Newbie in San Diego!


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Nov 10, 2009
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My name is Sara and I am a hearing person that is going to be attending ASL courses at Palomar College in Jan.

I started a new group called Studdy Group in San Diego here if anyone is interested in getting together to practice.
I am so very new at it that I'm a bit intimidated to go to groups that are 100% deaf as I can't communicate fluently yet.

I'm also working on a project called Deaf and Dog. It's a documentary on the lives of deaf people and how they live and communicate with their pets, and the rest of their social lives as well.
I am in need of people who would like to participate, so if you want to know more, please feel free to email me at

I look forward to meeting new people and starting something BIG!


My name is Sara and I am a hearing person that is going to be attending ASL courses at Palomar College in Jan.

I started a new group called Studdy Group in San Diego here if anyone is interested in getting together to practice.
I am so very new at it that I'm a bit intimidated to go to groups that are 100% deaf as I can't communicate fluently yet.

I'm also working on a project called Deaf and Dog. It's a documentary on the lives of deaf people and how they live and communicate with their pets, and the rest of their social lives as well.
I am in need of people who would like to participate, so if you want to know more, please feel free to email me at

I look forward to meeting new people and starting something BIG!


Are you surprised if dogs are perfectly capable of learning sign? The little guy in my avatar is deaf like me.
Not even a little bit surprised! I've been a pet care professional for many years and worked for dog training facilities. Dogs are smart. BTW, you're dog is a cutie!!

My main objective in a documentary is education. There is a much bigger picture and project behind it, this is just a start.

I'd love to have a facility one day that employs deaf people training dogs sign. I think it will open more job ops and save more pets. That's the jist of it anyways...

Not even a little bit surprised! I've been a pet care professional for many years and worked for dog training facilities. Dogs are smart. BTW, you're dog is a cutie!!

My main objective in a documentary is education. There is a much bigger picture and project behind it, this is just a start.

I'd love to have a facility one day that employs deaf people training dogs sign. I think it will open more job ops and save more pets. That's the jist of it anyways...


Deaf Dog Education Action Fund Yes.. Here is a link for a specific organization that saves and adopts out deaf dogs.

I too, am working on the same, raised by deaf parents so its easier for me but i'm rusty, i could use some conversation, for practice or answer questions about what i know, as it is, it not proper grammar like the hearing world, at least that how i communicate w ASL. I haven't used my web cam much, I'm willing to practice, if you want some help. :wave: PSS Being a dog lover and trained a few dog a few signs , that sounds so interesting and such a great idea to rescue more dogs, usually rescue are more receptive to training cause they just want to please, and love u for it
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Welcome Sara!! I'm hearing and also starting an ASL course in January... an Interpreter Training Program to be specific. :O) Good luck in your endeavors!
Thank you everyone!!!

@ Jabez315, I'd love to practice with you. I need to pick up a webcam.
Let's keep in touch.

Yes, I love to. Currently working on fiquring out how it works on this site. Plus, I'm embarrassed to say, I can't even figure why i can't find the program to at least post a pic, If as if my software doesn't work, So i asked a expert at HP. I hope to rectify the problem soon. Keep in touch, when your ready and what site to web chat on. To get a quicker response you may Email me @ ; Looking forward to practice : )
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
Hey, if you guys want, I found I really need practice. Really. I was at level 4, thought I was at 3, but think its worse than that now my deaf friends and I cant meet often. (twice a year) ASL for me, please?
Hi! I'm glad to find someone on here from Palomar. My name is Valerie and I'm in the interpreting 2 class this semester. Let me know if you have any questions, I'd love to share.
Hello Valerie!

Have you been meeting people Friday nights at the Coffee Bean in Mission Valley for more signing practice and getting to know awesome people??

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