Young and stupid once?


New Member
Jun 18, 2003
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Hiya, I just had a thought earlier today while in the shower -- was thinking of a new topic to bring up in came to mind. This one -- has anyone remember having done something extremely stupid and potientially dangerous to ourselves and other people?

As for me -- I have 2.

1) I was about 7 years old and attending a deaf program at a public school. Each morning, I'd catch the yellow bus (mini one) along with my sister. There were like maybe 3 or 4 other kids with physical and mental disabilities. One specificially, was Huey, I remember his name...strange name, but that boy was profoundly intellectually disabled and nearly blind and deaf...always slapped his face with both hands and screammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm at the top of his lungs for little reasons or none.
One day, I got fed up with his screaming and slapping -- fished out this metal compass that you use a pencil to make a circle, you know what I'm talking about? Anyway, I turned the compass and had the sharp end out away from me...leant over and stabbed the boy in the leg! I shocked myself that I'd do something like that. *SMH*

2) I was working at a state hospital with deaf intellectually disabled people in an Unit -- one day, a co-worker and myself got assigned to do a community access session with 6 clients. We asked who'd want to go and wait at the door for us staff to open the door, etc. We walked up the hills near the horses paddock...Veronica, my co-worker at the time, pulled out a joint from her pocket and we shared a few puffs of weed -- Vera and I noticed one client staring at us, smoking. She signed for 'cigarette' (she smokes sometimes). Vera and I thought why not give the client a puff of the joint! Heheheh...boy, we were naughty! The client was fine, she was happy all afternoon until she came back down, back to her normal and angry self. :roll:

So...there! I've shared mine....anyone? :mrgreen:
:shock: :rofl:

OMG! Hehe... sorry I think I was such an angel growing up... except I got away with a lot of things...

During my entire childhood, my 'sister' (Deaf) and I got away with drinking beer and stuff. I once started a truck on my own (I was 7!) and it moved a little bit.

Hmmm... I don't think I have done anything naughty... (or I deny it!)

Gosh, Waterrats. LOL

When I was around 9 years old at that time, my classmate gave me a hard time. He pested me chronically until I lost my temper. I did stab his back with a pencil. He was shocked and quiet. The school aide saw the whole thing and reported the incident to the principal. My classmate and I were taken into the office. I explained the situation to the principal. His parents were called on and came to find out whats up with us. They learned that his son bothering me for no reasons. Afterwards, he finally shut up and left me alone. Wow, I feel like a young "murderer" at elementary school. LOL

I have tons of my stupidity stories, but I better leave them out here. LOL I know myself ....I am not :angel:

When I was eight or nine, I pushed a neighbor kid who was like 4-5 at that time in the lake. He was annoying the hell out of me by running back and forth in front of me and i just impulsely pushed him in and his mom had to jump in and get him out - I dont think i ever got punished for it
I just remembered another incident -- it was a case of sheer stupidity and young in this case...a childhood friend (male) and I had been fighting in the bathroom, I think over who'd use the toilet first. We were like 6 maybe 7 years old. I stabbed him with a pencil and he stabbed me back with his pencil as well. :roll: I still carry the scar from it on my left arm. :P (it was at school)
OMG WATERRATS ur a HELLION! hahahahaha

Well young and stupidity says it all u see i was also a hellion i had a kid that was being crude with me and i told him to knock it off he kept on being a brat to me, So result? i poured choclate milk on his head and his hearing aid shorted out :-X the next time I saw another kid, he was pushing another kid so what i do I socked the kid in the eye and he was gone on to the ground i was sent to the princpal and all i got was to write 500 times * i will not sock a kid like that again* JEEZ the last time i did anything stupid in high school was get into a fight cuz two poeple didn t want me in the play and I worked my ass off practicing at home whilie i was sick and turns out i was dumped off and i flipped them off in front of a kid and i had NO idea abt that.... but they came in and poked me and pushed me and called me names and i lost my temper and the fight broke out three counselors had to come in and break it up.
i recalled when i was in school my mom and my aunt were visiting
all of us at deaf school picnic i told my aunt that there is
another deaf girl (with no hair "bald" head)
who wears a wig all the times..
and my aunt refused to believe me at all...
then i told her that i'll be right back i ran over to see that
deaf girl with a wig and pulled her over to meet my aunt...i was
making some quick introduction then I simply PULLED her wig off.....
I was only trying to prove to my aunt that i was telling the truth.
Geez, i never forgot about my aunt's SHOCKING reaction !!!!

(but many years later when i finally saw that deaf girl with wig again,
i gave her a real apology... she's so sweet and accepted it she said
that many kids did that to her all the times she got used to it,
ooooh well, poor thing...)
Wow - what a thrill childhood you guys had:)

As for me, when I was younger I was so mad and irriated by my own mother since she won't quit smoking, I had the guts to take all the cig packs I saw in sight and just hid them, throw them away whatever I can do to get her to stop stinking up the whole house. Of course it didn't work and to these days now, whenever mom leaves the cig running in the ashtray, I would just simply kill it. Aha that may sound nothing but it pisses the crap outta my mother everytime I do it.

I remember this moment when my dad and his brother as well as their brother in law was working on getting a surprise car for my grandma and I was there when the guys worked on it and I bothered my dad, he said it was for grandma's birthday and later I got mad at dad for some reason so I just went up to grandma and told her that she has a new car in the garage. Lucky for my dad, grandma didnt understand what I was talking about. Dad saw what I told grandma and of course he got pissed at me but told grandma different from what I was saying and it was a huge surprise for her after all.

One time while my twin sister and I were playing with our own stuffs, her with the barbies while mine with toy cars - like always, my sister pissed me off and for my sweetest revenge, I took one of her favorite barbie doll and went outside and put it under the tire of my dad's truck when he was leaving to do errands and there goes the barbie smashed up. Today, I still laugh my ass off.

For the last one, I was mad at my cousin and lindsey for not letting me play with them in the sandbox one time and I just took the pail and when they were not around, I took it and threw it down the water well which is a few distance from the sandbox. Of course I wasn't paying attention to what I was throwing and after that I realized I threw my own favorite green pail *sobs* and told my mom that they hid my pail.

Jeez, a scroll back into memory lane, ack! Long time since I've done that!
I think I was a nightmare as a child.... LOL.... as a baby, I once climbed out of my cot, out of the window and I was crying and hanging from the window... my mum heard me from downstairs and she wondered what that was... so she went upstairs and saw I was hanging from the window. I gave her a huge shock!

Oh, I also cut my cat's whiskers off... my mum asked me why I did that and I said it looks neater (I was giving him a sort of haircut...) then she told me cats aren't meant to have their whiskers cut off! Oops.

I can't remember any other naughty things I did as a kid... hehe. I'll have to try and think of some more.
javapride said:
Y UR BAD! but that was nice that u apologized better late than never :)

yeah, exactly and thnks for your positive outlook afterall :)