What would you do if Someone call you Deaf & Dumb ?

posted twice
But i also hate hearing people who call deaf people deaf and dumb because they think all deaf people are dumb
I hate hearing people. shoot I hate to group home. I hate RYAN is stupid. I am not happy right now because I told it i have problem really hearing people stupid hearing peopele i think so hearing bad attitude to people worst to people i understand i experience to reallyhow can bleieve hearing people don't understand what is happened. I think so frustrated to people. I understand

1) don't be blame to deaf people
2) don't be uspet
3) be mad at critizism to people
4) discrimmminate to people
5) threatening
6)bad attiude
7) sometimes meaning and angery

Pereceptive to people having think so observe to hearing people
well my grandma called me deaf and dumb that pissed me off i told her off that i am NOT DUMB just deaf that all. as when i yelled at her mom came out and told grandma that she too heard what grandma said and she not very pleased and told grandma that was insulting word so after that grandma stop calling me deaf and dumb when i met grandma's friends or whoever grandma include me to them and she told them that i am deaf but never said dumb again
AND i prove her that i am smart as i fixed something that i never did before and it shocked grandma.
I understand what is happened critzen to people think so negative i don't like bad tings. I think so important to commuication to you. i hope be stop it called dumb of deaf people i think so possible with communication to people. it is called dumb of deaf people don't like called harassment to people hearing think so you against to law.........
we all are not dumb bec we can use computer and job and drive and do things.. not right they say about deaf and dumb make me mad with it.... if they say i will say dont say that again let them know i hope they will not say it again... smile...
Simple..I tell them that they are hearing and dumb and give them the bird.


I'm hearing but I'd never call anybody deaf and dumb! That's a very childish behavior and very impolite! There are other means of communicating an adult your disapproval on certain subject!

My husband's ex so-called common in law wife, not real marriage called my husband Deaf and Dumb over the VRS relay call and he was hurts.

My husband told his ex that's insults and she said well you don't understand, his ex is hearing, does she have the right to called him deaf and dumb ?

This really pissed me right off and we all know we are all not deaf and dumb, why do hearing thinks we are, they are totally wrong.

What would you do if someone calls you deaf and dumb ?


I find that calling deaf a dumb is very CRUEL and INHUMAN!

From Dictionary.com

http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/dumb said:
Our Living Language : In ordinary spoken English, a sentence such as He is dumb will be interpreted to mean "He is stupid" rather than "He lacks the power of speech." "Lacking the power of speech" is, however, the original sense of the word, but it has been eclipsed by the meaning "stupid." For this change in meaning, it appears that the Germans are responsible. German has a similar and related word dumm that means "stupid," and over time, as a result of the waves of German immigrants to the United States, it has come to influence the meaning of English dumb. This is one of dozens of marks left by German on American English. Some words, like kindergarten, dachshund, and schnapps still have a German feel or are associated to some extent with Germany, but others, like bum, cookbook, fresh (in the meaning "impertinent"), rifle, and noodle have become so thoroughly Americanized their German origins may surprise some.


For 2,000 years the word "dumb" in English meant "unable to speak". It had no reference to intelligence at all.

In my lifetime:

Fifty years ago, before ASL was considered a language, before civil rights, before ADA -- FRIENDS of the Deaf World, such as my mother, used the term "deaf and dumb" to describe people who could neither hear nor speak. They were using the word in its original meaning of mute and never once gave a thought to any reference to intelligence or lack of it.

People who were disdainful of Deaf, often authority figures such as police, teachers, social workers, called Deaf people "dummies" -- referring to the ventriloquist's dummy who had no voice of their own until the ventriloquist spoke. They did this openly with no thought of repercussions or political consequences.

People who nowadays would be called oralists, but in those days were called liberals, decided the best thing they could do for deaf people was fight against the ignorance of the masses and convince people that deaf were not "dumb" they were as smart as anybody -- Never realizing they were campaigning for their own ignorance, both of the language and of the people who were using the terms.

Their proof that deaf mutes were as smart as anybody wasn't that they were as smart as anybody -- but that they could learn to read lips and use their voices just like normal people. I met these people as a child, my best friend was a CODA who taught me sign, and I never saw one of them who could sign or had any respect for sign language.

The first thing they did was attack people who were friendly to the Deaf community and antagonized them and in the process encouraged Deaf people to reject those hearing who cared the most about them. The message was, "People who use the phrase 'deaf and dumb' are your enemy," somehow lumping them with the same people who called Deaf people "dummies".

It had no effect on people who disdained the deaf community until Stokoe proved ASL was a language, the civil rights movement succeeded, and ADA came into effect. Then openly anti deaf people in authority had to at least pretend to show some respect for the Deaf community.

I don't know if this post effects the way you view someone who uses the term "deaf and dumb" or not, but my first reaction is to look past the words and try to understand what the person means and why they are using it.

I wasn't there, and I don't know the age or attitude of Moonflower's grandmother, but it is possible the poor old lady was judged unfairly.
i am not going to argue with berry about my grandmother's attitudes

only i am going to explain,
we told her not to judge me and plus we taught her not to do that as it was insulted to my feelings my parents were only to protected my feelings and as the deaf community changed and we don't label ourselves deaf and dumb. she wasn't judged, we don't judge her only to help her understand that things changed than it was before.
i am not going to argue with berry about my grandmother's attitudes

only i am going to explain,
we told her not to judge me and plus we taught her not to do that as it was insulted to my feelings my parents were only to protected my feelings and as the deaf community changed and we don't label ourselves deaf and dumb. she wasn't judged, we don't judge her only to help her understand that things changed than it was before


I can understand that. Times and language do change. Adjustments do need to be made for them.

It does irritate me that people have ruined a perfectly good word by refusing to accept any meaning for it except "stupid" just as it irritates me that you can no longer use the word gay in any capacity except in its homosexual connotation.

There was a time when a man could say, "We had such a gay time it left me dumb" and mean "We had so much fun I was speechless." If you said it nowadays someone would think your buddy had screwed your brains out.
I can understand that. Times and language do change. Adjustments do need to be made for them.

It does irritate me that people have ruined a perfectly good word by refusing to accept any meaning for it except "stupid" just as it irritates me that you can no longer use the word gay in any capacity except in its homosexual connotation.

There was a time when a man could say, "We had such a gay time it left me dumb" and mean "We had so much fun I was speechless." If you said it nowadays someone would think your buddy had screwed your brains out.

i understand now that things now have changed so fast that i guess they had problem catching up as it is as it is not too late to learn.

You are right it is childish and impolite also rude and discrimination too, My husband did told his ex that an insults and she said you don't understand and she even push their daughter to read what my husband says on the yahoo IM to tried to make my husband looks bad, why she get their daughter involve in their conversation in yahoo IM, she's 9 years old.

Mom said that my husband's ex is playing mind game on him to make him thinks he's really dumb, no good all that which is called verbal abusive. I don't know why people have to be so cruel to someone who's nice.


I'm hearing but I'd never call anybody deaf and dumb! That's a very childish behavior and very impolite! There are other means of communicating an adult your disapproval on certain subject!
