I don't mind the immigrants coming into The United States. We have a lot of land here, so it's not like it is too crowded here. I do however agree that the immigrants should come to the US within legal means, rather than without papers. My only complaint is that the immigrants bring their habits to here and do not respect our laws or rules. I got into a car accident with a Mexican once, he hit my car when he was making a left turn onto my car as I was crossing the intersection. He obtained illegal Pennsylvanian licence plate from black market, had no driver's licence and the car's registeration was in a different name. 'Cos he had no insurance, I had to pay 500$ deductible for my damages. :grr:
If the immigrants came here legally and respected our laws/rules, then I would have no problem with allowing them here. I love diversity, and I think it is cool how America is no longer "white" but becoming a mixture of races.
BTW, Mexico is populated primarily by three races: Spaniards (white), Mestizos (mixture of white and Indians), and Indians.