New Signers' Funny Mistakes


New Member
Sep 4, 2008
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I've been wondering if this kind of a thread would be interesting to anybody besides me, so I guess one way to find out is to create it and watch! :popcorn:

(Okay, I'm supposed to come up with one myself, so I tried to think of one that would be funny that I haven't told before, but I can't. So I'll tell you one that my sister and I laugh about all the time. So, after like 10 years of not using ASL, my sister decided to try to learn it again, and she was trying to sign from what she remembered. She tried to sign "remember," but signed the sign perfectly backwards, like if you took a video of somebody signing "remember" and played it backwards. I don't know if it means anything, but we just laugh about that all the time.)
While reviewing my weekly signs, my sign language instructor asked me to show her how to sign "work." Once I did, she immediately started laughing (which I wasn't offended by since we always found something to laugh about during my lessons) and told me I had signed "f***" instead of "work." I was so embarrassed! :Oops: Needless to say, I never made that mistake again. :)
:rofl2: That's pretty funny Hear Again. I myself would have died infront of the instructor, but that's cool that they are relaxed enough not to get mad or anything.
:rofl2: That's pretty funny Hear Again. I myself would have died infront of the instructor, but that's cool that they are relaxed enough not to get mad or anything.


My sign language instructor was awesome -- very laid back with an excellent sense of humor. If it had been any other instructor, I would have died of embarrassment and wished that the floor would have opened up underneath me. :lol:
While reviewing my weekly signs, my sign language instructor asked me to show her how to sign "work." Once I did, she immediately started laughing (which I wasn't offended by since we always found something to laugh about during my lessons) and told me I had signed "f***" instead of "work." I was so embarrassed! :Oops: Needless to say, I never made that mistake again. :)

Well, depending on what someone's job is, they could be the same..... I guess....
My ASL is not as good as it should be. I was recently on VP with a rather attractive female friend of mine. We somehow got on the subject of her moving to the vicinity of my home. Now, I meant to tell her, in ASL, "If you move here, I will visit you a lot." However, I used the wrong sign for "visit". I thought "visit" was the two "V"s meeting each other, as if "V" is visiting "V". I didn't realize until later that this is the sign for "f**k". So, really, what I said to her was, "If you move here, I will f**k you a lot." The expression on her face was priceless, but my embarrassment and humiliation will last a lifetime.
My ASL is not as good as it should be. I was recently on VP with a rather attractive female friend of mine. We somehow got on the subject of her moving to the vicinity of my home. Now, I meant to tell her, in ASL, "If you move here, I will visit you a lot." However, I used the wrong sign for "visit". I thought "visit" was the two "V"s meeting each other, as if "V" is visiting "V". I didn't realize until later that this is the sign for "f**k". So, really, what I said to her was, "If you move here, I will f**k you a lot." The expression on her face was priceless, but my embarrassment and humiliation will last a lifetime.

Wow, that sounds an awful lot like the SEE sign for "very" .. or at least the one my family uses .. unless I've wrongly learned f***ing as meaning very, which in English slang, it can =s How many signs for f*** are there? I better just skip that word from now on and just intensify the sign for what the subject is very! Uh, I donno how to say what I just tried to say =s
there was a guy i knew who was learning sign and we met some friends who were experienced in sign. Well we exchanged names and one of the women said her sign name was the letter "p" on her cheek.
Well later on this guy was trying to remember her sign name and put the "p" on his nose. That was funny!
My sister is still learning to sign, but she's doing really well. Tonight, we were signing, and suddenly out of the blue, totally out of character for her, she suddenly says, "I'm a good tit."

I fingerspelled back to her what she said, and we both laughed a lot, but I never did find out what she was trying to say :lol:
I'm in culinary school, and in our restaurant we have a deaf waiter. He has an interpreter but a lot of times she's not around or whatever. There's this woman who always eats in the restaurant and always orders sweet tea, except she usually doesn't have him as her waiter. So on this particular day, when she was trying to order tea, she made the sign for the letter T, and shook it. The look on the waiter's face was pretty hilarious. I signed to him the correct order behind the woman's back, but I never told her she signed wrong, so now every time she orders "toilet", the waiter and I have a good laugh.
I'm in culinary school, and in our restaurant we have a deaf waiter. He has an interpreter but a lot of times she's not around or whatever. There's this woman who always eats in the restaurant and always orders sweet tea, except she usually doesn't have him as her waiter. So on this particular day, when she was trying to order tea, she made the sign for the letter T, and shook it. The look on the waiter's face was pretty hilarious. I signed to him the correct order behind the woman's back, but I never told her she signed wrong, so now every time she orders "toilet", the waiter and I have a good laugh.

:rofl: I can't stop laughing :lol:
I'm in culinary school, and in our restaurant we have a deaf waiter. He has an interpreter but a lot of times she's not around or whatever. There's this woman who always eats in the restaurant and always orders sweet tea, except she usually doesn't have him as her waiter. So on this particular day, when she was trying to order tea, she made the sign for the letter T, and shook it. The look on the waiter's face was pretty hilarious. I signed to him the correct order behind the woman's back, but I never told her she signed wrong, so now every time she orders "toilet", the waiter and I have a good laugh.

:laugh2: :laugh2:
my parents taught a old neighbor asl and she was our church interpreter back in 70s... now she is one of top interpreters in ky.. anyway she was trying to sign Jesus die on cross but she signed Jesus Bet on cross my dad laughed but he kept to himself and she was wondering why my dad laughed then after church my mom corrected her and she became embarrassed.. and accept critic and changes from deaf people and now she is RIT certificated interpreter
there was a guy i knew who was learning sign and we met some friends who were experienced in sign. Well we exchanged names and one of the women said her sign name was the letter "p" on her cheek.
Well later on this guy was trying to remember her sign name and put the "p" on his nose. That was funny!

Okay, I'll be the lame asl student who doesn't get it. What's a 'p' on the nose mean?
Okay, I'll be the lame asl student who doesn't get it. What's a 'p' on the nose mean?

If a person touches their nose with the letter "P" while puffing out their cheeks, it means "urinate."

If a person touches their nose with the letter "P" (without puffing out their cheeks) or touches their nose with the letter "P" while making a bouncing motion, it means a part of the male anatomy.
:lol: I wonder why they don't teach us that in class. What part of the 'p' touches the nose? (just for future reference :D )
:lol: I wonder why they don't teach us that in class. What part of the 'p' touches the nose? (just for future reference :D )


The tip of the middle finger touches the tip of the nose (with the letter "P" facing you).

I almost forgot...another sign for "urinate" is made by taking the index finger and holding it upright, then pointing it down and forward while you puff out your cheeks.
I have SO many of these stories it is not even funny...often with me I know the signs, I just get caught up and sloppy lol.

About two weeks ago I asked one of my interpreters if she wanted a pen. I definitely actually asked her if she wanted a penis.

Once my grandpa was mocking sign language and waving his hands around like a ninny to try to convey this. He called me an asshole in the process and I pointed this out to the entire family.

My friend who is learning ASL wanted to ask me if I wanted a drink, instead she asked me if I wanted to get drunk. I topped that one off by saying in spoken English, "No - I do not want to get drunk" in a fairly quiet crowded room. She'll never do that again though...

There are more but I don't have time!

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