
...and it is yet to be released?

i'm sure it's released but I'm just not motivated enough to watch it now. Maybe I'll ask this girl out to watch it after DPHH tomorrow. She hasn't seen it yet ;)
i'm sure it's released but I'm just not motivated enough to watch it now. Maybe I'll ask this girl out to watch it after DPHH tomorrow. She hasn't seen it yet ;)
go for it, bro!
I want to watch this movie with CC :mad2:

Worth to go see IMAX better than movie with CC. Big different quality image and vibration. They have few open caption (native-alien to english). Easy to make you feel common sense and pick clear understand without CC.

Near sold out at IMAX (Digital) - usually sold out on weekend.
70 percent empty seat at 35mm film - yesterday was last day with film.

Last night, I watched movie with CC. I noticed some scratch film. My wife and my best friend did not notice any scratch film. They know me that I worked as photo tech. They said "prefer to see IMAX better than film with CC because of strong vibration and beautiful image".

If, you want to see movie with caption. Please type FISH CAPTION at Yahoo or Google's search. You will see many different titles of movie at near your local.
I saw Avatar...honestly, I'm not very fond of the story it was written. I didnt like the story at all...but of course the 3D technology was what pretty coola bout the movie thou.
Someone said the story is similar to that of the movie Pocahontas or Dances with the Wolves. Wouldn't know because I've never watched those, but I still like Avatar!
Someone said the story is similar to that of the movie Pocahontas or Dances with the Wolves. Wouldn't know because I've never watched those, but I still like Avatar!

Actually, it is alot like Pocahontas in a sci-fi version.

The story doesn't really feel so original. It's alot like Pocahontas and The Matrix combined into one movie...Avatar.
Avatar was originally stated to be rated R, due to a sex scene which isn't really surprising...

Oops! Avatar Sex Scene? (PHOTO) DVD's Rated R Special Footage

But of course they deleted it to make it rated PG-13, so it would boost sales for almost everyone to see the movie...the same way as he did with Titanic which was rated PG-13 and they had a brief steamy sex scene lol.
Actually, it is alot like Pocahontas in a sci-fi version.

The story doesn't really feel so original. It's alot like Pocahontas and The Matrix combined into one movie...Avatar.

I rather not make spoil for anyone who will see movie. I doubt this film is alot like part of The Matrix.

That's kind to pick part of story "Big Little Man" plus other movie (I refuse give a title of movie)
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I really want to watch it but I have not enough money for that. :(

Oh, well.
i heard on websites that avator got 4th straighten in box office im so jealous!! I dont watch that movie im not interest!! Director from Titanic James Cameron but im sure this movie would owe says worth around $500 million.

us box office:$212,268,053
weekend gross:$48,500,000
cumulative gross:$429,040,000

we kept updates from box office release
i heard on websites that avator got 4th straighten in box office im so jealous!! I dont watch that movie im not interest!! Director from Titanic James Cameron but im sure this movie would owe says worth around $500 million.

us box office:$212,268,053
weekend gross:$48,500,000
cumulative gross:$429,040,000

we kept updates from box office release

#1 - Why you are jealous?

#2 - I was not interested to see Avatar - So, we went out to see movie at IMAX with 3D. Wow, it is beautiful image and stronger vibertion!!! This movie made me very pleasure to watch. IMAX better than film with CC and no 3D

#3 - not correct information $500 million

Please look at how much $$$ budget to make movie
Avatar (2009) - Box office / business

They earned 1.3 Billion dollars from wide world
All-Time Worldwide Box Office
They need 500 million dollars to beat Titanic's record.

Visit your best friend "Wikipedia"
Please look at right side & little go down. You will see how much budget and gross $$$

USA Box Office $429 Million
7th place
All-Time USA Box Office

James Cameron who made Titanic and Avatar. James and 20th Century Fox make hugh profit!!!
I agree with the poster it's going to suck..my dad wants to see it. Hail the people who don't want to see it.
Heard this movie cause people to depress because it is beautiful, thAt is something we don't have on this planet. Whatever!

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