I vote yes.. Why?
i have my young sister (two and a half years apart)..
I did not remember when she was starting to smoke but at young age, probably preteen or in a teen age. My mom did not allow us to drink anything is relative to drug types, but i'm still drug free and she is still not.
She was easily rebelled against my mom's words because she just wanted to try it. Fortunately, she did not drunk a lot but is still smoking. I am so glad that she learned how to handle it and to understand what's the importance: safety. She was only drunk a few times because of her friends made so sure my sister did not do anything stupid. I think. Really, I don't know what is her dark history of her own drugs because she never share with me about her own experiences. Especially, my family. What she had done? She stepped back once year in her high school that she was supposed to graduate this summer (2007). She lost her driver linecse which was due to her grade failure. She transformed in maany different schools, i dont know how many, and her some personal reasons.. But, again, I don't know her history because I maybe am wrong..
Well, it's the same thing with my own anti-self experience because I refused to share with my family and still never will. *sighs* I never share with my family about my sleeping habit and have a "major" depressing, either.
Because... my family is not opened-mind with us, inculding me (yes, im not open-minded with them).. For an explain... MY family is heavy pro-choice but there is only one pro-life is me. I refused to share with them because they will just upset at me. So, I have to pretend to be i'm pro-netural.
I am now sad, a bit of tear, beause I realized how importance is trusting, be open-minded with my family, and show a repect. I think I know why my family is not get along. Because my mom and sister used to not get along pretty well until three years ago, they finally get along. Well... what's surprise me is... my grandmother never told my mom about period until my mom was found out when she was 15. Because my grandparent was not so open-minded with their children either... There are more personal reasons in my family history.
I was more hurting when i read naturalists (?) in a thread somewhere else.. Now, I read this thread. However... still.. I am very glad I now know. Thank you, Libling, Puyo, and others for sharing your experiences. I do really mean that.
I'm sorry if it's off-topic post a bit.. :[ i'm kinda of down but, at the same time that i'm glad.