Stem Cell


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Dec 29, 2007
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What is this supposed to be for and can CI people have it?
Stem cell is to repair damaged organs. Cancer treatments too.

They haven't really used it for hearing yet. It is still research.

I think there is no reason if it ever becomes a treatment that CI users would not be able to have it.
Yes, Deafdude and I have been discussing the possibility of stem cells and he seems to believe that CI's will become Obeselete after stem cells come out as he thinks EVERY deaf person would go for this. I know I would certainly not, I do not want a cure for my hearing loss because it makes me who I am. But some people may not think this
Right now no one knows if anyone who has a CI will be able to benefit from stem cells in the implanted ear. Thats one reason im in no hurry to get CIs. Im afraid ill hurt my chances of getting stem cells in that ear. Ive read that in 10 years there will be human clinical trials and they should grow enough stem cells to improve unaided and aided hearing to the point that HAs give perfect benefits better than any CI.

That is your choice if you don't want any sort of cure. I respect this. I want a cure so I hear better with HAs, can hear some sounds without HAs and hear better than any CI. Why would I get a CI when ill hear much better when an improvement of as little as 20db of hearing makes HAs effecient? I am actually not expecting to be hearing or hear normal with stem cells and I have realistic expectations, that is to simply give me at least 20db improvement in my hearing. Say I have 75db loss at 250Hz, itll get down to 55db. At 1000Hz itll go from 110db down to 90db.

I would probably still be HOH after the cure and that's fine. My biggest expectation is to just hear better with and without HAs. To be honest, I don't think stem cells will give anyone normal hearing for at least 50 years. Even animals that can regenerate hair cells still have a mild hearing loss as the regenerated cells aren't as good as the origionals nor as numerous.
Yes, Deafdude and I have been discussing the possibility of stem cells and he seems to believe that CI's will become Obeselete after stem cells come out as he thinks EVERY deaf person would go for this. I know I would certainly not, I do not want a cure for my hearing loss because it makes me who I am. But some people may not think this

Ohh I see. I think he know it all about hearing. It obvious he know nothing. He need to research by himself and use his common sense with deafness and hearing loss. CI is not cure for deafness. I read your blog write about CI is not cure for deafness. I totally agree with you.

He is make a big deal. He must be make up his own mind. :roll: Stem cell for CI will take it a long time to research about in 20 to 40 years later or so.
Deafdue seems to think 10 years. Pinky- if you have any questions about ci or anything your welcome to ask me or post on my blog

I cant wait for you to get surgery!!
Right now no one knows if anyone who has a CI will be able to benefit from stem cells in the implanted ear. Thats one reason im in no hurry to get CIs. Im afraid ill hurt my chances of getting stem cells in that ear. Ive read that in 10 years there will be human clinical trials and they should grow enough stem cells to improve unaided and aided hearing to the point that HAs give perfect benefits better than any CI.

That is your choice if you don't want any sort of cure. I respect this. I want a cure so I hear better with HAs, can hear some sounds without HAs and hear better than any CI. Why would I get a CI when ill hear much better when an improvement of as little as 20db of hearing makes HAs effecient? I am actually not expecting to be hearing or hear normal with stem cells and I have realistic expectations, that is to simply give me at least 20db improvement in my hearing. Say I have 75db loss at 250Hz, itll get down to 55db. At 1000Hz itll go from 110db down to 90db.

Can you show a link to proof it here? Where is your source the information?
Yes Deafdude you never really explain your ideas
Deafdue seems to think 10 years. Pinky- if you have any questions about ci or anything your welcome to ask me or post on my blog

I cant wait for you to get surgery!!

Yeah I will add you. I haven't make a website and type a story about my life yet. I am still work on it. Thank you for exciting for me! :)
According to conference i went to last month, Stem cells are still long away off, 15 to 20 years and Yes CI users can have it when it's approved.
According to conference i went to last month, Stem cells are still long away off, 15 to 20 years and Yes CI users can have it when it's approved.

Then that is very good news! Do you need to preserve some hearing in the implanted ear, what happens if all your residual hearing is destroyed by CI, would they still be able to regrow hair cells in that ear when there's none to begin with?

The articles I read keep saying that in 10 years there will be clinical trials. Will CIs become obsolete by then?
@deafdude1 - Do you have links for these articles? I'm interested in Stem Cell research for hearing loss myself.
Ive Googled this, just use key words like "deaf cure" "hearing loss cure" "stem cell hearing loss" and other such keywords. Too many articles to link on here.

How's your HA doing in the bad ear? I am curious :) Are you even able to hear any low frequencies with 100db loss at 250Hz? What HA does that ear have?
@deafdude1 - Well, this has been a VERY interesting week.

I'll be writing a post all about it later.

One major thing though:

I can hear the actual beep of the hearing aid in my left ear (the tone, pitch, frequency, everything - not just a tactile response). That's all I can get so far, but can tell when a NUMBER of different sounds occur (I think I'm even picking up speech to a degree). It's improving day by day.

I'll go into further detail of everything that's gone on this week in my post.
Will you chose stem cell treatment if it comes out
Will you chose stem cell treatment if it comes out

I most likley will. My biggest worry is the risks. I will sit back and let those clinical trials progress and either wait for FDA approval or if I see that it's safe and that no one got hurt with the stem cell treatment. I think we will see the first human clinical trials by 2020 but it's possible we may see it as early as 2015 outside America in a few other countries with different rules of regulation. Those early adopters will be taking the biggest risks.

Ive actually heard a few anecedotes of such treatments but none can be verified. One guy said that it had to be kept secret or a bunch of scientists would get in big trouble for testing it on a human(that human agreed to be tested) but the technology is too new to test on humans yet. It's being tested on animals right now and it works for the most part. I wouldn't be surprised if a select few humans agreed to be tested in secret. One person knows of a deaf lady who got the treatment and she is partially hearing now and can hear alot of sounds without HAs.

Note that I have nothing against other who choose to be deaf. I choose to hear better and that's my choice.
Will you chose stem cell treatment if it comes out

Absolutely!!! I'd probably participate in human testing if it ever starts (or even in secret *wink and *hint* for any scientists reading this*) ;) :D

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