I see your point of view. Remember we are just as stubborn as they are and sometimes we just give up having our self esteem become low self esteem. There is no encouragement or positive to raise our self esteem to become a intelligent and function Deaf person. I like the last if someone told us to eat our vegetables and brush our teeth after our meal. That is funny.But again it is not funny, when hearing people are trying to make us as small as possible like children. That is very serious abuse.
This crap pisses me off to no end.
Hearing actors in Hollywood who have the knowledge of ASL are stealing jobs from deaf actors. Plus the Directors loves hearing actors over deaf actors because it's less time consuming and cheaper than to hire an interpreter for the deaf actors.
It's plain wrong and this needs to stop. Don't these hearing actor realize what they are doing? Don't they have a conscience??
IMO,they simply do not stop and think about the ethical implications of their behavior.