My heros!
First of all, my hero is my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God who died for me, buried and risen from the dead to save me and God Almighty Himself for sending Jesus to die on the Cross (John 3:16).
Second of all are the American Soldiers who died from all wars ever since American Revolutionary War to preserve our freedom from oppressions.
Third, my mom for taking care of me ever since she carried me. Went through alot of trouble to take care of me since I was a Rubella baby. Taught me how to talk, crawl, walk, dress, taken me to places close and far, loaned me money when I was a kid, and her love.
My dad for introducing me to snowmobiling, money to pay bills when I could not as well as buying me a new car...
Fourth, my teachers for teaching me English, Speech, Drafting, Drawings, etc..the whole 12 years.
And of course, my wife!!!!!! For helping me open up more, loving me!!!
And thousands of other people--from the Bible, from their daily lives, employers, and many more! Too many to list!