Would you like to be interviewed?


New Member
Oct 17, 2021
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Good afternoon. My name is Phil or Philip either one works for me. I have been taking some ASL Classes for the past two years, and I am taking a Deaf culture and community class I need to interview someone who is deaf. I myself am hearing so if typing works for you that's great, but if you want to laugh at me while I try to sign I would be up for that as well. Well, long story short I have a paper due tomorrow and can use someone who wouldn't mind me asking them a few questions and taking down their answer. Please feel free to message me.( https://www.facebook.com/philip.askren/ ) Thanks in advance.
Questions are below:
1) As a hard-of-hearing or deaf individual would you change any aspect of your hearing ability, and why?
2) At what point of your life did you fully understand your hearing situation and how did it affect your outlook on your life choices?
3) What would you say is the most annoying thing hearing people do while interacting with you and what do you think they could do to make it less annoying?
4) If or when technology advances further, and the cochlear implant becomes state of the art giving the ability to hear the same as hearing individuals with little to no issues would you consider trying it or if you currently have one would you recommend it to others and why?
5) How would you best describe your everyday life to someone who is not deaf or hard of hearing in the best description including your physical and mental/emotional state?