I hope this doesn't sound lame, it includes some vague bio. The course of my life as a younger male was a long story of making mistakes... Lots of mistakes. Lots of contributing factors and most were mine. Inspiration became something I needed steady doses of just to get going and stay going. I made and found heroes daily. I was an equal opportunity hero seeker and observer. Meanwhile what I thought of myself was mighty small. The day came in my search to somehow stay alive in spite of myself ... I had learned to value that "wee small voice" I hear inside. It said, " Goodonya, be your own hero!". To be able to respect myself and to say yeah I did good... inside...between me and me no one else... those are great moments. For me it's all about being a better person and being honest to myself about whether I am doing it right or wrong, trying to be my own hero, that sure helps! Please excuse the grammatical disaster here ok?