Would You Be Willing To Help Us With Some Research


New Member
Jul 7, 2008
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I work for a market research company in Wimbledon and we are untaking research on behalf of a major UK charity and need to interview 300 deaf people throughout the UK. As we operate to the Code of Conduct of the Market Research Society none of your details, if you agreed to help us would be divulged to a third party and your answers along with your identity would remain anonymous. All our details can be checked out with the Market Research Society.

Would you be willing to help us by filling in a questionnaire or telling me of your deaf club so that an interviewer would be able to come along and interview those willing to help us?

We have had the questionnaire signed by a trained BSL person and have had it put onto DVD to aid anyone willing to help us.

If you would prefer to do it on line that could also be arranged.

Is there anyone out there who would be willing to help us.
If you think you would be willing to help us I can forward you more details about the research.



I am not sure about answering the questionnaire that you want for your research. We had talked about research between hearing and deaf people who are involve in the research like as if we are object, not human beings in the past threads less than a year ago or more. If you are interest in discussing about the deafness and want to get to know us then you are welcome to us. Just read and post all the threads here. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave:
Welcome to All Deaf!

I think most of us are not Oblige emphasizes the idea of conferring a favor or benefit of your questionnaire when there is personal information is given out and identity thief is taken.

Best if you just make a thread or post in the forum and ask what you need to know.

"Thou ask and thou shalt received"
Welcome to All Deaf!

I think most of us are not Oblige emphasizes the idea of conferring a favor or benefit of your questionnaire when there is personal information is given out and identity thief is taken.

Best if you just make a thread or post in the forum and ask what you need to know.

"Thou ask and thou shalt received"

:gpost: and Bingo-right on the nose. You explain much better than I do. That is exactly the point about the research whether it is in market or just curious about us. :ty:, DeafPenPal.
i am hearing and i really agree with you!!!!! people are peopl---hearing or not----nobody' s a lab rat
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