$3.00 Credit card puirchase limit @ Shell

This might help you understand "swipe fees":

The interchange fee is a percentage of each transaction that Visa and MasterCard banks collect from restaurateurs and other merchants every time a consumer uses a credit or debit card to pay for a purchase. The fee varies with the type of card, size of merchant and other factors. Generally, the fees average close to 2 percent for credit card and debit transactions and can be even higher for rewards or corporate credit cards.

Restaurants have no control over these fees which can be raised at any time by the credit card companies, and because refusing to accept credit and debit cards in this plastic-driven society is just not a realistic option, restaurants are forced to accept whatever terms or rates they dictate – even when these are harmful to the restaurant’s viability and its guests. In most instances interchange “swipe” fees represent one of the highest expenses a business faces – second only to labor and rent. And yet, these swipe fees are one of the only costs of doing business restaurateurs cannot negotiate....
Credit Card Interchange "Swipe" Fees | National Restaurant Association
I thought using a debit card which is dedicated to one's checking account would be the way to go as you get your money right away as a business person. You mentioned "credit" card vs my "debit" card. Next time I go to the grocery store, or restaurant, I'll ask if they have to pay a fee. I frequently see that the money is withdrawn from my checking account before I even get home! Lol.....
Ask them about the "swipe fee."

The bank takes the money out of the customer's debit account quickly but it doesn't necessarily pay it to the business (restaurant, store) immediately. That gives the bank use of the money for up to 30 days, interest free, and leaves the businesses with a slower cash flow.
I refuse to use any credit card for any gas station. I always use my debit card only to pay gas. no processing fee.
I refuse to use any credit card for any gas station. I always use my debit card only to pay gas. no processing fee.

That's what I did at Shell. It didn't make any sense to me cuz no processing fee. I'm ATM (debit) card addict and hardly a credit card user.

