Why use Today, Yesterday, etc. in titles?

Jane B.

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
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Why do people use terms like Today, Tonight, Yesterday, Tomorrow in their titles rather than a date? You have no idea when someone is going to be reading your thread. If you say today someone could open it thinking they are really going to be reading about something happening today and have it turn out the "today" referred to was several days or even weeks ago!
Oh well, we all have our pet peeves.

At the moment, I wonder why people post videos without proper captioning on a deaf forum.

That is on the date 4/3/2014.

But the date of any thread is right there to show before people click on it, so no one should really have the problem you envision.
Well think of it this way putting the exact date kind of detracts the urgency and impact.

Let's try two sample titles:

Today I got my cochlear implant!

2/11/2014 I got my cochlear implant

I don't know about you but having a date kind of loses its appeal and makes it too formal and stoic
I rely on the date of the post that has been made rather than saying 4/3/14. Its annoying.
I don't have a problem with this, the date and time is displayed with every post.
Why do people use terms like Today, Tonight, Yesterday, Tomorrow in their titles rather than a date? You have no idea when someone is going to be reading your thread. If you say today someone could open it thinking they are really going to be reading about something happening today and have it turn out the "today" referred to was several days or even weeks ago!

All the threads we post are dated so people can jut look at the date and see what day it was. If a thread was posted today it will say 'Today' and the next day it will say the date it was posted.
Why do people use terms like Today, Tonight, Yesterday, Tomorrow in their titles rather than a date? You have no idea when someone is going to be reading your thread. If you say today someone could open it thinking they are really going to be reading about something happening today and have it turn out the "today" referred to was several days or even weeks ago!

It is in our nature to use these terms in a sentence. If someone mistook it for another day, the datess are there to remind us. I mean, it would just look "funny" to put dates in a sentence unless, its about births or some kind of a special event/occassion.

If it was something like "On 4/1/2014, I got pranked" - that could be acceptable as much as "Yesterday, I got pranked".

It doesn't really bother me at all - either way works.
I rely on the date of the post that has been made rather than saying 4/3/14. Its annoying.

Sometimes people don't read the dates lol not picking on anyone or being harsh. You must admit from seeing here people respond to posts made back in 2002 lol

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Actually, I have more issue with this when I read a news article on the web which is not dated. It bothers me to no end, especially when the content is technical.

I have noticed on some forums that the date and time of the initial thread post is omitted. However, one can discern the time frame(relatively) through any replied post which do contain date and time information.
Actually, I have more issue with this when I read a news article on the web which is not dated. It bothers me to no end, especially when the content is technical.

I have noticed on some forums that the date and time of the initial thread post is omitted. However, one can discern the time frame(relatively) through any replied post which do contain date and time information.

I agree about the online news articles.

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For me I am obsessed with dates I tend to write or type for files of pictures or email addresses I created anyway yep call me weird lol ;)

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I pulled this thread up again after seeing a number of threads revived after even years. My point was and is that before we click on a thread all we have to go by is the title, posted by, numbers of posts, and last post that includes the date and name of that last poster. We are given no idea of how much time there has been since the thread was started and the last post.
What if they used In the Future or In the Past in their title???? The past I can see having a date but the future is unknown....