I'm sad and missed CI-user members at AD


New Member
Apr 2, 2008
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I noticed the CI-user members have no longer go to AllDeaf anymore. I was suspicious why they lost the interesting into AD. :umm: They used to help people whom consider to get CI. I notice that forum of Hearing aids and Cochlear implants get screwed up by one member whom obsessive with a stem cell to cure for deafness. He think all Pro-CI is biased. That is not true! He is biased and negative toward cochlear implant. Other members are not happy with him. He made many threads to get everyone's attention and argmenet all the times. The CI-user members get tired of hear negative about cochlear implants and the dude think Stem Cell is the best cure for deafness and even a hearing loss. That is no evidence yet. The members and I are interesting into Hearing aids & Cochlear implants forum only no stem cell discussion. The stem cell need to be belong to Open topic debate or lifestyle.

I talked with several MOD about situation with one member on PM.
I see that, now that you mention it. Maybe soon they will come back. If not Facebook is ok to socialize.
I agree. I have quit visiting often because I'm tired of being bashed over the head with stem cell stuff. I'm all for it when it gets here. Until then, I'm just really grateful to have my CI. Yes, I tried a bunch of high powered hearing aids, went back to the audiologist for adjustments so many times I nearly lost my job and in the end, the CI is the best thing I've done for myself.

This topic folder should be for CI users and prospective CI users. If I had an overriding interest in Stem Cells, I'd happily visit a folder especially for that topic.

It's a shame the moderators are giving in to the minority on this issue instead of the majority.:hmm:
I am all for free speech but I do think it is a bit much...maybe there can me a section for STEM CELL discussion only..like a subfolder of the HA/CI thread?
Maybe the CI/HAs thread pertains to anything related to being able to hear with assistive technology and stem cells are part of that? Remmy, it is all new so back when AD was created, stem cells werent even considered.
I think our position on this is simple and clear. We ADers are supportive for anybody who wants to restore their hearing (see this thread and here). We are also supportive of stem cell research to restore our hearing.

Not everybody has same view on which hearing restoration method to opt for. One method is not better than other method. There are several options available for you to pick and we will support your decision, inform you of pros & cons, and make sure you are making decision 100% with all the information given to you.

One thing for sure - stem cell is not a magic "cure". Neither is CI nor HA. It's just a different option for different people.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :grouphug:
And one thing for sure is that when people make claims and come across to be experts they should have to supply their credentials and sources to back up their claims. Something that deafdude1 rarley (if at all) does. That is how misinformation gets out and propagates.
RD is right.

Pinky I support everyone and this means Culturally Deaf people using only ASL. Oralist Deaf people using only CI as well as Late-Deafened people using Sim-Com.

I do not support people using misinformation against CIs, ASL and other things because I believe in giving the full picture when it comes to communication/accessibility.

Hope this helps, Pinky and remember you have an advocate and an ally with you - me.
Fully agree with Pinky, Mrs. Bucket, RockDrummer, et al and to quote Senator Al Franken: "We are entitled to our own opinions; we're not entitled to our own facts."
Traffic has been lighter here perhaps because of the holidays. It's a busy time of year. I hope that the people who are missing are taking a break and return in the near future.

Despite accusations that people here are anti-CI, anti-stem cell, anti-ASL, anti-deaf and anti-whatever, the majority of the people at AD support all efforts to improve quality of life. The voices of reason/moderation get lost in the fray.

I understand your frustration,though, and I highly recommend the "ignore" feature.
I think our position on this is simple and clear. We ADers are supportive for anybody who wants to restore their hearing (see this thread and here). We are also supportive of stem cell research to restore our hearing.

Not everybody has same view on which hearing restoration method to opt for. One method is not better than other method. There are several options available for you to pick and we will support your decision, inform you of pros & cons, and make sure you are making decision 100% with all the information given to you.

One thing for sure - stem cell is not a magic "cure". Neither is CI nor HA. It's just a different option for different people.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :grouphug:

The members are not here for long times. Like LadySkittish aka Cyborg Queen, Vallve, Etalion, and other members. The most of us agree with other members about HA & CI over stem cell cure for deafness. Get it? The obsessive guy always pull the thread to bring up and debate with everyone with ci user and HA user about Stem Cell. :blah::blah::blah: Why is that guy is being biased on CI user?? I read his blog website and he said all pro-CI are biased. That is not true. He is biased!!! He is not a CI user and need to leave us alone and stop picking on us over CI is not able to cure for stem cell. We didn't want to be cure by stem cell. He need to back off! And also the people are consider to get CI and he need to back off and can't change in their choice. He always picking on other members. He was pushy on me to try put HA on my CI to see if it's working through hearing residual. He can't tell me to do. He forced me to get bimodal cochlear implants. It's not his choice. He is not my doctor or audiologist. He is control over other members to do. We are enough to debate with him. I notice that Mod can't handle with his made a threads of postwhore negative toward cochlear implants.
Hi Pinks,

Well, Deafdude is entitled to speak for himself on this site, he has every right to do so. It's called freedom of speech but what peeves me off is that he DOES not state where the sources are from, he thinks he knows everything but I respect his choice/decision on Stem cells, thats his problem not ours, he'll probably learn the hard way. Also I hate him asking people and comparing their audiograms to his or ours, NO HEARING are SAME For Fuck's Sake! But you are right i am declining on this thread because it got boring, I only come on if there is anything to talk about otherwise it's all about stem cells which i am not interested (he knows that!)

I also is very very busy, each day is very full! I teach 1:1 maths and english deaf year 6's at school from 8.30 to 4 then come home have dinner, walk the dog then straight back out to do my shifts at work, i finish at 11 pm, quick cup of tea then sleep! At the moment i am off school as it's xmas holidays which means i have to do A LOT of study to catch up (and sleep!). But that won't stop me from helping you if you need to chat. OK U know where I am. (((HUGS)))
That bother me too when he ask for everyone's audiogram (sp?) and now you don't want to post it because you know he'll just blog it.
I agree that asking for audiograms is both impolite and annoying. No one has provided him with their audiogram to my knowledge.
I can understand where both sides are coming from. Sure, everyone are entitled to it's opinions. It doesn't mean that we need to get ourselves riled over it. If there's something that is not meant for you to like it - Ignore it or simply, don't respond and make a trivial matter out of it.

It's fine to debate against the issue itself but there's one thing to know, personal attacks towards one shouldn't be in the picture.

As for the sources, It needs to be provided on this forum as per rules. I know I haven't been here around that much lately, much less, spending my free time on the computer, but I assure you, that after the christmas season is done, I'll be able to free up some time to get on this forum to oversee some things that needs to be changed.

Everyone, thanks for your concerns and please do continue to discuss this matter for one and for all.

That bother me too when he ask for everyone's audiogram (sp?) and now you don't want to post it because you know he'll just blog it.

Exact! it's bother me. He always bother on other members' audiograms. He is big nosy! He need to stop being obsess and put on his own blog website about CI users' audiograms. It drove us :crazy:.

Hi Pinks,

Well, Deafdude is entitled to speak for himself on this site, he has every right to do so. It's called freedom of speech but what peeves me off is that he DOES not state where the sources are from, he thinks he knows everything but I respect his choice/decision on Stem cells, thats his problem not ours, he'll probably learn the hard way. Also I hate him asking people and comparing their audiograms to his or ours, NO HEARING are SAME For Fuck's Sake! But you are right i am declining on this thread because it got boring, I only come on if there is anything to talk about otherwise it's all about stem cells which i am not interested (he knows that!)

I also is very very busy, each day is very full! I teach 1:1 maths and english deaf year 6's at school from 8.30 to 4 then come home have dinner, walk the dog then straight back out to do my shifts at work, i finish at 11 pm, quick cup of tea then sleep! At the moment i am off school as it's xmas holidays which means i have to do A LOT of study to catch up (and sleep!). But that won't stop me from helping you if you need to chat. OK U know where I am. (((HUGS)))

That is exactly! He is nosy our audiograms. He don't need to know. He can't observe on our audiograms. I can chat with you on FB chat.

RD is right.

Pinky I support everyone and this means Culturally Deaf people using only ASL. Oralist Deaf people using only CI as well as Late-Deafened people using Sim-Com.

I do not support people using misinformation against CIs, ASL and other things because I believe in giving the full picture when it comes to communication/accessibility.

Hope this helps, Pinky and remember you have an advocate and an ally with you - me.

I agree with you. That is exact how do I feeling.
Yea, I have always thought it was strange that he kept asking people for their audiograms. I thought maybe he was fascinated with the science of hearing loss. :dunno:
I can understand where both sides are coming from. Sure, everyone are entitled to it's opinions. It doesn't mean that we need to get ourselves riled over it. If there's something that is not meant for you to like it - Ignore it or simply, don't respond and make a trivial matter out of it.

It's fine to debate against the issue itself but there's one thing to know, personal attacks towards one shouldn't be in the picture.

As for the sources, It needs to be provided on this forum as per rules. I know I haven't been here around that much lately, much less, spending my free time on the computer, but I assure you, that after the christmas season is done, I'll be able to free up some time to get on this forum to oversee some things that needs to be changed.

Everyone, thanks for your concerns and please do continue to discuss this matter for one and for all.

Sure no problem. I hope it will be change after holiday. You're welcome.
Yea, I have always thought it was strange that he kept asking people for their audiograms. I thought maybe he was fascinated with the science of hearing loss. :dunno:

That what I mean. It bother me and other members. He is not our doctor and audiologist.

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