X2 (this friday!)

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
A sequel to X-men that came out in theatres July 2000, now comes X-men 2, with all the heores and characters back in action.

One of our leading characters, Logan as "Wolverine" finds the secret to how and why and where he became one of the bio-weapon humans ever created, along with the same villains as Magneto, Mysquiteo (sp?), Saber tooth and afew others, even the man who created Wolverine.

*sighs* Halley Berry just looks so cool with her new hairstyle as Storm...


Halley Berry...Halley Berry...Halley Berry...*deep sigh* :cuddle:

Who's your favorite hero? I like Wolverine and NightCrawler :thumb: they kick major ass!
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Originally posted by Steel
*sighs* Halley Berry just looks so cool with her new hairstyle as Storm...


Halley Berry...Halley Berry...Halley Berry...*deep sigh* :cuddle:

Are you sure your monitor and keyboard are clean and free of white splashes? ;)


Whoo-hoo!! I am:
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Aye, I seen that tonite and I just gotta say: SW33T! X2 was definetly MUCH better than the orginal Xmen! has more action and thrills! explosion of fun and insane adventures yet! It was proably the best Xmen adventure I've ever hear and seen in such a story for a long time! Even Nightcrawler kicked sweet ass! he's really one rad mutant! The movie was longer and better than the orginal and you MUST see it, true believers! :mrgreen: even you, wolverine freaks! lol

Now i definetly can't wait for X3! :thumb:
I agree with Steel, I saw it tonight, and loved it! I cant wait for x3 either!
Don't hold high expections for the third movie.


Bryan Singer mentioned that he may not direct the third movie.
Originally posted by Steel
by the way, David Hayter, the screen writer was also a voice actor of Snake in the Metal Gear Solid series :thumb:

Welcome to One Year Ago.
Originally posted by Banjo
Don't hold high expections for the third movie.


Bryan Singer mentioned that he may not direct the third movie.

That would suck. I would still go see it anyway just to see if it was any good... :dunno:

Didn't you know that I posted links for superhero and superheroine tests?! Try them out and see what character you are!!!

Originally posted by Stevey Boy
Welcome to One Year Ago.
one year ago? i knew that when Metal Gear Solid 2 came out :roll: so that was actually 2 years ago :fu:
I just saw the movie last Friday. It's a great movie! I have a feeling that more will be revealed in the 3rd movie.
I saw it last night. Its pretty good. Better than the first one.