Any deaf dating sites?


New Member
Nov 30, 2009
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To be honest I'm tired of being single but I struggle to connect with people since I'm hard of hearing and miss a lot of vital information in the conversations. At the same time I don't know any deaf people locally and I don't know ASL either. Ideally I'd like to find a girl who I could date hearing or non who knows ASL and could teach me.

The thing is there doesn't seem to be many sites like this. The only ones that are like this i.e. charge a ridiculous amount of money. It's absurd that they would charge so much for membership when they're the exact same thing as free sites like and Truthfully they're just exploiting the deaf community for money
To be honest I'm tired of being single but I struggle to connect with people since I'm hard of hearing and miss a lot of vital information in the conversations. At the same time I don't know any deaf people locally and I don't know ASL either. Ideally I'd like to find a girl who I could date hearing or non who knows ASL and could teach me.

The thing is there doesn't seem to be many sites like this. The only ones that are like this i.e. charge a ridiculous amount of money. It's absurd that they would charge so much for membership when they're the exact same thing as free sites like and Truthfully they're just exploiting the deaf community for money

Well, beware of scams, too. Many of them are scammers that some deaf people fell for and have to pay the prices for their deceptions/betrayal. Speakin' of trust issue -- just be careful who you want to meet online. :)
be desperate to find and you won't find one. Naturally social any people and have good time, do many thing to do. Then you end up interesting someone.
The only ones that are like this i.e. charge a ridiculous amount of money. It's absurd that they would charge so much for membership when they're the exact same thing as free sites like and Truthfully they're just exploiting the deaf community for money

be desperate to find and you won't find one. Naturally social any people and have good time, do many thing to do. Then you end up interesting someone.

agreed. i'm sure desperation turns off most women.. except the ones who are desperate themselves.
Trust me, enjoy the single life. Don't go on a quest to find the "one", you'll become desperate and even catch yourself lowering a standard or ten...

Life has a way of sending certain victims... err... individuals into your path at the right moment.

So relax and enjoy the ride.

agreed. i'm sure desperation turns off most women.. except the ones who are desperate themselves.

Oh yeah. I hate feeling pressured into a relationship before I'm ready to be committed. I prefer naturally progression and get to know someone. Whatever happens will happen next.
You could try ? It is not really a dating site but it is a social network deaf site. It's fairly new.
im been using deaf dating online expect:

Deaf Dating Community for Deaf Singles. - Dec 1, 2009 -im been member but im no longer and also my ex boyfriend Jeff Gills also member online too.. - Deaf, Deaf people, Deaf Single, ASL, Deaf Chat, Deaf culture, Deaf community
The Number 1 Deaf dating site in the World! | online dating personals for the deaf and hard of hearing singles - im been using when i met my old boyfriend Jeff Gills online and im no longer dating with him..

if you pay or free online dating you would try for that..
I saw someone advertising about deaf or deaf or something like that on Facebook. I didn't bother checking it out because I'm taken. But you're welcome to take a peek.
Trust me, enjoy the single life. Don't go on a quest to find the "one", you'll become desperate and even catch yourself lowering a standard or ten...

Life has a way of sending certain victims... err... individuals into your path at the right moment.

So relax and enjoy the ride.


Bold is very true.

The red gotta go.
Hm, I am willing to compromise and replace 'meow' with a lovely little jingle

Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, What are they feeding you? Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, It's not your fault :(


Sworry Purlee, it's the coffee O_O
There's gotta be someone I can find and have a relationship with

You need to take it casual before jumping into something you might regret. Get to know the girl first and who knows the rest can be history :)
Dude, no need to go nuts for being single. Enjoy it as much as you can. Your time will come. I have witnessed my best friend going nuts for not having a woman then he starts to put the pressure on himself over the years as it grew onto him. He pushed the women away for trying to have one to marry. He is very picky as well. :roll:

He is now 34, has everything but no woman because of desperation. If it was not for desperation, he would have had a wife and happy life. As last month, he took my advice for the first time over the years to just let it go... last weekend, he contacted me and saying he finally got a hot date. So let's see how that goes for them. :fingersx:
Yeh, desperation is never attractive but, on the other hand, If you're not happy being single, what can you do?! I guess you just need to focus on other things in life that are important to you! I know some people will kill me for saying this as "AD is not a dating site" but you could always try the singles thread here! There's lots of lovely people on AD! Are you specifically looking for a Deafie or do Hearies count too?
I'm looking for some hearing blonde, blue eyed woman out of UK...

maybe 20-22 years old... I should go and post in the singles thread...
^^ The only way I'd be able to communicate with a deafie is through writing stuff down. I don't know ASL. Ideally I'd probably like a hearie who knew ASL and could teach it to me. I was always hard of hearing but for the most part I didn't have too much trouble hearing people. It wasn't until more recently that it seems my hearing declined even more. I think it's due to excess loud music over the years

I'm not desperate but at the same time I believe that there's only so much stuff that will "Magically" happen to you if you don't take action. Even if I believed in the concept of a God who orchestrated with an "Everything happens for a reason" mentality...which to a greater extent, I do...I'd still believe that I was given the ability to free think and make things happen for myself. The only thing is that finding people who can sign is a bit of a rarity in my life

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