not to mention deafies can be distracted by texting and signing in car with friends i had to make them stop talking to me while im focused on my driving i have been driving for 25 years accident free
India is another country that doesn't allow deaf drivers. However, NAD recently made a motion to allow the deaf to drive. I read an article stating that India does not allow the deaf to drive there because of "lack of gadgets on cars that make driving unsafe for the deaf." There is no mention of which gadget they're referring to. At any rate, a decision is supposed to be made next month to allow the deaf to drive.
I want one.
Deaf people are better drivers as they are visually aware, and not distracted by these road noises, ehSeveral years ago (when I was still thinking of myself as Hearing) I used to go shopping sometimes or out to eat with a Deaf friend of mine. She would often drive because their young twin boys would go with us.
My mother was concerned about me riding with a Deaf driver. HONESTLY! Now that I am Deaf, I am wondering if she worries about ME driving! I usually SEE (the flashing lights of) emergency vehicles before I hear them. One day, I heard a siren, but I could NOT tell from which direction it was coming. So, I don't think it makes a lot of difference, except that maybe I am more visually alert. Maybe I drive better now!
What's stopping you?I never get to drive. I've never driven all my life and it's been a hard life. My father, who is hearing, won't let me drive. My entire family shares the same view that I don't drive. My grandfather says that I can't drive due to "Inner ear imbalance". whatever does being deaf has to do with inner ear imbalance. I've never been told I had that by any doctor.
Its been a life in hell not having a car, now I'm over 30, and spent my whole life walking, riding the bus, bumming rides, bike-riding, and running. For 6 years, I ran 20,000 miles to get home from the dojo, a 10 mile run home everyday. that was bootcamp hell that would never stop.
it sucks hell. I cant get a good job because it's so far to go and get one, the logistics of travel without a car where I live, makes working very difficult. I have to work in entry level places that are nearby, than to travel far to places that are career oriented.
it is hell on earth. I miss out on going to cool parties and nightclubs and events due to no ride. I spend so much money on taxi to get anywhere that is expensive.
How can I look cool to girls without a car? Most girls judge guys based on their cars.