing aids, nobody knows the wheelchair on the side is mine and that I cannot walk, so the waves start up and I fly into someone at full speed. Or they could just have a nice visual sign that flashes when the waves are coming on, but that's a whole other level of awareness. *grump*

I want a cross between the Inspiro and the Smartlink+ transmitter. There is no integrated mic in the Inspiro and no Omni/zoom/superzoom. Putting the Inspiro in the middle of a table is not designed to work in a meeting the way the Smartlink does. But I need the Multitalker on the Inspiro to use it in education. Some of us are *shock horror* both students AND workers!

And you should be able to program the basics of your own system yourself rather than pay a "professional" £75 a pop to write your name in the owner details and reset your default channel and FM volume balance. Maybe it takes a pro to balance children's details across a whole bunch of school districts, but I am an adult buying one system and configuring it to me only. I am old enough to comment on the balance and any interference I don't need to test it in a testbox, and no I won't program myself onto a channel that I can't hear my teacher because I am not that stupid! Private purchasers should be able to get the software.

The fully implantable middle ear implants will not work in a swimming pool. They won't be damaged but they also won't work in a pool.

Also, the companies that make the fully implantable systems are not affiliated with companies that make FM systems and the like. There are also other technical reasons why it will not work, but it wont work.

i am so extice to have this new (naida IX up)
(navia XI )
DuoPhone - The phone signal is heard automatically in both ears
ZoomControl with Direct Touch - Ability to choose the hearing focus
EchoBlock - Understand well in echoey environments
SoundRelax - Eliminating annoying sounds
RealEar Sound - Natural sound orientation
WindBlock Management - Suppresses wind noise
NoiseBlock Processing - Premium comfort in background noise
SoundFlow - Continuous and instant optimization to all environments
VoiceZoom - Speech intelligibility
SoundRecover - Restoration of high frequency hearing
WhistleBlock Technology - Feedback free hearing
Acoustically Optimized Venting (AOV) - Minimum occlusion
QuickSync - Control both instruments with one touch
WaterResistant - Complete protection
Slim Design - Small esthetically appealing and highly ergonomic

i have naida V and benfit me so much even they remove the feture but this time i will get XI to improve my brain recoigines sound and speech also

i am profound deaf
The fully implantable middle ear implants will not work in a swimming pool.

Why not? What is the big difference between it working in the shower and bath and it working in the pool? I'll have to send it back off to my translator bloke as my brochure is all in German, but I could swear that using it in the pool is one of the big selling points! It's inside your head, what could happen to it in the pool that won't happen to it outside the pool?

EDIT: Yup, although it doesn't actually say in so many words "this works in the pool" it does say "[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Showering, swimming, and sports that are incompatible with traditional hearing devices are now possible." [/FONT]
I have to assume they didn't mean "because you can turn it off just the same as you can take off your existing hearing aid"

There are also other technical reasons why it will not work, but it wont work.

Like what? If it had a Tcoil type pickup inside it and you got a magnetic field loop close enough to it how come it couldn't pick that up? Or Bluetooth? If it can pick up signals from the remote then why could those signals not be audio ones? I thought the very point of digital sound processing is that it takes a sound and turns it into non-sound information for transmission, then (usually) a speaker turns it back into sound. All you need is a 3.5mm jack or a DAI style jack on the remote and a way of transferring that input to the implant in lieu of the micropone sound. If I can make a video and compress it down somehow and send it down the cables to my mum on a cruise ship thousands of miles away and she can watch that video, all for the price-point of consumer electronics, you are seriously saying we couldn't make a soudn travel a distance of about half an inch? Why not?

And particularly why not for the semi-impantable version, it has an external processor so there is a unit right there to put a plug into!
Some of things I cannot tell you exact reasons why it won't work.

If you do not believe me that the fully implantable hearing system will work underwater, ask to speak with a user in Germany that has went swimming with one and ask them if it works when in the water or if they must turn it off.

Onto the coil. The coils on implants, whether fully implantable, cochlear, or semi-implantable systems are tuned for a specific inductance and frequency and will only pick that up. They are made to do two things: 1) send power internally via RF and on some devices 2) send audio data in.

On semi-implantable systems, the RF coils have the bandwidth to carry audiodata, fully implantable the audio data is handled internally and the coils are not designed for that.

The semi-implantable versions of the middle ear implants can have the audio liek you want, if the company is willing to support it. You need to look at the product age and what has been improved since inception. I would also warn you to do your homework on financial stability of any implant company you decide to go with.

Ich kann nicht mehr oeffenlicht sagen. Entshuldigen. Schreiben Sie mir eine eMail an: VerruecktOne at gmail dot com.


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