Ancient Chinese Dynasty Law


If You Know What I Mean
Premium Member
Apr 27, 2007
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Thought I'd share this. I came across this when reading about motorcyclists' journey in China.

Qin Dynasty - 221 BCE - 206 BCE

Exactly how I felt traversing the political threads here. :lol:
Wow, break a law and the family plus 5 neighbors get punished. Oh boy.

yes. that is the punishment of my V.I.C.T.O.R.Y. Law :mad2: Remember - DO YOUR DUTY AND WATCH YOUR NEIGHBOR... especially the foreigners! :mad2:
yes. that is the punishment of my V.I.C.T.O.R.Y. Law :mad2: Remember - DO YOUR DUTY AND WATCH YOUR NEIGHBOR... especially the foreigners! :mad2:

I don't do a thing because my wolf will protect me and people are naturally scared of wolves.
This is terrible when you have a barbaric laws like that in China. I hope the Ancient Chinese Dynasty laws are outlaw or cancel out. China should consider their people as humanity and not abuse them and torture them with this laws. That is sick and the Chinese government should be ashamed of what the people torture them like that. Chinese people who live in China have suffered under the communist government for a long, long time. Some of the Chinese people escaped to Taiwan which is a island from the mainland China. They feel safe in Taiwan. China is trying to take over Taiwan. The Taiwanese and their government tried to fight back to China and not take over from China. I read about it years ago and it is really sad that the Chinese people have to suffer the abuse. Also another thing is that each Chinese family have to have one child only, instead of two or more children because of too many people (overpopulation). That is the law now. :(
Not all wolves are scared of guns AT FIRST, but after it's fired a shot. Perhaps only the deaf wolves wouldn't be scared.

i sense a great wisdom behind this.... i must ponder at mountain for a long time.... brb
I vaguely remember the ancient laws from Europe, and I don't recall what countries were they from. I have some notes somewhere with me. Anyway, If a woman was raped, she must be married to a rapist, and is forced to live with him for rest of her natural life.

If a thief breaks and enters into the house, and is caught, a thief will receive a death punishment and will be forced to be buried UNDER the house a person broke into.
Remeber watch on TV, I think history channel years ago about China's law. Drug traffice is death sentence for anyone who carry drugs and sold them. Show a real life story of a man who did this and got death sentence and faced firing squad next day after they found him guilty. compare here USA and China, criminals here are so lucky to be alive and in prison.
Why do I find "Force one to commit suicide" amusing?

lol not sure exactly how they do it but I guess make them play russian roulette LOL. oh wait... gun wasn't even invented at that time. :laugh2:
I thought only Japan did ritual suicide.

About the old European law, if they buried a thief under my house, I would not want to live in it anymore!:shock:
I thought only Japan did ritual suicide.

About the old European law, if they buried a thief under my house, I would not want to live in it anymore!:shock:
EEW, I do not want to smell body decay under the house.

I thought so too but I do not know about China?
China and Japan, are they similar with this commit suicide?

no that's different. Japanese suicide is called SEPPUKI. It's the highest honorable act of ritual among soldiers aka samurai. Petty criminals would not be allowed to perform this.. it's disgraceful.

I'm guessing for Chinese.... hang themselves? jump into lake with rock tied to his leg :dunno2: