who scammer of she is picture! she is hottie


go roll#17

who this scammer is name sandra heel is work for money shit of the this:rl: :twisted: scammer


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it's probably a fake pic.. not even her face or body, i bet you. as the scammers use alots of fake pics to fool people. they are good at it. so thats why we all have to be careful and use our judgement who we talk to and etc.

never give out your personal information, wher eyou live and work.. etc.. protect yourself and be smart about this! :)
Just becareful and no matter what, don't ever fall for scams!!

She probably live in township in slum of Cape Town.

I think that I have to say, its probably from the Northern Parts of Africa, I've kinda had scams come my way, but fortunately I've had the sense not to believe them!

Furthermore, South Africa has seen scams and so has many other countries of the world!!

What if this person is real? What if it's not a fake picture. How can ya'll say that she lives like trash..Trash is when a person doesn't keep themself clean or their homes clean.. Somebody who sleeps with everybody... Etc.. I can go on and on about what trash means. Trash doesnt always have to be poor.. Not to mention there is tons of people out there who are poor but doesn't make them trash at all.. Looks like this person keeps her place strighten and clean. There isn't nothing about trash in that place. I can point my finger at ya'll and assume that you all are trashy people, but personally Im not going to do that because I don't know the person and I will never judge the person untill I give them a chance. But, don't go judging people how they live, if they live crappy,do drugs, sleep around, don't take care of themself or kids.. Etc.. then thats called living like trash! But when a person keeps themself clean,home,taking care of themself and kids, trying hard to support to keep a roof over their heads!~~ Then Thats not trash.. A lot of people go up and down with money situtaion. But I don't get you all and I think it's totally uncalled for. It was very childish of you guys calling this woman out. If this is a scammer then still thats a human being in the picture. I don't think she is trash or ugly.. Good greif!!
What if this person is real? What if it's not a fake picture. How can ya'll say that she lives like trash..Trash is when a person doesn't keep themself clean or their homes clean.. Somebody who sleeps with everybody... Etc.. I can go on and on about what trash means. Trash doesnt always have to be poor.. Not to mention there is tons of people out there who are poor but doesn't make them trash at all.. Looks like this person keeps her place strighten and clean. There isn't nothing about trash in that place. I can point my finger at ya'll and assume that you all are trashy people, but personally Im not going to do that because I don't know the person and I will never judge the person untill I give them a chance. But, don't go judging people how they live, if they live crappy,do drugs, sleep around, don't take care of themself or kids.. Etc.. then thats called living like trash! But when a person keeps themself clean,home,taking care of themself and kids, trying hard to support to keep a roof over their heads!~~ Then Thats not trash.. A lot of people go up and down with money situtaion. But I don't get you all and I think it's totally uncalled for. It was very childish of you guys calling this woman out. If this is a scammer then still thats a human being in the picture. I don't think she is trash or ugly.. Good greif!!

This pic looks like you. :lol:
Huh? by the way it's not me.. For sure it isnt.......If your acting like this then UGGHH ahem I anit saying it... Your childish and immature anyways!!


Later dude,

I just kidding but you need to chill out. :rofl:
If she was a scammer then the newspapers would have done an article on her and explained what is going on with a professional picture of her taken
but to post a picture of this woman who is living in the privacy of her home and just backstab her is not right at all. That picture looks more like she is having an initimate moment blowing a kiss and she looks like she has a big heart too. Please have more respect for her.
Guys...If you are interested...

This is one brilliant site to pick out scammers! Please check it out for future safety!


Moderators, if this site isn't supposed to be here, feel free to take it off.

I thought it would be interesting to see, so that people don't fall for it!

Thank You

I am at a loss for words, but you guys have a right to your own opinion!!
