That is ridiculous! Shel, please ignore that woman because she is obviously an idiot. She must be if she pins all the blame on you for stealing away the ENTIRE race of black men. That woman is making all the rest of us look bad. Trust me when i say that not all of us share her views.
I am a black woman and i have never, ever blamed white women for "taking" all the black men away. Nor will i ever blame them. True there is a shortage of marriageable black men (many are in prison, etc) so things are desperate in the black community. But desperate times call for desperate measures. What's the smarter thing to do: sit around on your butt, single and all alone, blaming your dating woes on women of another race OR: think outside the box, (in the abscence of available black men) widen your horizons to include the idea of dating men of other races/ethnicities? Black women have got to wake up and give it a go.
As a black woman, nothing burns me up more than another black woman hating on a white woman because she chooses to date a black man.

She's dating a black man. SO. WHAT. That is HER business. Same with the black man. He found something enchanting in this woman. He wants to be with her so let him be. If he wanted to be with a black woman he would be with a black woman. It's HIS choice and HIS personal decision. Mind your business!!

Why must he date a black woman simply because he is black?? Where's the rule written down in stone?? Tell me where it's found and i'll eat my words.
*sigh* I could go on and on about this. Obviously, it's touched a raw nerve.:roll: Advice for you, Shel. IGNORE THE HATERS. Yeah. Do that. You just keep on loving your black man and don't second guess yourself because one ignorant person decided to give you their two cents.
End rant.