your option on people moving to U.S. from other countries


Active Member
Jun 23, 2003
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I'm curious what's your option when U.S. let people move from other countries like Cuba, Mexico, Somalia, Iran, Iraq, etc.. u name it..

I'm noticeing U.S. let them move just for better life.
yea DeafScuba -- the gates of US admission was thrown open by the Carter Administration and now its all gone to hell :roll:
yeah fly free. i notice that this is how a terriost happen back in 2001..

myself don't understand what carter Administration , bush administration, etc is?
DeafSCUBA98 said:
yeah fly free. i notice that this is how a terriost happen back in 2001..

myself don't understand what carter Administration , bush administration, etc is?

im referring to President Jimmy Carter from the 80s and his administration (his cabinet members), same applies for other presidents and their administrations meaning their cabinet members

like right now we are under the Bush Administration and their arguments over different political issues -- the cabinet members have specific duties -- military, domestic, foreign affiars, healthcare, and etc and they have to report to the President on their findings on different issues and how to solve that issue -- the President then make a final decision -- some issues does go to Congress for review and votes along with going to the House of Representives for voting as well
Hmm..I don't mind immigriants living in U.S from another country, but I thought in order to live in the U.S, they would have to know english language and not only that but isn't America getting crowded that they'd have to limit people coming into U.S???
sweetgal154 said:
Hmm..I don't mind immigriants living in U.S from another country, but I thought in order to live in the U.S, they would have to know english language and not only that but isn't America getting crowded that they'd have to limit people coming into U.S???

yeah in my option it's getting crowded. as i have noticed people from the cities are moving out of the cities for more space room. have you peeps notice that?
However they let people come in.. which cause more drug crime, hate crime, and gangsters IMO
also another reason this isn't a good idea.. cuz most of them move to U.S. then find a place to live then they ended up using government money as welfare, which we pay taxes on those.
:thumb: anytime Deafscuba! :)

Hmm..I don't mind immigriants living in U.S from another country, but I thought in order to live in the U.S, they would have to know english language and not only that but isn't America getting crowded that they'd have to limit people coming into U.S???

i agree with u Sweetgal in ref to foreigners having to learn the English language when they move here after all the primary language here IS indeed english -- theres a big argument abt that here in my county in ref to language and etc
DeafSCUBA98 said:
I'm curious what's your option when U.S. let people move from other countries like Cuba, Mexico, Somalia, Iran, Iraq, etc.. u name it..

I'm noticeing U.S. let them move just for better life.

Do you mean opinion instead of option? option = choice opinion= feeling

Anyway, Well, INS has clamped down on the entry to USA since Sept 11th. I think those people from Mexico should stay home in their country and rebuild their country instead of sneaking over the border for better life and money.. We are tired of building more facilities for them to meet the needs. They need to learn to do the proper way of entering USA by applying for VISA or Green Card no matter what! Why leave Mexico for USA??? Mexico is their country they need to take care of it first!
Boult said:
Do you mean opinion instead of option? option = choice opinion= feeling

Anyway, Well, INS has clamped down on the entry to USA since Sept 11th. I think those people from Mexico should stay home in their country and rebuild their country instead of sneaking over the border for better life and money.. We are tired of building more facilities for them to meet the needs. They need to learn to do the proper way of entering USA by applying for VISA or Green Card no matter what! Why leave Mexico for USA??? Mexico is their country they need to take care of it first!

The people from Mexico were living in Places like Az NM TX long before any of our ancestors showed up. If you know your history you would have learned how the U.S. Government raped them of their land that is now part of our Country and gave them very little for it.

You can't deny any man or woman the right to provide a better life for their family. What would it be like for you If long ago some denied your ancestors a life in this country?
bbnt said:
The people from Mexico were living in Places like Az NM TX long before any of our ancestors showed up. If you know your history you would have learned how the U.S. Government raped them of their land that is now part of our Country and gave them very little for it.

You can't deny any man or woman the right to provide a better life for their family. What would it be like for you If long ago some denied your ancestors a life in this country?

well, myself don't know much about history, I'm wondering if its true mexican people are from spainsh? or are they just regular native americans like there is some in american?
Mexicans are Spanish. Long ago Aztec people in Mexico were native Americans, who were killed by Spanish invaders. And native Americans in States were also killed and driven out by white people.
Yeah, in Australia, we've had issues with the boat people, illegal immigrants coming and the Government wants them to stop doing that because it's hurting the people who applied for a visa's chances of coming here because they don't want Australia getting overcrowded. I feel sorry for the immigrants who desperately want a fresh start though. They've got detention centres here filled with people and the Government still hasn't decided what to do about them. That's really sad.
Briton said:
Mexicans are Spanish. Long ago Aztec people in Mexico were native Americans, who were killed by Spanish invaders. And native Americans in States were also killed and driven out by white people.

Historywise -- Briton is right -- the white settlers here in the states did indeed take the land from the native americans and forcing them to live on reservations -- 1 of the many shameful historical things of the USA in its' early years *smh*
bbnt said:
The people from Mexico were living in Places like Az NM TX long before any of our ancestors showed up. If you know your history you would have learned how the U.S. Government raped them of their land that is now part of our Country and gave them very little for it.

You can't deny any man or woman the right to provide a better life for their family. What would it be like for you If long ago some denied your ancestors a life in this country?

I know the history but that's not the point I am talking about..

What I am trying to say is CURRENT but NOT the Past.. get it.. that immigrants from Mexico are coming into USA illegally and making money then sending money back to their families in Mexico instead of pumping $$ into US economy. hmm. just like what Ziusudra says.. letting those illegals come to USA forces us to create more infrastructures that just to meet those needs of illegals! and costing us more $$$ because they are sending money back to Mexico instead of USA. Leave the history out of it. I am talking about TODAY not PAST! I agree with those congressman that wants to install a border wall making them unable to sneak into USA! Those illegals from Mexico needs to learn how to survive in their own country and they need to work to revive their economy instead of wrecking their own! and They need to clean up their Govt to be free of corruptions.. Once the flows of illegal immigrants die down to trickle... then we can be like USA-Canada.
Yeah, myself living in a small town, here in Minn. I will say 15% of mexicans live in this small town.. yet its huge yes, but.. anyway.

I agree with you boult, as i have seen this many times. Mexicans do send hundrends of dollars a month to their family in mexico.

i have known most mexicans around most of them move to minn from texas.. and most of them work for Jennie-o turkey store here in willmar, MN chopping turkey's head, wings etc.. thats what mexicans don't mind working there just because it's good pay without a college degree as what i have heard.

They also have a house here with a family of 5 or more people helping paying bills etc (multi-family).. yet.. they have lot of money in their pocket.. they send hundrends of dollars to their family in mexico.

once they're born in U.S. is it consider a U.S. citizen? if a parent is not a U.S. citizen?
You NEVER leave history out of it, the past has a lot to do with the present...get it....If Mexico still had the original lands just think how wealthy they would be. The Mexicans do a lot of jobs nobody else wants to do. Many travel far just to find work to support there families. They take much better care of their families than a lot of other nationalities do.

Those illegals from Mexico needs to learn how to survive in their own country and they need to work to revive their economy instead of wrecking their own!

Why don't to tell the Iraqis that or maybe the Cubans or 100 other countries whose people are helpless against their government on there own. Those are awful bigs words coming from someone who goes to bed with a full belly every night.

I agree with those congressman that wants to install a border wall making them unable to sneak into USA!

I'm sure you do agree but I wonder how your ancestress would of felt if the Indians or whoever was here before them had built a wall to keep them out? I bet you would be whistling a different tune. No human being should ever have the right to tell another human being where he can or can't live.
It's an interesting read in this thread regarding Immigrants wanting to move to the US for a better life from their country of origin. I moved to Australia due to getting married to an Aussie bloke -- and since living here, I've been hearing and seeing a lot of news about immigrants trying to enter Australia illegally...mainly from Malaysia, Singapore, Afghantisan, etc...via boat. The Immigration minister, Rupert Ruddock has been trying to clamp down on illegal aliens and building detention centres to put the illegals in and deal with them at a later date.
It's sad because a lot of people have brought their kids along and the kids are now stuck in the remand centres until their parents have sorted out their immigration problems with the DIMIA (Dept of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs) and seeking for refuge visa, etc. You could check DIMIA's site and see for yourself...get an idea of what they deal with and how they process all different sorts of visas for people wanting to move to Australia.
I don't mind the immigrants coming into The United States. We have a lot of land here, so it's not like it is too crowded here. I do however agree that the immigrants should come to the US within legal means, rather than without papers. My only complaint is that the immigrants bring their habits to here and do not respect our laws or rules. I got into a car accident with a Mexican once, he hit my car when he was making a left turn onto my car as I was crossing the intersection. He obtained illegal Pennsylvanian licence plate from black market, had no driver's licence and the car's registeration was in a different name. 'Cos he had no insurance, I had to pay 500$ deductible for my damages. :grr:

If the immigrants came here legally and respected our laws/rules, then I would have no problem with allowing them here. I love diversity, and I think it is cool how America is no longer "white" but becoming a mixture of races.

BTW, Mexico is populated primarily by three races: Spaniards (white), Mestizos (mixture of white and Indians), and Indians.