Obama's arrogance turned of International Olympics Committee


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Jul 9, 2006
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“The fact that Barack Obama came, could not do it. I think he lacked emotion, it seemed too empty and business-like. When Tony Blair promoted London he was around three days to lobby and talk to people. You can not just come with the train one day and try to affect everything. People have felt that it was a lack of respect for the Olympics and sport in general. I think people felt it was too business-like to get into the way we have now seen it many times, and you would have feelings back.”

Hans Bonde, professor of sport history at the University of Copenhagen, told the newspaper: “Here come the media favorite Obama just before the deadline and made showoff. He clearly won the battle in the media, but it turned out indeed to be indifferent. IOC members did not feel important, and they were indeed reduced to spectators and not players."

It took the former Danish IOC member Kai Holm less than one round of counting to determine that Chicago was the victim of his own disrespect.

Quite remarkably Holm could tell it, all others considered as an advantage in the Olympic optics was a disadvantage. The world's mightiest man's visit was not an expression of humility and a desire to make the Olympic idea of American and global momentum.

No, it had instead said that Obama does not take the IOC and the Olympic ideals seriously. Having Understood: The American President should have spent more days to 'massage' IOC members' sense of self, so maybe Chicago had won instead.
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Why am I not surprised that the annointed one even dared to show his arrogance?

And we have poor sportsmanship in Chicago after hearing the bad news by blaming Bush.
Chicago torpedoed by anti-U.S. sentiment? :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago 2016

Sigh, what else is new?
Maybe Obama had other things to worry about such as the economy for one.
You complain that Obama is making far too many appearances and acting like a movie star when he should be worried about other matters and now he's arrogant because for showing? :confused:
Yeah, and if he had spent more than the amount of time that he did, you conservatives would be bashing him for neglecting his country. Really, there is nothing he can do to make you guys happy. You're all just a bunch of whiners at this point, and the rest of the country is getting fed up with it.
Alex, glad your silent on the $2 trillion dollar running deficit by Obama in 6 months, a deficit that's 5 times bigger than Bush's own deficit he helped create in over 12 months of his last year of his presidency in 2008.

IOC was clearly, clearly turned off by the annointed one's arrogance thinking by merely speaking with them for a short while would be enough to convince them. Chicago should be thanking Obama for that trip. Saved them from billions of dollars of debt.

Montreal's Olympic Stadium needs a new nickname — the "Big Owe" no longer applies because Quebecers have finally paid off their $1.5-billion debt from the 1976 Summer Games.

Officials from the Olympic Installations Board, which oversees the stadium, have confirmed that the last payment was made in mid-November, three decades after the world descended on Montreal for the Games.

CBC News - Montreal - Quebec's Big Owe stadium debt is over

Caught under a mountain of Olympic debt - The Boston Globe
You complain that Obama is making far too many appearances and acting like a movie star when he should be worried about other matters and now he's arrogant because for showing? :confused:

That's what IOC said. Ever wonder why Chicago received the lowest number of votes in the first round pick that booted Chicago immediately?
At this point... everything Obama does or says... remind me of:

"Damned if you do, damned if you don't."

When you have 300 million people that have no homogeneous background (race, language and religion being the key components), you are going to have criticism and dissent with almost everything.
Alex, glad your silent on the $2 trillion dollar running deficit by Obama in 6 months, a deficit that's 5 times bigger than Bush's own deficit he helped create in over 12 months of his last year of his presidency in 2008.

IOC was clearly, clearly turned off by the annointed one's arrogance thinking by merely speaking with them for a short while would be enough to convince them. Chicago should be thanking Obama for that trip. Saved them from billions of dollars of debt.

Montreal's Olympic Stadium needs a new nickname — the "Big Owe" no longer applies because Quebecers have finally paid off their $1.5-billion debt from the 1976 Summer Games.

CBC News - Montreal - Quebec's Big Owe stadium debt is over

Caught under a mountain of Olympic debt - The Boston Globe

Let's not play "Dr. Phil" in here. Did IOC member tell you that or expressed any such thing to you?
That's what IOC said. Ever wonder why Chicago received the lowest number of votes in the first round pick that booted Chicago immediately?

didn't you say that we shouldn't have Olympic in Chicago cuz we're already in debt? and now you're bitching that we didn't get picked?

oh boy...... :roll:
Yeah, and if he had spent more than the amount of time that he did, you conservatives would be bashing him for neglecting his country. Really, there is nothing he can do to make you guys happy. You're all just a bunch of whiners at this point, and the rest of the country is getting fed up with it.

I don't have a problem with conservatives or liberals because my view is in between them. but my main beef's with right-winger aka bible-thumper hypocrite and left-winger aka che guevara goonie squad.
He kind of was in a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't situation*, which is probably why he shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place. That's a local matter and frankly, I don't see him flying over to Europe to plead for, say, Dallas to get the Olympics.

*I'm referring to staying there a few days verses giving a speech and leaving after a few hours.
My problem is with anyone who uses ill-conceived rhetoric and fallacious reasoning to construct their arguments. The problem with anything is rarely the argument itself, but rather the way the argument is rationalized and justified. To quote McLuhan, "The medium is the message." Of course, in most cases, a poor argument can only be rationalized using faulty rhetoric, so it's null from the get-go.Yes, you see this happening on both sides of the alley, but right now, it's the nutcases like the teabaggers and Fox News carrying the mantle. Don't worry, the liberal whackjobs will show up soon enough once the honeymoon with Obama is over, but let's handle this one "moran" at a time, shall we? :D

I don't have a problem with conservatives or liberals because my view is in between them. but my main beef's with right-winger aka bible-thumper hypocrite and left-winger aka che guevara goonie squad.
Alex, glad your silent on the $2 trillion dollar running deficit by Obama in 6 months, a deficit that's 5 times bigger than Bush's own deficit he helped create in over 12 months of his last year of his presidency in 2008.

Red herring. Has absolutely nothing to do with what we're talking about here. Like you, I am not happy about the deficit. Something DID have to be done, and I do think a lot of the stimulus package was beneficial, but there was a lot of pork barrel crap in it as well.

IOC was clearly, clearly turned off by the annointed one's arrogance thinking by merely speaking with them for a short while would be enough to convince them. Chicago should be thanking Obama for that trip. Saved them from billions of dollars of debt.

First off, if Kai Holm and the IOC thinks it's arrogant that the most important man in the world takes time off from his very busy schedule to come and pitch his country's olympic bid--a country from which no president has ever even gone before the IOC, then they are full of themselves. THEY are the arrogant ones thinking that they deserve days of attention for their little elitist club. Nevertheless, we honestly cannot know what the IOC was thinking about Obama's appearance. Just because one idiot Danish professor says it doesn't make it so. You are appealing to a false authority on that one.

Second: Stop trying to make the Olympic bid something that was entirely Obama's design. The United States Olympic committee had been working on this pitch for years. It's not a defeat for Obama; it's a defeat for our country, and all of you giddy and happy over the fact that we lost the bid are acting very much like traitors. The Olympics is not just about money. It's about prestige, hospitality, and the spirit of competition, and our country has a long and great tradition of proving ourselves in these areas. Conservative media wants to make it look like Chicago is jumping for joy over the news, but the fact is, many are disappointed at the loss of a chance to contribute to this tradition.

Montreal's Olympic Stadium needs a new nickname — the "Big Owe" no longer applies because Quebecers have finally paid off their $1.5-billion debt from the 1976 Summer Games.

Again, the Olympics is not about money. But sheesh, it took them 32 years to pay off a trifling 1.5 billion dollars? What was their repay plan? adding a one cent sales tax to hotdogs at Expo stadium?
didn't you say that we shouldn't have Olympic in Chicago cuz we're already in debt? and now you're bitching that we didn't get picked?

oh boy...... :roll:

Read carefully. I said it'l create a debt problem. Read the links I provided where games were held. Look at the Montreal games where it took 30+ years to pay off their massive debt. Not bitchin...relieved!!
Red herring. Has absolutely nothing to do with what we're talking about here. Like you, I am not happy about the deficit. Something DID have to be done, and I do think a lot of the stimulus package was beneficial, but there was a lot of pork barrel crap in it as well.

First off, if Kai Holm and the IOC thinks it's arrogant that the most important man in the world takes time off from his very busy schedule to come and pitch his country's olympic bid--a country from which no president has ever even gone before the IOC, then they are full of themselves. THEY are the arrogant ones thinking that they deserve days of attention for their little elitist club. Nevertheless, we honestly cannot know what the IOC was thinking about Obama's appearance. Just because one idiot Danish professor says it doesn't make it so. You are appealing to a false authority on that one.

Second: Stop trying to make the Olympic bid something that was entirely Obama's design. The United States Olympic committee had been working on this pitch for years. It's not a defeat for Obama; it's a defeat for our country, and all of you giddy and happy over the fact that we lost the bid are acting very much like traitors. The Olympics is not just about money. It's about prestige, hospitality, and the spirit of competition, and our country has a long and great tradition of proving ourselves in these areas. Conservative media wants to make it look like Chicago is jumping for joy over the news, but the fact is, many are disappointed at the loss of a chance to contribute to this tradition.

Again, the Olympics is not about money. But sheesh, it took them 32 years to pay off a trifling 1.5 billion dollars? What was their repay plan? adding a one cent sales tax to hotdogs at Expo stadium?

That was 32 years ago. Cost nowadays are even more expensive. The massive deficit I pointed out is to exemplify the very problem of not thinking about avoiding debts. Had Chicago gotten this bid it would very likely we'd be bailing them out through a Congressional bill to help their massive debt load after the games ends in 2016.

All one has to do is look at the fact that Chicago received the lowest number of votes in the 1st round pick. That's very telling.
He kind of was in a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't situation*, which is probably why he shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place. That's a local matter and frankly, I don't see him flying over to Europe to plead for, say, Dallas to get the Olympics.

*I'm referring to staying there a few days verses giving a speech and leaving after a few hours.

Exactly, DD. He only stayed a short time. Tony Blair spent two days lobbying the IOC for London. Obama spent 5 hrs.
I just cannot see the correlation between using Canada's Olympic landmark and Obama when the OT is having a tirade against his president.

Please use current sources as the ones provides are very outdated. 2006 and 2008, please find 2009 preferably the ones dated this week. Thank you from Canada.
Read carefully. I said it'l create a debt problem. Read the links I provided where games were held. Look at the Montreal games where it took 30+ years to pay off their massive debt. Not bitchin...relieved!!

Let me get this right... you KNOW that games drain our money and is relieved that we won't have one here yet you Bash Obama for failing to convince Olympics to be hosted here?

That's twisted. Your agenda is crystal clear - you hate Obama, period.
The Olympics is such a waste of resources and money anyways, so I think that Chicago should look at it as more of a gain that they do not have to host the 2016 Olympics.