Who have own CAMERA SLR?


Active Member
Apr 17, 2003
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MOD: I am not sure this thread is correctly relate here? if not move another.. thank you..

I genuinely work as car washer tech. I had saved some money in pig bank since march 2006. I recently had paid my debt off last month. Yesterday, I got my paycheck come along with my pig bank. Today, I just purchased my lovely CANON 30D BODY today!!! I going to play my camera toy later..hehehe.. I read manual books meantime I put the battery on charger now.. I can't wait to take my lovely 30D to shot everywhere soon...



I feeling WORTH to wait and patient till the beautiful 30D baby born in the world to me...

But I had own another 35mm SLR

I bought the "Rebel" (300) two years ago, and it's just fantastic.
Just snapping pictures.....

I have a 528 memory-card and I download the pictures asap to my laptop; cleaning the card for new pictures...
The connection with the camera is slow, so I use a cardreader. Yours might be fast.

It's great fun. Trying out settings and seeing the effect right away. It's just a great experience.

I'll love to get a new one...Cannon something (not sure which model) for night time only. And another Kodak smaller than what I have. And also get a good one for my son so he can take pictures on his own. He started copy me. :mrgreen:
NIIIIIIIIIIIICEEEEEEE!!! I am drooooooling now hee! :giggle:

XBGMER said:
MOD: I am not sure this thread is correctly relate here? if not move another.. thank you..

I genuinely work as car washer tech. I had saved some money in pig bank since march 2006. I recently had paid my debt off last month. Yesterday, I got my paycheck come along with my pig bank. Today, I just purchased my lovely CANON 30D BODY today!!! I going to play my camera toy later..hehehe.. I read manual books meantime I put the battery on charger now.. I can't wait to take my lovely 30D to shot everywhere soon...



I feeling WORTH to wait and patient till the beautiful 30D baby born in the world to me...

But I had own another 35mm SLR

Wow omfg awesome. I do have a digital camera (5.1 MP) which is pretty good but I would love to have a professional-type digital camera, though.
Oh no, your package does not come with the lens. Hee hee just kidding. What a very expensive camera! I hope that you will love it. You better secure it all the times. Are you going to buy more cards? I saw an old man who owns a pro-digital camera has a plastic book that contains about 12 cards in it. That's another expensive one. Oh boy!
XBGMER said:
MOD: I am not sure this thread is correctly relate here? if not move another.. thank you..

I genuinely work as car washer tech. I had saved some money in pig bank since march 2006. I recently had paid my debt off last month. Yesterday, I got my paycheck come along with my pig bank. Today, I just purchased my lovely CANON 30D BODY today!!! I going to play my camera toy later..hehehe.. I read manual books meantime I put the battery on charger now.. I can't wait to take my lovely 30D to shot everywhere soon...



I feeling WORTH to wait and patient till the beautiful 30D baby born in the world to me...

But I had own another 35mm SLR


OMG! It's a very nice and professional-type digital camera. I have a brand new Sony cybershot DSC-W100 my dad gave me for my birthday. My digital camera is pretty good and has lots of features...
I know Canon SLR can have slow exposure to catch aurora. I wish I have that! I did study how to photograph the space couple months ago.
Cloggy said:
I bought the "Rebel" (300) two years ago, and it's just fantastic.
Just snapping pictures.....

I have a 528 memory-card and I download the pictures asap to my laptop; cleaning the card for new pictures...
The connection with the camera is slow, so I use a cardreader. Yours might be fast.

It's great fun. Trying out settings and seeing the effect right away. It's just a great experience.

Cloggy, Yeah Rebel 300D is solid slr! You have a 528 Cf card? 528??? I've not seen it anywhere.. I think you mistyped it, it is actual 256, 512, 1GB on and on..

Me too, I use cardreader.. ;)

LakeTahoe said:
I'll love to get a new one...Cannon something (not sure which model) for night time only. And another Kodak smaller than what I have. And also get a good one for my son so he can take pictures on his own. He started copy me. :mrgreen:
LakeTahoe, Yeah Kodak is good p&s camera for beginers. Why not you give your kodak camera to your son and you get advance high end camera in future.. :)

I hope you have enjoy with your quality kodak camera take any picture..

LakeTahoe said:
NIIIIIIIIIIIICEEEEEEE!!! I am drooooooling now hee! :giggle:
LakeTahoe, THANKS!! You are so funny.. So you can save your money for advance high end camera like this.. ;)

LuciaDisturbed said:
Wow omfg awesome. I do have a digital camera (5.1 MP) which is pretty good but I would love to have a professional-type digital camera, though.
LuciaDisturbed, THANKS! Yeah I had own canon A610 with 5.0mp.. If you were serious pho·tog·ra·pher then GET THE DIGITAL SLR!!

webexplorer said:
Oh no, your package does not come with the lens. Hee hee just kidding. What a very expensive camera! I hope that you will love it. You better secure it all the times. Are you going to buy more cards? I saw an old man who owns a pro-digital camera has a plastic book that contains about 12 cards in it. That's another expensive one. Oh boy!
webexplorer, (giggle) Haha... I have few lens for 35mm SLR.. So I use those attach within 30D SLR. Do you know 35MM SLR is no longer so expensive.. you can buy 35mm slr for afforable price like 300 to 200 bucks now.. I will make sure to secure my very expensive high zoom end camera slr.. NO ONE TAKEN.....

My answer is yes I love it. It make me take more picture on and on.. because I wanted to practicing three different modes like M= Manual, Av= Apreture-Priority, Tv= Shutter-Proiority on camera.. I had improved "M" and "Av", However "M" modes I use mostly than two modes. but Tv is somewhat hard..

I am still practicing on and on till my skills and expreinces growing in me to knowledge of camera settings..

Seattle.guy said:
OMG! It's a very nice and professional-type digital camera. I have a brand new Sony cybershot DSC-W100 my dad gave me for my birthday. My digital camera is pretty good and has lots of features...
Seattle.guy, Ha! Oh you got new sony cybershot from your father?Wow you are luck.. you must be born with sliverspoon.. hahaha.. I am wondering if sony cybershot is the high end camera slr or what?

starrygaze said:
I know Canon SLR can have slow exposure to catch aurora. I wish I have that! I did study how to photograph the space couple months ago.
starrygaze, you are right what your qoute says.. must have to use tripod to pervent the blurr picture.. I have owned Manfrotto HD PRO Monopod, it is okay I admit.. Because it sometime cause blurr picture when I shake it.. grrrr.. I will get tripod someday... tripod is high price..


I love to share with you what I took some good pictures that put on this post soon..
Those pictures took by I use 30D SLR..

Beauitful pink flower

Shooting Mode: Manual Exposure
Tv( Shutter Speed): 1/160
Av (Aperture Value): 5.0
ISO Speed: 800
Focal Length: 61.0mm
white Balance Mode: Auto

This LOVELY VW JETTA actually is my CAR!

Shooting Mode: Manual Exposure
Tv( Shutter Speed): 1/60
Av (Aperture Value): 4.0
ISO Speed: 800
Focal Length: 28.0mm
white Balance Mode: Auto

Today, I went to park and grab to shot some people play on basketball court in pictures..

Shooting Mode: Manual Exposure
Tv( Shutter Speed): 1/125
Av (Aperture Value): 5.6
ISO Speed: 100
Focal Length: 28.0mm
white Balance Mode: Auto

I went to pick mails up from P.O Box.

Shooting Mode: Manual Exposure
Tv( Shutter Speed): 1/125
Av (Aperture Value): 5.6
ISO Speed: 100
Focal Length: 28.0mm
white Balance Mode: Auto

that is all for now... I am still learning and practicing on and on and on.. I become more performence photographer.. ~~~~~> NEVER TOO LATE FOR ME STILL LEARNING!! <~~~~~ :)
Great pictures.


ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization.

i.e. ISO 100 is the best suit for outdoor (brightness) = "less sensitive exposure"

ISO 400 or higher is for dark background both indoor and outdoor = "very sensitive exposure"

ISO 200 is standard exposure (and f/5.6) which is very common for people to take pictures.

If you want to take a picture for clear distance background view, you can set f/8 (small aperture). We call this f stops which is same for f/#.


Less quality if you use higher ISO such as 800 or 3200 when you take a picture at dark or night. The best way is to use a flash that will give you better picture with ISO set at 400 (?). I don't remember how much difference quality between digital and non-digital for the higher ISO like 800.

Your camera has best color adjustment as a true color than a regular digital camera. It is hard for us to buy a regular digital camera (vary of prices) because of the color problems, and I consider that they are still not perfect.

One more thing, on a brightness day, it is hard to find the right exposure because of the contrast (brightness) like black and white background (i.e. your picture of playing basketball). When it is a cloudy day, it is very good exposure and nice quality picture. If it is a nice and clear day, you should figure out where to find a location to take picture especially avoid the sun in front of you or even both sides, and sometimes in background. Our eyes and your camera's aperture are not the same.
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My eyes are wide and see these pictures are so unbelieve! :jaw: The best pictures ever I see more detail and rich. You are smart to save money in pig bank!
I looked up Manfrotto HD PRO Monopod in Google.com and never see this before. This one can stay without move that prevent blurry you said.
LuciaDisturbed said:
Your pics came out really awesome!
Lucia, Many thanks.. I am still practicing and learning to contuine it..

Liebling:-))) said:
Very good pictures... wow!!
Liebling, Ha Thank you for compliments...

webexplorer said:
Great pictures.


ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization.

i.e. ISO 100 is the best suit for outdoor (brightness) = "less sensitive exposure"

ISO 400 or higher is for dark background both indoor and outdoor = "very sensitive exposure"

ISO 200 is standard exposure (and f/5.6) which is very common for people to take pictures.

If you want to take a picture for clear distance background view, you can set f/8 (small aperture). We call this f stops which is same for f/#.


Less quality if you use higher ISO such as 800 or 3200 when you take a picture at dark or night. The best way is to use a flash that will give you better picture with ISO set at 400 (?). I don't remember how much difference quality between digital and non-digital for the higher ISO like 800.

Your camera has best color adjustment as a true color than a regular digital camera. It is hard for us to buy a regular digital camera (vary of prices) because of the color problems, and I consider that they are still not perfect.

One more thing, on a brightness day, it is hard to find the right exposure because of the contrast (brightness) like black and white background (i.e. your picture of playing basketball). When it is a cloudy day, it is very good exposure and nice quality picture. If it is a nice and clear day, you should figure out where to find a location to take picture especially avoid the sun in front of you or even both sides, and sometimes in background. Our eyes and your camera's aperture are not the same.
webexplorer, whoa, this post is great tips! this make me understanding how to use slr cmaer's setting and adjust..I going copy and paste into wordpad to save.. Many thanks for compliments and tips also..

TweetyBird said:
wow it cool and pictures came out very great!
TB, Many thanks..

starrygaze said:
My eyes are wide and see these pictures are so unbelieve! :jaw: The best pictures ever I see more detail and rich. You are smart to save money in pig bank!
Yeah Just be patient and faith that is very simple.. I felt worth to wait and buy it in right time!! :)

starrygaze said:
I looked up Manfrotto HD PRO Monopod in Google.com and never see this before. This one can stay without move that prevent blurry you said.
starrygaze, i tell you the truth.. Monopod is somewhat not help that prevent blurry picture in night or dark area without flash.. I give you a example picture I taken..:


30D Camera with 75mm-300mm tele-zoom len

Tv( Shutter Speed): 1/60
Av (Aperture Value): 5.6
ISO Speed: 1600
Focal Length: 300.0mm
white Balance Mode: Auto

that why I will buy tripod for special night like july 4th firework or something without flash that I real wanted.. get it? ;)