Who saw the HBO Documentry White light/Black rain ?



It was about the victims of hiroshima Atomic Bomb attack. I do feel sorry for those people who went though hell on that day. We simply told japan the war is over its time to quit. But Japans leader didnt think so. So we made them stop the war. I do still support the bomb.But the bomb still should be used only a nation that supports a group of radicals. Just like right now were telling IRAN to stop whatever they doing on building WMDs but theyre not listening to us. Hiroshima and Nagasaki was punishment for Pearl Harbor attack. And these arabs are gonna get it sooner or later because of 9-11. We must tell them to stop the terrorism. If you see a group report them to US military and tell them where theyre at so we can prevent this horrible event from happening.But will they listen?
I dont have HBO channel sadly... would be nice to watch it as I like documentary..