Well, a week ago I woke up and couldnt hear out of my right ear. Two weeks before that I had been having on and off bouts of Tinntius. Very strange. I went to the doctor on wednesday, and despite having no symptoms of a sinus infection, was given nasel spray for it. A week later...nothing. I havent been flying, to rock concerts, or anywhere with loud noise. Its a mystery to me. Went to a different doctor, my primary, and failed a tuning fork test...He told me I had profound loss in my right side. Im being sent to an audiologist for more tests...
Im 19, female, College Student, and of all things...a photographer and a Speech Tutor (suppliment therapy). Anyone ever have this happen to them?
Im 19, female, College Student, and of all things...a photographer and a Speech Tutor (suppliment therapy). Anyone ever have this happen to them?