You would love this one !

Gives people more excuses to be more lazy than ever! I would rather get out and move around..burn some calories that way. We got enough machines/robots doing the work for us anyway.
yeah that is true. However, it is especially extremely freeze or rain outside. We are such spoiled !
Robot's slow... I ever wonder if one day, robot's CPU goes kaput and malfunctions, will damage and bang up car and scratch and pour gas over car then scratch to ignite fuel. Car go on bonfire. Be interesting to watch owner fleeing from car, burning up their lazy calories. I bet it sucks big time!! :eek2:

Human is much faster than robot tho. I can pop open gas lid, unscrew cap, put nozzle in gas filler in 5 seconds.

I wouldn't try robot to do job for me. I rather burn calories just to put gas in car manually just like Shel90 said..

Or go to Full serviced gas station where serviceman fill gas for you. It's rarity nowaday. I've encountered just a few in Ohio and Kentucky. I recalled seeing old pump and I got out of car and planned to put gas in car. Serviceman came and scowled at me. He said It's my job! I told him Oh ok sorry didn't know that, Normally I fill it up myself. I realized that I was at Full service area instead of Self service area. Oh well I have to peel my eye on that when I'm in Ohio.

Robot's slow... I ever wonder if one day, robot's CPU goes kaput and malfunctions, will damage and bang up car and scratch and pour gas over car then scratch to ignite fuel. Car go on bonfire. Be interesting to watch owner fleeing from car, burning up their lazy calories. I bet it sucks big time!! :eek2:

Human is much faster than robot tho. I can pop open gas lid, unscrew cap, put nozzle in gas filler in 5 seconds.

I wouldn't try robot to do job for me. I rather burn calories just to put gas in car manually just like Shel90 said..

Or go to Full serviced gas station where serviceman fill gas for you. It's rarity nowaday. I've encountered just a few in Ohio and Kentucky. I recalled seeing old pump and I got out of car and planned to put gas in car. Serviceman came and scowled at me. He said It's my job! I told him Oh ok sorry didn't know that, Normally I fill it up myself. I realized that I was at Full service area instead of Self service area. Oh well I have to peel my eye on that when I'm in Ohio.


LMAO You are so funny!
I see this is too far out, but at the same I can see this could be useful for women who needs to get their gas pumped at night time. I didn't see her getting out of the car to pay for gas? Then again, what's the good use? :hmm:
If there's key-lock cap on fuel, how can robot open it?

If there's someone forgot about robot still fueling, and press "D" button, and accelerate. (Robot arm is broken . . . *error* *error* *error*)

If there's robot arm was not working properly, it got stuck in the car's tank, how to remove it?

If there's no fuel door, robot would kept pressing - pressing - pressing just to find the door?

I can do it faster than robot, everyone do need to breathe fresh air, and walk around after long trips. I'd vote no to create tankpitstop.
Useful for my daughter should she get her driver license...but not for me! I'm too old school and I prefer pump my own gas than let some dumbass robot do my dirty work for me.

Problem is what if robot accident put gas into a diesel car or diesel into a gas car...that's gonna be a huge disaster if robot dont know what fuel is required for the motor...
cool but EPIC FAIL. the cost of buying robot for this task...... or hire a high school kid for minimum wage for same task. and i ain't got a lot of patience for this simple task. the car gas tank will have to be redesigned in order to be very efficient - like fighter jet during mid-air refueling. I could imagine this task would be done within 20 seconds since if it's automated... meaning the machine would pump gas at very high speed like firehose.
If there's key-lock cap on fuel, how can robot open it? IF it have big drill to drill cap out

If there's someone forgot about robot still fueling, and press "D" button, and accelerate. (Robot arm is broken . . . *error* *error* *error*) Ripped arm and filler leak fuel and armless robot caught on fire :rofl:

If there's robot arm was not working properly, it got stuck in the car's tank, how to remove it? Use hacksaw!!

If there's no fuel door, robot would kept pressing - pressing - pressing just to find the door? Till it dents ur car and u sue it's steel tushie

I can do it faster than robot, everyone do need to breathe fresh air, and walk around after long trips. I'd vote no to create tankpitstop.Good! Everyone needs Exercise!!


cool but EPIC FAIL. the cost of buying robot for this task...... or hire a high school kid for minimum wage for same task. and i ain't got a lot of patience for this simple task. the car gas tank will have to be redesigned in order to be very efficient - like fighter jet during mid-air refueling. I could imagine this task would be done within 20 seconds since if it's automated... meaning the machine would pump gas at very high speed like firehose.

Yup, just like NASCAR car fuel filler which have big hole and placed on side of car with special trapdoor lid that robot filler can fit nozzle in quickly without hassle. It must have pressurized fuel tank to allow fast filling. I wonder if it fails to seal properly and soaks up car with fuel in second and *~spark~* Fwoompp!! :giggle:

yeah hire HS kids to do gas pump job. They'll need money to spend! Robots are worthless pieces of junk and cost $$ to repair. It don't last long.

I agree most of you all.

Robots are not my cup of tea because it's really wasting my time, etc.. :thumbd:
Really Really Interesting about gas robot..... wondering where is it at??

I dont have to worry to get out and get refill in tank myself... cause I don't have to get out and get hurt-robbed or something...

It would be great for their safety though.... plus dont have to steal gas by themselves. I see that many people steal gas without paying for it... Nice try!! I would rather to have that gas robot-- less stealing the gas or money... Just a thought!!!
Really Really Interesting about gas robot..... wondering where is it at??

I dont have to worry to get out and get refill in tank myself... cause I don't have to get out and get hurt-robbed or something...

It would be great for their safety though.... plus dont have to steal gas by themselves. I see that many people steal gas without paying for it... Nice try!! I would rather to have that gas robot-- less stealing the gas or money... Just a thought!!!

Don't you have full-service gas station? NY-NJ are full-service by law.
Don't you have full-service gas station? NY-NJ are full-service by law.

Yeah! I remmy now, NJ-NY!!! I was there too while travelling and getting gas and I got scolded by another attendant cuz I was trying to fill gas at full serviced area. Oopsie!!

I travelled to East Coast area several times. I've encountered few full serviced gas stations.

umm... no I am not sure...

just plain gas stations...

I think we might have some at somewhere else...

lol then no your state does not require full-service gas stations. maybe more than half a time - I prefer doing it myself because i hate to wait - to get filled up and to finish closing it up. If i do it myself, i'd be done already by the time attendant comes to me.
In Oregon you are not allowed to pump your own gas.