Who agrees with me waking up early and sleeping early is good? HELL NO!


Active Member
Sep 13, 2010
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I'm more nocturnal......I hated getting up very early just to go to school (middle and high school.....why don't just those high schools just let us wake up later?)

It would be great if there were more jobs that allows flexible hours. I find that when I work in labs or have some internship that uses programming, I could work very very late and wake up late as well and work at any time and anywhere. :)

My parents often get grumpy when I follow this sleeping habit. lol.
My 16 y/o daughter is that way. She will sleep until noon or 1pm and then stay up until anywhere from 1-3 am playing on her DS or coloring.

Me, I am a morning person. That's when I get my best stuff done and I the most alert.
I am nocturnal. I do my best work after 9:00 pm.
I function better late at night but I had to force myself to be someone I am not....a morning person for the sake of my career, parenthood, and fitness goals. I am doing ok but cud do better if I was able to sleep in until 8 am daily. Oh well...
Worked nights most all my life, until 2-3-4AM....got up the next day around 7AM, kids off to school, back to sleep until 12....not easy!....
I'm very "foggy headed" in the early AM, so no, I'm not a day person, moreso a night owl....
The cave people or Cro-Magnon went to sleep at dusk. The sunrise made them woke up. We have the electricity that conflict our time and work which became a law for us to follow for many generations.

How will you deal with your needs such going to salons, doctor appointments, parks, banks w/o ATM, etc after you come home from work and everything is closed during the week? DUH! For a permanent job, the worst of all is two weeks vacation per year which is extremely ridiculous.
The cave people or Cro-Magnon went to sleep at dusk. The sunrise made them woke up. We have the electricity that conflict our time and work which became a law for us to follow for many generations.

How will you deal with your needs such going to salons, doctor appointments, parks, banks w/o ATM, etc after you come home from work and everything is closed during the week? DUH! For a permanent job, the worst of all is two weeks vacation per year which is extremely ridiculous.

it's not the electricity. it's the light. it confuses our bodies.
I'm more of a late person, sleep a bit later person. I don't like staying up all night, though. I hate to get up early for work, rather wake up at around 8-9 am instead.
My 16 y/o daughter is that way. She will sleep until noon or 1pm and then stay up until anywhere from 1-3 am playing on her DS or coloring.

Me, I am a morning person. That's when I get my best stuff done and I the most alert.
I C.A.N.N.O.T. do that. it otherwise starts my day lousy. awfully lousy. but I do sleep very late too. :roll:

I'm like kris--up and go! mornings make me giddy. I dread nights. always. everyone sleeps, stores closed, towns quiets down. boring. therefore, makes me restless. my cats, dog (their can opener) and son (his servant) are lucky to have me. :D
I miss those days, lol. I can not sleep past 7 am anymore even I go to bed at 2 am and still wake up before 7 am. I must have 8 hours of sleep or I get grumpy old lady.
Im not a morning person... Im more an evening person, like late afternoon/evening person...

If I could, I would sleep until ten in the morning and stay up until Midnight but sadly I cant do that as Im a parent and I have responsibilty.... So I get up at 8 in the morning and get in bed by 10:30 pm.
I'm a morning person. I hate missing out on the day.
it's not the electricity. it's the light. it confuses our bodies.

Technically, the measure of light is called Lumens. A certain threshold of Lumens (I believe it's 10k, probably the equivalent of sunrise?) forces your brain to respond to it, usually enough to disturb your sleep.

Middle School, High School I was definitely grouchy in the morning. I even did a study for my senior project proving that both kids and academics agree classes should start until a hour later. Didn't work, just a nice pat on the back. In college, I discovered coffee and the flexibility of scheduling class way into the afternoon. Those were the glory days.

These days, I work from 9am -5:30pm. That is the latest start time allowed without a doctors note. I do the most tedious, dumbed down routine work in the morning and in the afternoon, magic happens. Colleagues know when I'm alert. And I do better when I'm consistently getting 9-10 hours of sleep at the same times. But I must say, that during the world cup, I was getting up early to watch the games and found that the day seemed longer. It wasn't that bad. I'm like a rock when I am asleep too. A war could be going on outside and I'd it ignore it to finish my sleep.