Need Deaf/HoH Registered Nurses and Doctors!

can the BUY Disabled Student Servcies helped? they are responsbile for this. each campus have an ADA coordinator. Gallaudet never had a 504 / ADA coordinator....

I have a little information that the BYU (Brigham Young University) administration has rudely and harshly discriminated a Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing student. She is trying to earn a degree in Nursing and the administrators told her she is not allowed to earn her degree simply because she was Deaf/Hard-of-hearing! She still has one more year to go before she is supposed to graduate, but BYU is stubborn in not letting her get what she earned. If you had found out what exactly was going on, you would be VERY appalled by the treatment the student has been receiving from the BYU administrators and professors!!

I need your help in finding Deaf and Hard of hearing Registered Nurses and Doctors so that my friend can collect statements for an upcoming court battle with BYU!!

Please PM me any info you find. Many thanks to those who will help out!

Thanks again!
yes, but deaf people cannot be a pilot for a 747, only small planes with an instructor or a hearing person alongside, per FAA rules.

But it can be done with 300 people on board, using the TRS or an inteprreter between the cokcpit or captioning radio....

Deaf pilots can obtain commercial pilot certifications/licenses. Stephen J. Hopson is an example of a pilot who did just that.

See also:

Become a Pilot-Deaf Pilot Frequently Asked Questions-Certification

DPA 2005 Fly-in: Deaf Pilots FAQ
Deaf Nurse

I realize this posting is older, but in case anyone is interested there are many web sites dealing with this... AMPHL, and exceptional nurse to name a couple. I myself am a deaf RN and believe it or not, I work in the Operating room setting. Yes there are lots of deaf or hard of hearing doctors, nurses, lawyers, vets, even audiologists.