17 Reasons Why Bicycles Are the Most Popular Vehicle in the World Today

i have loved riding on the bicycle when i was young.. i dont have one..but i wouldnt mind buying one so i can ride to the store for whatever I need like milk n bread.. simple necessarites..

sadly my son cant ride on the bicycle.. he have poor muscles tones due to Sensory Processing Disorder. :( I hope he can ride on it one day... I pray.. :)
I've already been thinking about buying a bike. I'm just waiting for a good bike to come along.

The last bike I bought... broke within a week. :(
Honestly, I never think about good/bad advantages on bicycle... I know there're most good advantages on bicycle is health and execrise.

Of course, it's good exercise to ride on the bike for short distances.

I would use bicycle for travel 15 km to work if my both boys are not in school. It's my responsible to make sure that they go off to get the school bus before I have to leave for work which only 20 minutes drive to work. I know it would take me around one hour to arrive work place but I really don't have problem with that.

If you come to any sprawling town in the metro area, you'll see what I mean. If I live 20 miles away and my job is 20 miles over there, it would take maybe a hour or so to ride bike there if I am at constant 20 mph, non stop. I don't have an hour or so for that kind of commute.

My work place will move to other base this year which only 5 minute away drive from my area mean that I will use bicycle daily. I can use bicycle when I see my boys off for get school bus then ride the bicycle for 20 minutes to work place. I am looking forward to it because of gasoline expenses.

If I live close by to my work, I would ride bike everyday to work, for sure!
Do You have one? Those looks neat but also seems to be awkward.

I might have to check into that when I move.

No, I don't have one but I do think they are a neat novelty. I vaquely recall reading something about the health benefits operating one of these things. They also run the gamut in prices. I think I saw one once for 6 thou....

You're gonna move from where to where? Best wishes with that, tho.....
No, I don't have one but I do think they are a neat novelty. I vaquely recall reading something about the health benefits operating one of these things. They also run the gamut in prices. I think I saw one once for 6 thou....

You're gonna move from where to where? Best wishes with that, tho.....

Lubbock to Austin, and thanks.
When living in a flat land without any dominant mass transit system, a bicycle is a must! Many days, I've riden on a bicycle without a care in the world. Then, in front of me and others who were, equally, aghast, someone else's bike was stolen.

The more flat your land and the less mobile your mass transit = the greater likelihood of your riding a bicycle.

U.S.A. media has pointed at a recent, "sudden" increase in mass transit. Bicycling, in my country, appears to be a "sport" while, in other global areas, bicycling is a rite of human passage.

Amsterdam, at one time, had one day per week reserved for only bicycling. Its effects were long-lasting. So long, that, right now, people identify the city by its numerous bicycles.

Bicycles, in U.S. society, has been reserved for children. How many of us remember our expectant parents teaching us how to ride one? How many of us remember the "wee-wee" feeling when fitted with training wheels? I'm not sure that the American mentality is prepared to be that of the old world: using an instrument that did not require an upgrade within a month nor using a monthly fee program that enables the experience/benefit.

Bicycle: so elementary and so not an area to make money from.
Do You have one? Those looks neat but also seems to be awkward.

I might have to check into that when I move.
Yeah, they look like something for a lazy person. ;)

If I was just using the bike to exercise or get around places where there are no curbs, then I would probably go for that.

However, I'm a kind of guy who wants to go anywhere. If someone was about to cut me off, I want to be able to jump the curb without any problems. :)
Yeah, they look like something for a lazy person. ;)

If I was just using the bike to exercise or get around places where there are no curbs, then I would probably go for that.

However, I'm a kind of guy who wants to go anywhere. If someone was about to cut me off, I want to be able to jump the curb without any problems. :)

Yea, It is important to have an escape route in the cities since drivers are not very tolerate of bikes. However, that might be changing in the near future.
if the bike lane disappears, then fuck it. just ride in the traffic lane like all the other cars and let them slow down for you. they can't make you ride offroad. many times you can't even ride off the road because the dirt is too gravelly, the terrain is impossible, or you're too close to parked cars or a wall, etc. you're also not legally allowed to ride on the sidewalk, at least in CA. i was watching youtube videos about hazards of cycling, and some dumb cunt got angry and said "these cyclists need to get off the road and start riding on the sidewalk, it was made for them!" nice try but no cigar, you dumbshit. i also watched many videos about asshole drivers that always cut off cyclists and don't obey traffic laws with them (if they did that shit with other cars it would cause a fatal accident), like to randomly honk their horns and yell at cyclists, and even throw food and beverages at them as they drive by. last week i bought my first bike in about 7 years. it was a $100 Walmart piece of shit. oh well, i can't afford a $1000 bike right now. it's been acting up. while i ride, i occasionally feel a jolt and it sounds like the gears are changing when i didn't change them. i checked today, and it's not changing gears, so i really don't know what it's doing. i turned it upside down and gave it a try and when it moves into the low gears the chain has a tendency not to catch and keep getting stuck. :| also, it looks like the front wheel is way misaligned but i don't know how to fix it.i've been riding it around the block, and jesus holy christ, i'm out of shape. there's just the slightest incline on my street, but by the time i ride around the block and pull into my driveway i'm ready to fall over.
I still ride on sidewalks. It is illegal here in Ca., but unless someone complains, nothing happens.* I try to be courteous to people on sidewalks.* Have you been in crosswalks and had cars go around you?* As for your bike, take it back to Walmart.* Is the chain dry?* I was having a prob with my bike until a few days ago.* My bike is old and I haven't had the time or money to take it in for a tune up.* It was doing the same as yours - sounding like it was shifting, jerking, etc. I tried to adjust the rear wheel, but couldn't so just put 3 in 1 oil on the chain. Works like a charm now. Where abouts in Ca are u?
As a pedestrian, there are two things I strongly dislike:

bicycles on the sidewalk

cars that "nose" into the crosswalk
Fortunately when I ride it is usually early in the morning at which time I ride on the road, and then when coming home, I ride on sidewalks because not many people are coming form the stores, but there are a lot of cars on the road. Some of the places I ride I have to be on the sidewalk - like when I am on the bridge. Cars are going like 70 and there is no bike lane. So I use the sidewalk.
Yeah, they look like something for a lazy person. ;)

If I was just using the bike to exercise or get around places where there are no curbs, then I would probably go for that.

However, I'm a kind of guy who wants to go anywhere. If someone was about to cut me off, I want to be able to jump the curb without any problems. :)
Yeah but mountain bike can be tough on you on the road than off-road unless you switch the tire to road friendly on your mountain bike. Or get a hybird tire that can do both.

because most mt. bike comes with tire that are knobby and the rolling resistance is greater causing you to go slower than you wanted. But exercise is good :D
id rather ride a horse than a bike but too bad its unfortunate that its not practical in todays world.
I have my own mountain bike. In my hometown have greenway trail. I wish in my state have a bicycle friendly like Portland, Oregon, Davis, CA and SF, CA.

I don't mind to ride on a horse but it's expensive than bicycle.
Yeah, when I lived in Washington State and I notcied alot people using bike around. It's great to seeing that once I moved back to Michigan, ugh.. C-A-R-S are everywhere in this state, Michigan! Well, Michigan is pretty famous for Car Factory tho. :ugh:

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