Do you remember you were in 60's,70's,80's,90's,00's and what is new in 10's??


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Apr 2, 2008
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This is for fun! Do you remember when you was in 60's,70's,80's,90's,00's?? You can make lists for reviews.

I was born in early 80's.


Tight pants
Fashion style clothes
Kids cartoons
Bill Gate's first invent of computer
Weird hairstyle with hot curl on forehead hairs
President Ronald Reagan and George H Bush
Closed Caption system
First Nintendo made in 1985 or 1986
Mario Bros
Small VHS
Tape cassettes for music


TTY/TDD system
Gameboy handed without color
Sega's videogame
Super nintendo made in 1992. I think
President Bill Clinton
First invent of internet, email and big cellphone in middle of 90's
First Recycles
Play station 1
N64 in late 90's
Cargo pants for boys and men in late 90's
Baggy pants
Flare pants
First CD with stereo system in late


PC games
Xbox and Xbox 360
Play station 2 and 3
thousand of cellphones design and PC/laptop
First wyndtell wireless and second deafwireless, third no color sidekick then color sidekick1,2,ID,LX,slide,2008
Iphone 3g, 3gs
Apple Ipod, Ipod nano, Ipod nano with video and Ipod touch
Apple Imac, Macbook 1 and Pro
Margratis blender
Expresso coffee machine
stainless appliances for kitchen, laundry room
Organize and storage
Hybrid auto
and more

You can tell more whatever you want. That is fun! I am looking forward what is new in 10's. :) Have fun!
Wow. :shock: Looks like you covered the bulk of it.

I find myself very nostalgic for the 90's these days... Good times, then. The music was awesome: Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, Counting Crows, Hootie and the Blowfish, Alanis Morrisette, Jane's Addiction, Stone Temple Pilots, Soundgarden...I could go on and on. :rockon:

Funny- back then I used to think that most of the music of the time sucked. Not so much anymore. :(
I was born when Vietnam War was happening. The hippie days!
I am sorry if it's too bulk for you. You can post a simple when you was born and remember as memory at timeline.
Born in the 90's and I remember waking up extremely early every Saturday morning to watch cartoon shows. Ah, those were fun times.
My mother also used to note that back in the 80's, shoulder pads were IN.
Some things I've noticed in the 00's are the return of trends from way back when, examples:

Skinny jeans



I have to say, the trend with the bump in the center of the hair was something I could never get used to or like. It just looked like the person had a large oversized tumor growing out of the head. But there are people that can make it look good.
I remember the 80s...MTV, Atari, PacMan, Flashdance (especially the clothes), the hairspray (AquaNet), The Lost Boys, Prince, and Duran Duran ( I was sooo in love with them! )

I was a teenager in the 80s so I identify with 80s pop culture.
I was born when Vietnam War was happening. The hippie days!

I remember the 80s...MTV, Atari, PacMan, Flashdance (especially the clothes), the hairspray (AquaNet), The Lost Boys, Prince, and Duran Duran ( I was sooo in love with them! )

I was a teenager in the 80s so I identify with 80s pop culture.

Ditto. Although, I think I am a bit older than Shel90. I was born in 1968.
I was born in 1963 and the day of my baptism in November we have a picture of my mother holding me on the stairs and my father holding each of my 2 brother's hands. The radio was on and the newcaster had just announced that JFK was asassinated. You can see the shock on my parent's face and I was beginning to cry just looking at my mother and the photographer. My mother says the photographer dropped his camera after the announcement and broke the camera. My father was able to save the film.

My 6th birthday was the day that Neil Armstrong, John Glenn and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon.

My elementary school still had segregation going on and we were just de-segregating when I got to the 4th grade.

I remember watching the Mickey Mouse club on TV with Annette Funicello and Cubby. I also remember getting up on Saturdays and looking forward the the noon hour on channel 42 (Polk County, FL) for Dr. Paul Bearer's Creature Feature. It was Horror movies every saturday.

I remember in high school the Presidential election with George Bush and Michael Dukakis (sp?) and the bumber stickers saying "Bush v Dukakis, one F**king after another."
I was born in 1978 and garfield was born 10 days after i was born... yep june 19th... ;) we share same month but not same bday :D ... in early 1980's I was growing up in illinois but moved to calfiornia in march of 1984... and had been here for almsot 26 years... so I will return when I think of stuff.. blah I can't believe 2010 is almost here sheesh
Of course I dont remember the 60's or most of the 70's. If you do, you probably didnt have much fun. hehe
I remember Topo Gigio, Kennedy, Jackie, Buddy Holly, Janis Joplin, Fry Street, The Birmingham Balloon Company, Sonny Barger, Freedom Riders, Peter Max and Jefferson Airplane. (Go ask Alice), The Saints MC, friends named Frog and Bear, and guys who really never came home from Viet Nam. My brother came back alive, but we never really knew him anymore. He is 62 now and still acts like the 19 year old who left. It was exciting.

I was recouperating in the 80's. Kids put safety pins in their faces and acted like I should be shocked. Mosh Pits. Pbbffllt. Hair gel and tons of mousse. Jackie O, Jocko, The mid 80's was new family, homelife, late blooming earth mother, it was great. Then my husband (love of my life) died in a horrible accident. it was devastating.

The 90's found all my babies growing and a new husband (think of the old bible story of Ruth). I was no longer cool, and when asked for a ride to the mall was made to drop said teen at least 100 feet from the entrance. I was losing my hearing and balance. My family was embarrassed by me. I hated the power rangers. Divorced the mean guy, found a promising job. Lets admit it. Clinton was a hoot. I havent puffed a cigar since. Ice Ice Baby, he was kidding right? Ninja Turtles still rule. The Simpsons.... augh. Schindlers List vs Dumb and Dumber... what an era this was.

Now the 00's. Bush and Busher, chad as an election word, mad cow was not only something in the pasture, Chocolat, new words such as Shiite, Hezbollah, suicide bomber. the amazing and ground breaking election of Obama. I wish Dr. King could have seen this. Russia proposes a rocket to divert Apophis. The job turned out to be not so promising, all the kids are grown, I am deaf. I am married to my best friend. Finally finished a Masters program, and found the peace that was promised in the 60's. Hanging on Alldeaf and other places. Waiting to see what else will happen.
Born in the 90's and I remember waking up extremely early every Saturday morning to watch cartoon shows. Ah, those were fun times.
My mother also used to note that back in the 80's, shoulder pads were IN.
Some things I've noticed in the 00's are the return of trends from way back when, examples:

Skinny jeans



I have to say, the trend with the bump in the center of the hair was something I could never get used to or like. It just looked like the person had a large oversized tumor growing out of the head. But there are people that can make it look good.

my mother always told me, "you watch and see, those things will come back in fashion" and she was right. Bell bottoms did come back in fashion for a little while... and some people still wear it without a problem.

In the 80's They wore 1800's southern belle prom dresses. I remember because my sister owned one.
you guys are old farts :D

I think the 60's would have been fun. 70's ? Hmm, not into disco

80's. getting warmer. At least that decade brought us Micheal Jackson classics, oh yeah and roller skating.

90's- lots of Nintendo, Super Nintendo and game boy. Card Collecting took off. Start my obsession with sports, yay.

2000's- 9/11 really affected me most. College fun, marriage, buying my first house. Then divorce. guess things change. Although Im excited for future.
I miss 1980s and early 1990s very much cuz I enjoyed many of fades that you mentioned plus my years at Gallaudet. If I were asked which decade that I wanted to return and re-experience into, it would be 1980s.
Actually Internet was invented in 1960s, not 1990s. It became exposed to public in 1988 when Robert Morris, graduate student at Cornell University spreaded a worm thru the public network. This incident got many people so curious about Internet thaty they never heard of before.

In addition, I started using Internet in 1987 thru ancient BITNET system at Gally.
I remember Cold War between NATO and Warsaw Pact from 1945-1991.
PC games in 00s? Nope, they have been around since late 1970s. I know it well because I had played a lot of them since my high school.

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