Yet another newbie here..


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score

Yep, Newbie here. Almost newbie to the deaf world, not new to HOH (oral).

I am 48 y young with two dogs, one daughter and one husband..
had cats too but sadly they passed away..

Looking forward to chat with you.

:wave: :welcome: Hello and welcome to Alldeaf audiofuzzy. I hope you enjoy your stay here, and look forward to your postings. Have a good day!! :D
Hello There,

Welcome to AD and enjoy your stay here ;)
Welcome Newbie, dogs, daughter, and husband too.
Good to have you here with us. Enjoy!
Thank you for your warm :welcome:

I thought I would add some more info about myself so you can have better understanding of who I am.

I am somebody who since early childhood was losing hearing kinda slowly, from sensori-neural damage, and my parents decided to raise me as a hearing child.

They thought I was intelligent enough to manage in hearing world.
At the age of 12 I got my first HA - BTE Oticon aid, still remember ...
well I did manage but since I was in regular elementary school and high school I recall that as soon as in a grade 4 when we no more had one and the same teacher for everything, but different one for every subject, I started failing.

Part of it was my own laziness, partly only.

Then when I was 18y.o I got two HA and that was a bit better,
a bit only though because at the same time my HA loss continued to progress.

Nowadays I am considered severe to profound HA loss, but since I always grew up in hearing world I do manage. And therefore considered unsuitable for CI.
My husband is hearing, my daughter too.

My late brother lost most of his hearing in a time period of one year when he was about 6-7 and was sent to the School for the Deaf and HOH, where he was taught sign language, the teachers there too, signed and he also was taught how to speak.

Then he went to a regular high school where he managed w/o hearing aids for most of the time, but soon after graduating he decided he preffers to be deaf and belong to deaf culture. Put away his HA and spoke only when neccessary. (or at home, since the parents and me and sister were oral)

I was occasionally exposed thru him to the deaf world, but not much, never learned to sing..

that's all folks... lololol..

Hello &
Welcome to AD... very interesting story.. i never seen a family whose parents forced their kids to have oral while letting only 1 to a deaf school to learn sign language...

welcome to the and stay ur enjoy :)
