Purple home has neighbors seeing red


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Nov 7, 2005
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SEQUIM, Wash. -- It's mostly lavender, with fuchsia trim.

It's safe to say the neighbors don't like this garage/apartment in Sequim.

"It has become the focus of the community," said Brian Juel, who's view now includes the purple building. "Instead of looking at this view we're looking at this house."

But instead of letting it be, they're taking their dislike to a whole new level. Blame the bad economy or the poor housing market -- two dozen neighbors claim all the purple is driving down the value of their homes.

They've signed a petition asking the Clallam County assessor to give them a break on their property taxes because of the boldly colored home nearby.

Andrea Taylor lives next door and every day she opens her curtains and there it is.

"It's taken away from the whole character of the neighborhood," she said of the home. "When we look out and see the pristine, calm quiet and your eyes are just drawn to this purple blob."

Juel said he hasn't had much luck talking with the owners of the purple home.

"Basically it's a one-way discussion -- they haven't returned my e-mails," he said. "We've talked about individual rights but, you know, the rights of the community are kind of trespassed here, also."

Neighbors say the owners live in California and decided to style the exterior after victorian row houses in San Francisco. The owners also plan to build a new victorian home next door in a few years.

No one has moved in and the owners could not be reached for comment.

No covenants exist in this community to force the owners to change their decor. And, after all, beauty is in the eye of - in this case - the owner.

Getting the county assessor to reassess the land in the area could be very difficult to do. Even if the assessor agrees to evaluate the properties, it may not happen until 2010.

Purple home has neighbors seeing red | KOMO News - Seattle, Washington | Local & Regional

Here's the video from CNN.com - Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com
As much as I love purple, this looks so wrong on all levels. It would look better as a beach house or in the heart of a city.
"Basically it's a one-way discussion -- they haven't returned my e-mails," he said. "We've talked about individual rights but, you know, the rights of the community are kind of trespassed here, also."

How histrionic can the neighbours get? Gosh.
I, too, thought it was beautiful. I mean, the house did not look like it was run down or seedy in any form. It was not even that bad at all.

If one wants to paint their house in any color, they should have the right to do so. However, I have to wonder if that house was on a HOA? If that's the case, then it would be understandable as to why it was causing an uproar among the neighbors.
Wow I love that house, I think those colors are beautiful on a house. If I live around there, I'll move in right away lol.
I have seen many color including lilac here in Germany. :shrug:

Yes I agree with some posters here that the color on the house look pretty.
I like it. I like seeing colors on houses, especially in places where it rains a lot or is cloudy-seeing colors can cheer people up. But it needs to be maintained-somehow, colors look worse than white when allowed to peel.
How is this even a discussion? The owner...umm.... OWNS THE HOUSE and can do whatever s/he wants to with it! Those other people need to take the frozen golf clubs out of their bums and get over themselves.
I don't love purple at all, but the color of this house wasn't bad at all. It's not like they had 2,000 ugly lawn ornaments in their front yard. The house looked somewhat Victorian, which is known for its distinctive colors. I'm surprised, actually, that the neighbors thought this drove down their home values that much ...
Just remember that some neighborhoods have a Neighborhood Association. If this is one of them--then the neighbors that are complaining have a valid argument.
I think this house shown in the link looks very beautiful. I actually like Victorian houses very much myself. I lived in a foster home that was in a beautiful big Victorian house in Delavan, WI. Six bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. I had my own room. And the house was blue, if I remember correctly. Wish I could get a Victorian house someday but it is not quite accessible for me because there are a lot of stairs, so I will have to settle for a one-story house that is all on one level, no stairs at all. Purple is a great color. If I ever have a house of my own I want to paint it hot pink! :D

And before I went into foster care, my family lived in a pretty purple house in Milwaukee (No, not that one that everybody in town talks about. The other one. If you live on the south side in Milwaukee you will know what I am talking about.) My dad now has a shit brown house two blocks away from the purple house.

And, HOAs are stupid. I will make sure I get a house where there is NO HOA at all because HOAs are evil and they control EVERYTHING even if you own the house. I see no point in living in a house that I paid for or am paying the mortgage for if I can't do with it what I want, can't paint the house any color I want except boring light or shit brown color like my dad's house (his house is a shit brown color) and if I can't have my children's toys in the front yard (that is a normal thing, isn't it? Why do people complain so much about other people who have their children's toys and bikes in the front yard - you can't really expect children to behave like perfect adults and keep everything neat and perfect and hidden away - children are supposed to play and be messy with their toys in the yards like in the old days of the 1950s and 1960s cause that is what is normal for them - psychologists say so!) and if I can't do what I want with my front and back lawn and other dumb shit. If I had a house and I adhered to everything the stupid HOA says, it will make me feel like I am nothing but a tenant in MY OWN HOUSE that I PAID FOR, and make me feel like the HOAs are the landlords of who I do not pay the rent to. Especially if I either have already paid the house off in full with my own MONEY or am paying the MORTGAGE to the BANK with my own MONEY. MY MONEY. MY HOUSE. FUCK HOAs. All they care about is maintaining their stupid property values and they are nothing but a bunch of crybabies who likes everything to be "boring, neat, and plain". Fuck that shit. My future house will be unique and beautiful and colorful and interesting, that's for sure, and if the whole world complains about my house, I will be more than happy to tell them to kiss my ass and to go fuck themselves and to go suck some dick, because I DO NOT CARE. IT IS NOT THEIR HOUSE! IT IS MY HOUSE! If you do not own the house, then you do not have the right to complain about it. STFU and get a LIFE! If it is really bothering you so much, then I suggest that you wear a blindfold so you won't have to see the house anymore.