Would it be nice if...?


New Member
Feb 25, 2005
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Would it be nice if AllDeaf can 'expand' the Closet Forum? Would like to see "GLBT Events", GLBT Politics", GLBT Discussion Board", Searching for GLBT friends", etc... In my humble opinion, I feel that 'The Closet" is too limited. Please don't get me wrong, I like this webpage.. but would love to see more variations. Happy AllDeafing :ily:
It'd be nice, but we will need to have many members to post in 'The Closet' often. Maybe the Mods will decide what to do with it. Welcome to AllDeaf :)
deaflibrarian said:
I believe there is already a forum-like environment going for GLBT people that happen to be Deaf/deaf/hard of hearing. Check it out here: http://www.rad.org/ (click on where it says "Subscription" for Yahoo Groups). I have not checked it out so I do not know if it is a valid group, but I would think it is like AD with people sending in postings. There's also the DeafQueer Chatroom http://chat.deafqueer.org/index.html.
I do wonder if the reason there's not many people posting in the Closet is because the majority of people on AD happen to not be gay or lesbian, and with lots of people clearly anti-gay/lesbian marriage/sex it might not feel like a welcoming environment to meet up with other GLBT people which I think is a shame.

The 'RADChapters' is not a discussion board. It's really for RAD-related announcements, events, etc. The DeafQueer Chatroom is really not a good place to seek for 'relationship'.. What I'm trying to say is that it is much easier to post 'seeking for relationship' here where you only have to do it once.. Oh, I'm not seeking for a relationship. I have a partner for 15 years. :) I'm a webmistress of NJRAD www.njrad.org and I try to include many variations. I have added message board in our webpage. Not many people post messages there because it's 'limited' to NJ and its vicinities. AllDeaf is more like 'International'. I'm not trying to give the moderator more work but just wanted to plant a thought in his head. ;)
deaflibrarian said:
I do wonder if the reason there's not many people posting in the Closet is because the majority of people on AD happen to not be gay or lesbian, and with lots of people clearly anti-gay/lesbian marriage/sex it might not feel like a welcoming environment to meet up with other GLBT people which I think is a shame.

I assume it is because the Closet is 'too general'. Who would go through all 6 pages to find an appropriate topic to post or reply? I know because I didn't go through every page. If break it down to certain topics, you'd be surprised how many people would post / reply. :type:
Serendipity said:
It'd be nice, but we will need to have many members to post in 'The Closet' often. Maybe the Mods will decide what to do with it. Welcome to AllDeaf :)

That because of what happened before, when a member blew up at me and told me to stay out of that thread cause I wasn't gay and don't know anything about gay relationship, so ever since that happened I haven't post in the " Closet " forum again....

So I think it because of others pushing them away from that thread just cause they have an opinion, I believe every thread here in Alldeaf should welcome anyone no matter what.....that just my opinion here! ;)
Gay or not, the member is allowed to post in the thread.

This member you're talking about was making a big mistake by blowing up on you because you aren't gay. I don't mind hearing from both gay & straight people throwing in all their point of view on gay and its purposes. I know some straight people don't mind about it as long as that person prefers not to be that way, only around them. So yeah, I do agree with you that a member should be posting any where s/he wants to post.