Its my belief that with most jobs, all you need to do is show up everyday on time and the rest is common sense. Employers for whatever reason seem to be reluctant to hire deaf/disabled. Its discouraging when you dont even get a chance.
Ive worked in different situations. One time directly for the owner where he treated me like a slave. Another time for a moderate sized company where there wasnt much work to do. How is it for you guys. Are you working nonstop wracking your brains out the entire time? Or is it more like going through the motions coasting.
When driving aroud town, I will see someone driving a real expensive car, and I think to myself, what do they do for living and how difficult can it really be that they make so much to afford such an expensive car
Ive worked in different situations. One time directly for the owner where he treated me like a slave. Another time for a moderate sized company where there wasnt much work to do. How is it for you guys. Are you working nonstop wracking your brains out the entire time? Or is it more like going through the motions coasting.
When driving aroud town, I will see someone driving a real expensive car, and I think to myself, what do they do for living and how difficult can it really be that they make so much to afford such an expensive car