Contest can you please vote for me!?

Hey guys!! So voting is now back but you have to become a member of the website to vote because of too many spammers and ignorant comments, etc sooo if you can sign up and vote lots that would be greatttt!! Loveee you guys xox
I'd like to vote you, AliciaM but it's a pain in the neck that I have to be a member. Sorry about that but I wish you a lot of luck!!!
It is a pain to become a member, but what the heck, maybe someday I'll want to become the world's oldest ugliest male model sex symbol.

It says I can only vote once per day... maybe it means I have to wait 24 hours before I can vote again.
ya u do have to wait 24 hrs..and Im sorry about the member thing..i think it is a dumb way for people to have to vote :(
Hey guys!! So voting is now back but you have to become a member of the website to vote because of too many spammers and ignorant comments, etc sooo if you can sign up and vote lots that would be greatttt!! Loveee you guys xox

NO PROBLEM! *rushing*
Post reported for excessive whining.

Bubba, ya sure are a rotten tomato to ruin this topic with this dumb statement?? Get over it ok and give it a rest... geez...

Back on topic, Alicia. I am sure ya will do well to win the contest.. I will see if I can register to vote for ya...
Guys n' Gals - this sign-up for voting is actually very easy. Don't forget to click "REGISTER ME AS A FAN ONLY!" All you have to do is type in email address/username/password and you're done!
Alicia is now at rank 486! c'mon ya'all!!!!! show some love to our fellow ADer! :cool2:
Hey, I see that you win a cruise when you win... gonna invite Jiro?
Hmmmmm. Still won't let me vote again. It has to have been at least 24 hours since I last voted. But not since I last tried.

Will try again tomorrow night.
I did register it and vote it. i hope i did vote it. it says You are only allowed to vote once per day for any model in the contest . I guess I did vote it.

it wasn't easy for me to register it there that took me to figure out in order to become a member. stupid link. of course, not you alicia.

i guess i can put the photo in there but of course i am not looking for a contest. since it forced me to be a member so i can goofy aorund it/ haha
thanks! and the most popular or most comment or something wins the cruise! but if i win im gonna bring my mom since she hast had a vaca in like 10 years lol...ill take lotsssss of pics tho if i win!!! :p

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