Favorite T.V. Show


New Member
Dec 4, 2009
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Execpt, I don't want to knw your favorite T.V. show. I wan't to know you favorite T.V. show. I want to know your favorite show that you hate to admit you watch like I love the history channel:giggle:...... I always so nerdy
Execpt, I don't want to knw your favorite T.V. show. I wan't to know you favorite T.V. show. I want to know your favorite show that you hate to admit you watch like I love the history channel:giggle:...... I always so nerdy

I always watch the History Channel.
Execpt, I don't want to knw your favorite T.V. show. I wan't to know you favorite T.V. show. I want to know your favorite show that you hate to admit you watch like I love the history channel:giggle:...... I always so nerdy

You've yet to answer your own question. The History Channel is a network, dontcha know? So what's your favorite tv SHOW?

To answer your question, my favorite program (of the moment) is "V". IMO, best new fall show, hands down.
Heroes, House, V

I used to be an avid Heroes fan...however, as of last season I've felt like the show's writers have either,

A) been smoking crack,

B) hiring chimpanzees to do the brunt work,

C) simply stopped giving a crap.

My two cents. :doh: Glad that you still enjoy it.
i have so many favorites, most of them are old.. i'll list the current television shows i'm following here:

lie to me

i was following project runway as well, but the season ended recently.
i was following project runway as well, but the season ended recently.

I'm a huge PR fan. Have been ever since it first ran. I think the last season has been a bit lackluster..:zzz: (where's Christian Syriano when you need him?).

Hoping next season will bring the drama back.
I'm a huge PR fan. Have been ever since it first ran. I think the last season has been a bit lackluster..:zzz: (where's Christian Syriano when you need him?).

Hoping next season will bring the drama back.

i agree! i wasn't VERY impressed with the set of finalists. it's too bad that malvin and ra'mon got kicked out so early. i wanted to see more from them. :(
i agree! i wasn't VERY impressed with the set of finalists. it's too bad that malvin and ra'mon got kicked out so early. i wanted to see more from them. :(

Oh, how I miss the days of Jay Carroll and Austin Scarlett (season one)! I found the latter's lisp to be kinda endearing. :aw:

Wonder what they're both up to now...:hmm:
Only shows I watch are what I Netflix. I'm eagerly awaiting the next season DVD releases for Californication and Weeds. I've heard lots of good things about Dexter.
Execpt, I don't want to knw your favorite T.V. show. I wan't to know you favorite T.V. show. I want to know your favorite show that you hate to admit you watch like I love the history channel:giggle:...... I always so nerdy

History Channel thats always ON at my mothers house lol. I dont mind that. If History Channel had CC online I would watch that!

However on Hulu, I end up watching Warehouse 13, the 2009 V, FlashForward, Hell's Kitchen, and Extreme Makeover Home Edition (on ABC.com).

Right now Im sooo favoriting FlashForward and V and I cant wait til March for the new ones ..ugh.
I've been without cable since April but I've managed to download and keep up-to-date with the new season of The Office, V (2009 mini-series) and I actually downloaded Seasons 1-4 of Supernatural. I've yet to start on season 5.

I also purchase TV on DVD boxsets for: Weeds, Dexter and Californication.
I'm perfectly content not having cable. It defintley saves me money monthly and you can easily watch telvesions via online with captions/subtitles.
I use to watch a lot of Hulu but here lately I've noticed the video playback is just sluggish to the point were it;s not watchable.

I dunno the reasoing for this. It use to work fine.
I forgot to add Im soo addicted to "Mercy" more of a dark hospital comedy-drama esp when Ronnie tangles with Dr Harris. It gets more intteerreesting every episode. St. Elsewhere is just soo much passe with Mercy. And didnt I mention Michelle Trachtenberg is that soo HOT?! heh

but I need to find a online program like hulu cos I want to watch it from the beginning

but I need to find a online program like hulu cos I want to watch it from the beginning

Ouuchh did u get any dvd packages for House in UK? Better than nothing if u wanna watch the whole House series.

it looks like u are in between a rock and a hard place esp when its House time (move to USA to take advantage of Hulu or get the dvds)

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