why Ann Coulter is this way?


New Member
Jun 3, 2007
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I know that Astrology is not allowed, but can it be entertainment purpose.

Why is she so conservative and outspoken and so bigot and religious?

The reason why Ann is so religious is because
she has a................

Sun in Sagittarius (a religious person)
Moon in Sagittarius (her mother must be a strictly religious person)
Mercury in Sagittarius (she talks about religion)
Mars in Sagittarius (actively a religious person)
Venus in Sagittarius (she makes money being a religious person)

Jupiter in Aquarius (has many friends)
Saturn in Capricorn (lack of careers, always fired from jobs)
Neptune in Scorpio (not afraid)

Pluto in Virgo (powerful writer and conservative)
Uranus in Virgo (writing tools and ideas in writing, in a conservative way)

I like your evaluation of Ann Coulter. I think she's a hot combination of smart and good-looking.

Nothing wrong with conservatism with positive purpose. Everyone has a religion; even atheism has its cult aspects. Not liking some people's behaviors isn't necessarily bigotry.

And who disallowed astrology? Will the Alldeaf moderators get after us? If not, then first amendment rights apply.
Coulter wins right to keep address privateConservative U.S. columnist Ann Coulter has requested and been granted anonymity in Palm Beach County records that identify where she lives.

The Palm Beach (Fla.) Post reported the request to have her name removed from documents that also mention her address came after Coulter received a greeting card at her home that said: "You self-aggrandizing ... sociopath. The only thing left after a nuclear war are you and cockroaches."

The author and lawyer has also received several annoying, but non-threatening phone calls since she moved into the home in 2005 and someone stood outside, screaming unkind sentiments up at her home earlier this year.

Coulter's house is one of 2,674 properties in the county whose owners are not named in property appraiser records, The Post said.

Homeowners wish to keep their identities confidential must complete an affidavit explaining why.

Florida law permits judges, prosecutors, police officers and others with jobs that might put them in harm's way to remain anonymous in those records for safety reasons.

Also exempt from public disclosure are victims of domestic violence, aggravated stalking, harassment and aggravated battery, the newspaper said

Moldova.org - Music - News - Coulter wins right to keep address private
I see Ann Coulter as a drama queen. She wants attention and she got it whether she likes it or not.
I see Ann Coulter as a drama queen. She wants attention and she got it whether she likes it or not.

Yep, like a certain poster who's been banned. I don't care much for Ann Coulter.
I see nothing positive in Ann Coulter or her purpose.

Some quotes by Ann Coulter from Ann Coulter Quotes:

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president. It's kind of a pipe dream, it's a personal fantasy of mine"

"If I'm going to say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot."

"I was going to have a few comments about John Edwards but you have to go into rehab if you use the word f-----."

"These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by griefparrazies. I have never seen people enjoying their husband's deaths so much." -on 9/11 widows who have been critical of the Bush administration

"Whether they are defending the Soviet Union or bleating for Saddam Hussein, liberals are always against America. They are either traitors or idiots."

IMO not positive, funny, or smart. Just mean and nasty, especially about women who husbands die in 9/11.
IMO not positive, funny, or smart. Just mean and nasty. . . .

Politics is always costly to the intellect.

Ann Coulter is assuredly not positive to the current liberal view, but to say she's not smart casts serious doubt on credibility.

Funny is like beauty -- in the eye of the beholder, but Colter has biting, ascerbic wit on a par with any popular satirist, which would be far better accepted by the apolitical public . . . if she weren't female.
all of her quotes are taken out of context, thats why people bash her so much.

she is crass, sure. but she has the kind of biting wit that i relish. she makes jaws drop and makes people uncomfortable in their own skin. she is certainly not stupid.

If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president. It's kind of a pipe dream, it's a personal fantasy of mine

is obviously a joke about the lack of female conservatives. do you honestly believe for a second she wants to take away a womans right to vote? common sense goes a long way to understanding her.

These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by griefparrazies. I have never seen people enjoying their husband's deaths so much

i have to agree with her statement here. just like cindy shehan she used her sons death to catapult herself into the spotlight and make a name for herself.
'Its a personal fantasy of mine' Says a lot.

Either way, any mention of 'Coulter' brings Coulter here. Just look at this thread, and there's ANN COULTER at the top AND the bottom! Let it go! LOL