I am currently a student at the Court Reporting Institute of Dallas in Texas. All CART writers started where I am now. I eventually want to become a CART writer. That is my ultimate goal. I know it will be hard but I'm willing to do it. I recently switched from PT student to FT student. Which means I now work PT at the local craft store. There is a customer that comes in often and is deaf. She signs to me, but I only understand her through gestures and facial expressions.
Seeing her so often has made decide to learn ASL. If I'm going to be a CART writer, I want to be able to communicate with the student one on one. Without having to use the machine and software. I can get that personal trust and maybe understand better how they prefer the writing to be. If that makes any sense.
Well it makes sense in my head of course.

Plus, if I ever see any of the students around town, how am I going to communicate with them and have casual conversation? All I'd say is hi. When I really want to say more but don't have my machine.
That's why I found this site today. To learn, to understand as much as a hearing person can, and to see what areas CART and CC need to be. Of course in all areas, nooks and crannies. :P
I'm going to tell my husband about the CC for movie theaters. We met when we worked at the movie theater. If we ever have enough money...he might try to open his own theater. I'm going suggest it be an all CC theater. With me as the writer! We'll see how that pans out. But he really does want to open one and wants it to be unique in a way no other theater is.
Any way, I put in my two cents of nonsense.
Back to the original question, court reporting school is where you need to be to get to CART. It's a very difficult field. One must be willing to put entire body and mind into it. There is no summer vacation. We have to be on the machine every single day. The drop out rate is massive. The length of time in school varies. If you can shut your brain off and write you can get done fulltime in about two years. If you are a thinker, me, it will take longer. But it can happen. I've met reporters that took years to finish school. I've met students who have been in school with me for years. So if he really wants to do it, he must be disciplined and ready to fail a few times.
Ahh, okay I've written too much.