zits zits zits!!! ><

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
who hates zits!?

sure do! :rl: :rifle: at zits and always having to pop zits out of my arms and face.

*pop* *pop* *pop*

I seem to be getting new zits weekly ugh.
Of Course I hate zit .. I dont get it :) but very rare not alots just on my one zit forehead and my nose that it

only in summer that is all I dunno why :)
I had tons of zits when I was in high school, so been there and done that. I know how you feel, it's pain in the ass! I got zits on my upper back sometimes and my gf pops them out, ow! Also, my face once in a while, too. Double ow!
I had tons of zits when I was in high school, so been there and done that. I know how you feel, it's pain in the ass! I got zits on my upper back sometimes and my gf pops them out, ow! Also, my face once in a while, too. Double ow!

oww that gonna be hurt lol .. mine dont pop out just bump into red then few days later it gone that it lol
Take a hot shower often or get zit medication through Dermatologist. :)
I used get a lot on my chin area and on my cheek. Now a lot less! Whew! I get them maybe once or twice a month. I noticed my DHB does have less and less too on his back mostly. Sometimes on his face.
i get rarely zits, depend on pms or go different states get zit sometime, and if i get sweat bad and get zits.. it depend..
i get rarely zits, depend on pms or go different states get zit sometime, and if i get sweat bad and get zits.. it depend..

Oh yeah I get that too when it is in summer .. I dunno why in summer probably from sweat and yah pms too. :) not in winter that no zits:) it only one zit on my nose and only one on my forehead in sometime :lol: I hate it heheh
I got zits so many time and always popped out... :eek:
its not good to pop your zits out.. can ruin the skin.. and make the bacteria go down worse.. and not be able to come out?

i noticed that i have zits alots before.. but till i used ivory soap.. now less ???? soaps are making me getting zits.. but i do get them during pms time.. but not much? just few .. it sucks..
I had lots of zits on all over my face when I was in high school and in first and second year in college. Why??? I was eating too much junk foods that caused zits. Sometimes, my mom and dad popped out my zits.:eek3: I used zit treatment, like OXY cleansing pads and lotion everyday until I was about 21 years old. Now, I have no zits on my face. I am glad!!
*jump no zits on my faces* never had one....

Only zits on my back fewer... Isn't bad.. reason I avoid use soap..
Just take hot shower and helps kill zits softer and wipe it off.. that is it..

If suppose you taking zits out *pinch zits out* ((squirty)) will spread it out more increase that your choice...
