Scientists work on 1000+ year lifespans!

Who could afford such an ambitious colonizing of other planets?

the concept of monetary economy would be gone by then.
the concept of monetary economy would be gone by then.
What, we'll barter for space ships? I guess I'll have to trade a lot of chocolate chip cookies for my ride into space.

What, we'll barter for space ships? I guess I'll have to trade a lot of chocolate chip cookies for my ride into space.


good question but I wouldn't care since I won't be living long enough to find out :lol:

I'm just going by Gene Roddenberry's prediction.
Who could afford such an ambitious colonizing of other planets?

Not that expensive if we could find a stargate somewhere...

Other planets? It takes at least 100 years (just a guess - it may be a lot more) with our current technology to reach the nearest planet. That's if we are lucky to locate an Earth-like planet in our generation. To support the next 4 or more generations on the ship, the costs to cover food, supplies, etc for whole journey would be staggering.

Edited: I forgot about this topic. Of course, if we achieve longevity, the costs for the journey may be significantly less.
Reba said:
Who could afford such an ambitious colonizing of other planets?

Jiro said:
the concept of monetary economy would be gone by then.

What, we'll barter for space ships? I guess I'll have to trade a lot of chocolate chip cookies for my ride into space.


good question but I wouldn't care since I won't be living long enough to find out

I'm just going by Gene Roddenberry's prediction.

The Venus Project

the concept of monetary economy would be gone by then.
With all respect to you, I don't agree. We have been getting MORE monetized since the beginning of history. We used to barter and now that practice is almost gone.
With all respect to you, I don't agree. We have been getting MORE monetized since the beginning of history. We used to barter and now that practice is almost gone.

the concept of monetary economy didn't exist until Roman Empire (or around that time). That's couple thousand years later since beginning of human civilization. Although - there was a form of monetary economy in BC era but extremely limited.
With all respect to you, I don't agree. We have been getting MORE monetized since the beginning of history. We used to barter and now that practice is almost gone.

As long as there is demand for limited supply.

If we achieve almost unlimited energy by some means, will we be able to continue the monetary economy?
In future:

Perhaps, a coffee would cost 50 dollars for one pint. If it is spilled, it's a crime.
Perhaps, a basic doll would cost 600 dollars each.
Perhaps, 200,000 bucks for one baby delivery.
Perhaps, at a grocery store, to buy something that would cost $2,000 every two weeks.

If the death tax is still around, then it would cost 800,000 bucks. If it does not meet the requirement by the law, then the body will be tossed out to a pig farm and let it rot in the mud. :eek3:

Then, everything will go crazy and kill each other for money.

At last, the population might be reduced and no longer use any money system around the world. :hmm:
Hmm... it's hard to believe... I prefer a normal life. I don't mind to stay alive up to a hundred years old. It's worthy experience but more than a few hundreds or a lot of years old? Nah, no thanks. :)
Living to 80 or 90 years old is enough and pass on to something better.
Would any of you refuse life saving procedures because you are "old"? I read that most people would do anything to save their life and to live longer. The average lifespan could be over 200 years in the future, who would want to die at only 80 then?
Would any of you refuse life saving procedures because you are "old"? I read that most people would do anything to save their life and to live longer. The average lifespan could be over 200 years in the future, who would want to die at only 80 then?

Ah yes.... typical wish of people in their youth. they want to live long time so that they can party and fornicate long time. wait until they get old. Their perspective will be quite different.
If we live much longer, we continue to pay our crap taxes to make us suffer. House of Representatives and Senators are happy about that so that they continue their rich life style.
Would any of you refuse life saving procedures because you are "old"? I read that most people would do anything to save their life and to live longer. The average lifespan could be over 200 years in the future, who would want to die at only 80 then?

I disagreed; I don't want to live so longer, otherwise I am in denial of death natural. I prefer to live my normal life. I don't need to be immortal. IMO, I think longevity is pretty selfish choice.
I disagreed; I don't want to live so longer, otherwise I am in denial of death natural. I prefer to live my normal life. I don't need to be immortal. IMO, I think longevity is pretty selfish choice.

If you were born 100 years ago and a "normal life" lasted 50 years but you could get the chance to live to 80, would you? Today's "normal life" lasts 80 years, are you saying you wouldn't want to live to 120+?

I choose to live a very long life because I enjoy my life and there's so much I want to experience. I have no desire to commit suicide(by refusing treatment or otherwise) when I get old. There will be treatment that can reverse aging so ill be young again. What's selfish about me choosing a long life?
She might be thinking of future generations.

Who would take care of the old? Do we have the right to live forever and deny potential offspring?

New children means new experiences... means new ideology... means they have the power to change the world. If everyone lives forever, or for an extended period of time, then things just... stay static.

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